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Kashmir should become independent from India.

I am afraid u heard my voice from India. Kashmir is too near .

India should OFFER ?? HA HA HA HA HA . Bangladesh is free country now we are thinking about how we can free kashmir from indian occupation..

Ohh came to the point ???? Yes it;s my business. bcz India isn;t a village.

first of all take care of Baluchistan and fata ... what kinda progress does Pak offering to the part of our kashmir under Pak ..
BJP had the highest vote share among all parties in the last elections. That's why Kashmir is an integral part of India and is an internal matter for India.

BJP dominated all the Hindu parts of J&K while PDP reigned supreme in the Valley. And they both combined forces to create the govt. Do you see how politics works in India?

Now you know why it is completely useless to think Kashmir even wants to separate.

The riots will eventually peak, may have already peaked, and they will eventually subside because there is no support to it. That's also why Wahhabi groups like Hurriyat with their pro-Pak tilt have no chance in the elections, they are a tiny minority and have no support from the Kashmiris.

Kashmiris want peace and want to be part of India. And the obvious political and religious situation proves why all the nonsense happening there is not being done by the Indian govt. In fact the Indian govt is protecting the Kashmiri way of life.

Indian govt is protecting the Kashmiri way of life? HOw by killing ? Destroying? By Occupying ? Then u r r8.
It is banned here. And it doesn't mean pure. Pak means pure. Just to drive the point home, it isn't all right to use the term bengi even you are yourself Asian.

They use it themselves ask them
if the people who talk about seperation stand in elections of JK they will will not win even a single seat,these people tried in the past and lost badly,thats why they boycot elections.
MAy be they gave vote MODI. So what ? It is internal matter for India. How many Kashmiri people gave vote for MODi? Highest 000.1%.
You are making fool out of yourself here.
0.1% eh. The BJP/PDP got 55% vote in the General Elections and over 45% in the J&K elections. Speaks much.
She is our Puppet then who needs to take over if we already have our person on right position ....and I agree with you you are muslims then whats shame in merging with your [previous pure refined and high class muslims .... Muslims of PAkistan and Muslims of Bangladesh will become great Black and white power :)
Yah we also think RAw is inside awami govt. Back footed Govt. Hasina is what ? She just a puppet. Main power belongs from the muslims in Bangladesh. So dn;t worry. India once failed in 1975. Now it;s our time.

what a shame @Major d1 that your previous master are not accepting you even for free of cost with no delivery charges :( ... @django buddy you have really hurted the guy who is lobbying for Kashmir in your favour...

Not for all the money in the world. I mean that genuinley
In one sentence giving ur 3 points answer- State diplomacy means state to state relation. We have relation wid Pk , Even in India. but the fact is on the belafh of relion method- Our Diplomacy is staged with pk on the method of religion. I meant people by the govt. doesn't exit now days. But without ppls warn govt. is useless.
You said, you'll answer in one sentence, but actually wrote three sentence, which is completely meaningless, with poor Grammar usage..
Pls explain in short, in simple grammar which can be easily understood, by layman..
They call their restaurants Mughlai restaurants, and serve the most awful rubbish. If they stuck to machher-jhol and bhaat, nobody would find it objectionable or risible. They don't.

Bangladesh was once India and later Pakistan. So Mughlai is as much Bangladeshi as Indian or Pakistani. Infact some Chinese foods have now become 'Bangladeshi' food with some fusions. Bangladeshi cuisine is a mix of Bengali+Mughlai+Chinese+Indian foods.
Bangladesh was once India and later Pakistan. So Mughlai is as much Bangladeshi as Indian or Pakistani. Infact some Chinese foods have now become 'Bangladeshi' food with some fusions. Bangladeshi cuisine is a mix of Bengali+Mughlai+Chinese+Indian foods.

Without going into the merits of your analysis, the point is that the Bangladeshis cooking at these ersatz Mughlai joints simply don't know how to cook these dishes. The food is horrible. As I said, 'machher jhol' and 'bhaat', maybe; Mughlai paratha, Nargisi kofta and Murgh masallam, not really.
India has continually abused the wishes of the Kashmiri people to either become part of Pakistan or become independent. Admittedly, since Pakistan is unstable right now, it would be better for Kashmir to be independent, or at least an autonomous republic with Pakistan. My arguments for this are:

1. The majority of Ethnic Kashmiris are Muslim.
Even today, the only part of Kashmir that isn't of Muslim majority is Jammy. This is because India has promoted migration to Kashmir, as a way of saying, "Hey everyone, Kashmir isn't a Muslim land!".

2.Human Rights Violation by India against ethnic Kashmiris-

There is random disappearances of any person who dares to speak out against the Indian Government. Indian police force (most of whom aren't even from Kashmir), abuse their powers. Torture has even been used. There have been more than 93,000 innocent deaths in Indian Occupied Kashmir from 1989 to June, 2016.

3. Kashmiris do not want to be part of India

Most kashmiris want to be independent. Many less would like to be part of Pakistan. Even less for India.

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She is our Puppet then who needs to take over if we already have our person on right position ....and I agree with you you are muslims then whats shame in merging with your [previous pure refined and high class muslims .... Muslims of PAkistan and Muslims of Bangladesh will become great Black and white power :)

what a shame @Major d1 that your previous master are not accepting you even for free of cost with no delivery charges :( ... @django buddy you have really hurted the guy who is lobbying for Kashmir in your favour...
Banglas are best off with Bangla, Kashmir is best off with Pak. end of story.
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