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Kashmir solution will make Pakistan ‘normal’: US expert


Apr 25, 2012
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New Delhi - A resolution of the outstanding Kashmir issue would make Pakistan a "more normal state" and reduce its preoccupation with India, said a former CIA officer, who was one of the architects of US President Barack Obama's Af-Pak policy in his first term.

In his latest book Avoiding Armageddon: America, India, and Pakistan to the Brink and Back, Bruce Riedel said by eliminating Pakistan's desire to wage asymmetric warfare against India, it would also discourage Pakistan from making alliances with the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and al Qaeda.

Riedel and late Richard Holbrooke were the architects of Obama's Af-Pak policy. He is currently a research scholar at the prestigious Brookings Institute.

"The resolution of the Kashmir issue would go a long way toward making Pakistan a more normal state and reducing its preoccupation with India," he wrote.

He said it would also remove a major rationale for the army's disproportionate role in Pakistani national security affairs that in turn would help to ensure the survival of genuine civilian democratic rule in the country.

"Former ambassador William Milam, a seasoned South Asia hand, has rightly stressed that the ‘India-Centricity of the Pakistani mindset is the most important factor and variable’ in the future of the country. Such an agreement would not resolve all the tensions between the two neighbours. However, their disputes on issues other than Kashmir are comparatively trivial," he wrote.

"A Kashmir deal would set the stage for a different era in the subcontinent and for more productive interaction between the international community and Pakistan. It could set the stage for a genuine rapprochement between India and Pakistan and nurture trade and economic interaction, which could transform the subcontinent for the better," Riedel said.

He said "it is also in India's interest" to find a solution to the conflict, which had gone on far too long.

"Since the Kargil war in 1999, the Indians have been more open to an American role in Kashmir because they sense that Washington is fundamentally in favour of a resolution to maintain the status quo, which India can accept," he claimed.

"The key to Indian cooperation will be whether the United States can make clear to Pakistan that some red lines regarding terrorism are real, especially a red line on Lashkar-e-Tayyba. If [Congress President] Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister [Manmohan] Singh can point to real evidence that LeT is being broken up and dismantled in Pakistan, then they will have the political clout to advance the back-channel talks to secure a peace breakthrough," Riedel wrote.

"It is clearly in the American interest to try to defuse a lingering conflict that has generated global terrorism and repeatedly threatened to create a full-scale military confrontation on the subcontinent," he wrote.

Kashmir solution will make Pakistan
Its high time that Pakistan and India accept the LOC as international border.

Since there will be no issue on water front, why this Kolaveri.!! Pakistan losing high energy just coz of a piece of land whereas it does not affect India much. It is the future of Pakistan and its people vs a tiny piece of land.
Well if Pakistan is "abnormal" in any way; then presumably Pakistan itself should seek to become "normal".

As far as Jammu and Kashmir is concerned; India has moved on to more important issues in its existence. Jammu and Kashmir is simply a status quo. And there is something called a LOC existent. It is as much a reality as both India and Pakistan. What else can be done beyond that in the present state of relations between the two neighbors is anybody's guess.
So that remains that.
Dismantling the terrorist groups LET, HUM etc by Pakistan will be a good place to start with..
USA will become normal once the agenda of world domination is gone out their minds :cheers:

Pakistan will become normal when the support of USA or China for it becomes Zero :cheers:
Pakistan will become normal...what do you mean :blink:
Reduction of power projection of their armed force and spy agencies over their government would make Pakistan normal.if a country lives under the shadow of "possible coup" every now and then,that country never become normal.and keeping alive of Kashmir issue is important for both army and spy agencies to keep "India" as a permanent threat.only solution could be a strong government,but their democratic govt is corrupt and people loose faith on them too quick.
So Kashmir is causing all this trouble ?

I thought engaging on proxy war as state policy, terrorists groups funded and trained in Pakistan like LeT, JeM, support to Taliban, mushroom growth of groups like LeJ, oppression in Baluchistan, lawless Tribal belts, wide spread corruption, etc. were the reason.

Pakistan can't solve Kashmir alone, but can solve other problems I mentioned. So its up to Pakistan to get their priorities straight.

Kashmir or the present country.
Its high time that Pakistan and India accept the LOC as international border.

Since there will be no issue on water front, why this Kolaveri.!! Pakistan losing high energy just coz of a piece of land whereas it does not affect India much. It is the future of Pakistan and its people vs a tiny piece of land.

Its about water but its also About our brothers, sisters Who are occupied BY indian forces can Some one let their families killed and only watch kashmir was, is , will be part of Pakistan if its so tiny then why dont You let people decide whats good for them they want to be part of Pakistan not india
Its about water but its also About our brothers, sisters Who are occupied BY indian forces can Some one let their families killed and only watch kashmir was, is , will be part of Pakistan if its so tiny then why dont You let people decide whats good for them they want to be part of Pakistan not india
Actually we are concerned about minorities in Kashmir, Ahmedis and Shias living in Kashmir.

People you sent killed 70,000 of your so called brothers and sisters.
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