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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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You misspelled Khamenei's name. I corrected it in the original and quoted posts. Since you didn't just drop a character or two and instead transformed the name into a slur, you will do well to not press the point and chicken out now that you have been confronted.

As for why you need to back the hell off, one pretty darn good reason would be that you continue to give strategic relationship threads, which have nothing to do with mullahs or sectarianism, a sectarian colour. You need to understand that every country has a right to its own form of government. If you don't like mullahs governing Iran, tough. If you don't like the Queen being the sovereign of England, ditto. Your personal preferences don't give you any right to be abusive.

Keep your sectarian tilts close to your chest. Put that ugliness where it belongs and don't pollute this forum with it.

sure i have certain problems with iran - yet why the heck you need to threaten me to "back off" about expressing my dismay with their previous behavior is pretty mind boggling - unless its a taboo subject because my gripes are with their political choices, nothing else

and the accusation of sectarianism is mind boggling - there is not an iota of evidence from what i have posted to suggest i am in the anti shia camp - the complete opposite, you have your wires very very crossed, religion is not the motivation here.
^^ its same as labelling every terrorism as jihad, the words are pretty much globalized and the traits of nations are brought in the most fimiliar famous example and refered that way in order to make a point..
There are some indian kids on this forum, he is the Supreme Leader, and more powerful than the President, his word is law.

And being a Shia myself, I would like to thank the mods for refusing sectarianism on this site.

Thank you Iran:)
China will not turn its back on Iran.

China needs Iran for oil and gas, and Iran needs China.

China will not jeopardize its relations with Iran for the west.

Its fascinating to see some Pakistanis act like self proclaimed spokespersons for China and its foreign policy....

Lets be clear on one thing....
No Pakistani....nor a Chinese person on this forum has ANY say in China's foreign policy....You might as well be speaking to a wall...

Chinese foreign policy is driven by the CPC ONLY....so what they might or might not do is at max speculation on your part especially considering the insignificance it has to the Chinese policymakers...
sure i have certain problems with iran - yet why the heck you need to threaten me to "back off" about expressing my dismay with their previous behavior is pretty mind boggling - unless its a taboo subject because my gripes are with their political choices, nothing else

and the accusation of sectarianism is mind boggling - there is not an iota of evidence from what i have posted to suggest i am in the anti shia camp - the complete opposite, you have your wires very very crossed, religion is not the motivation here.

I am not going to play games with you. Your mind can get as boggled as it likes but it should abstain from infusing sectarianism into these discussions if it wants to continue participation here. Case closed. End of discussion. Move along.
Its fascinating to see some Pakistanis act like self proclaimed spokespersons for China and its foreign policy....

Lets be clear on one thing....
No Pakistani....nor a Chinese person on this forum has ANY say in China's foreign policy....You might as well be speaking to a wall...

Chinese foreign policy is driven by the CPC ONLY....so what they might or might not do is at max speculation on your part especially considering the insignificance it has to the Chinese policymakers...

Yes but the CPC - knows the writing on the wall :pakistan::china:
I am not going to play games with you. Your mind can get as boggled as it likes but it should abstain from infusing sectarianism into these discussions if it wants to continue participation here. Case closed. End of discussion. Move along.

complete straw man argument, i have no idea what i have said to make you upset, this is meant to be a place with "enlightened" moderators, i can't go around calling you a black hater, or a hindu hater without explanation, so why can you do the same to me?
I thought I already "explained" to you that you writing out Khamenei's name as a slur was unacceptable. I corrected that for you instead of deleting your post and warned you. Perhaps I should just have banned you instead for your cheap bit of passive aggressive trolling.
There is a reason why ToI outsells papers like the Hindu by some 100:1 margin. Tomorrow expect Arnab Goswami on Times Now to go hammer and tongs at some Iranian Ambassador on TV. I expect the Iranian Govt. to issue a clarification soon and the dust will settle.
Read b/w those extracts-Even though they doesn't mean this says officials of OIC..
r3alist: Really? You are going to ask me what you said that might be considered "objectionable"? In the same post you have admitted to calling a religious leader and a friendly country's head of state "******" for no reason whatsoever. As per forum policy you are banned. Take some time off, come back once you've dispensed with the rudeness and we can continue the discussion.
They alread gotta handful of frnds with lots of hot issues unresolved,its india who providing a thin sheet diplomatically against US - ISRAEL ATTACK so i don't think they want to loose india support anytime soon.. And well about zionist regime then they must ready to see IAF PLANES HOVERING OVER IRAN From israeli airspace ,do they mean like that ? ?
Another Anti US feelings being displaced onto India...:disagree:

But the reality is India has its own foreign policy and fixed long term strategy for the region and the world. So it would be foolish for any one to believe that India is submissive or can change directions on some one else's bidding.

Interesting the forum seems strict Unipolar on opinions..:lol:
'Friend' Iran calls India a Zionist regime

Indrani Bagchi, TNN, Nov 19, 2010, 12.36am IST

NEW DELHI: Iran is a close friend of India, but that has not prevented its supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, from asking the world's Muslims to support the "struggle" in Kashmir against "Zionist regimes".

In his Haj message to pilgrims earlier this week, Khamenei said, "Today the major duties of the elite of the Islamic Ummah is to provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime, to safeguard the solidarity of Muslims and stop tainted hands and mercenary voices that try to damage this unity, to spread awakening and the sense of responsibility and commitment among Muslim youth throughout Islamic communities."

In the 1990s, India had registered its gratitude to Iran for helping it out diplomatically on Kashmir on human rights. But despite it all, Iran continues to play the Kashmir card in the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), as do other Islamic countries even as they privately tell the Indian foreign office that they did not mean it.

'Friend' Iran calls India a Zionist regime - The Times of India


I don't think You should trust Iran.It can backstab you for sure.

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