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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I am a MUSLIM, and then I am a PAKISTANI.

Do you feel the burnnnnnn?

Why do you people enjoy separating Islam from Muslims? It's as if half the members are obsessed with doing that in this forum (okay, I will be barraged with articles regarding 'non-existed Islamic unity')...

If not also religious, Kashmir is an affair of both India and Pakistan.
There is no point arguing why not conduct the plebiscite promised by Nehru under UN supervision the world's largest democracy can afford a democratic referendum or plebiscite can't it!

the fact of the matter is, the presence of the occupational forces (the sissies) is only to hindustan's peril. Ask any Kashmiri and they will say that they loathe their presence. Occupied Kashmiris always declare August 15th as a black day; this is an annual phenomenon

these alone are very telling signs!

"integral part" argument = no credibility; no truth in it whatsoever; laugh-worthy at best
So 200 million Muslims died in Gujrat?

And what about those hundreds of thousands of mosques in every nook and corner of India?

Did you yourself read the Ayodhya verdict?

And the fruits of loyalty to Pakistan is that Ahmedis are declared non-Muslim.

Very well said. Some people make flame-ish comments about things which are completely India's business and then scream when we bring up Balochistan, Pukhtoonkhwa, Ahmadiyas, Shias, Punjabi dominance and all that. Then we are told to shut up, since it is completely "Pakistani internal matter". But the endless nose-poking and unwanted comments continue unabated from some people.
In India they are living under Hinduism. even your so-called secular justice system proved its is also ORANGE. And my question again to bhartis what You Hindu Indians have given to Muslims for their choice to remain in India? Why you question the Indianism of a Muslim when he speaks against injustices to him in India?

so living under Hinduism is actually many people in Pakistan r unable to tolerate whatever the condition's would b,we r not questioning the Indianism of Muslims but it is u who r questioning the Islamic values of an Indian,because chocing to staying back in India they themselves have broken ur illusions about ur religion,and what India have given Muslims,u people brag a lot about Gujrat riots,do u know muslims in gujrat r the most prosperous in india,and their r many imminent personalities here,not just a number that u can count with hands,but a number u will exhaust while counting,ask them what India had given them

The recent example here is of Firefighter an Indian Muslim member who has reservations against one-sided verdict in Babri Mosque and he was cowed down by Indians here and were asking him to prove himself Indian first and Muslim second.:tdown: personal freedom ? oh yeah very much visible.

With some minority exceptions u want to prove ur case,u choose to count 1 man,but ignore to count one whole body just because they speak for India,angering the guardian's of islam,bringing dis reputation to ur illusions,this is a nation were not just Muslim but any minority can become a President or Prime minister,now dont tell to much about minority protection,as u r a nation which wrote kafir on the chest of a dead Hindu,anyway more Muslims r killed in Pakistan then those get killed in India,so u have no right to ask about their freedom

They are considered minority and second class citizens in India. We have no issue with their choice. Their situation is like "na ghar ka na ghat ka"

No we dont treat them the way u treat Muhajirs,actually we also speak about them here,na ghar ke na ghat ke

You have severe problem of comprehension here. It is failure of their choice. Our religion strong enough to send oldest religion in fear of being dominated by a young religion

Its ur failure of comprehension,i never mentioned anything about clash of civilization's or religion's,u bigotry is pushing u to think the same

This is not your right to ask Indian Muslims to keep their nation above their religion. Let them decide that.

2. Your deo bandi mullah can speak for YOU i have no issue with and i already said he is speaking for India. Since Kashmir is an occupied country hence NO Indian statement is for Kashmiri right.

The Indian government has tried to play this card but miserably failed after use of force against Kashniris

and this is also not ur right to ask Indian Muslim to put religion before nation,just mind ur own business,Indian Muslims know what is good for them

deobandi can definitely speak for us and for Kashmir also as far as we control it,if u think they cant mention about it then first take Kashmir from our hands and then brag about it,since they had breaken ur illusion's of ummah i know why u harbour so hatred against them,against a nationalistic Indian muslim
India seals off Kashmir to fend off fresh protest

Published on Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 15:52

Police on Tuesday sealed off residential areas and reimposed a round-the-clock curfew in the Kashmir valley to pre-empt the first anti-India rally since authorities announced concessions to end violent protests.

A new protest with a wide following would have been interpreted as a setback for New Delhi's peace initiative launched three weeks ago and obliged the government to pursue other ways to deal with the unrest in the disputed region.

The hardline separatist leader in majority-Muslim Kashmir called on residents to defy the curfew and go into the streets.

Thousands of police and soldiers in riot gear patrolled deserted streets and told residents through loudspeakers to stay indoors.

"Authorities have decided to impose valley-wide strict curfew restrictions," a police statement said. "There are no reports of any untoward incident from anywhere so far."

At least 110 people have been killed since June, mostly by police bullets. The protests are the biggest since an armed revolt 1989 against Indian rule in the Himalayan region, which both India and Pakistan claim in full but rule in parts.

The recent wave of protests in Indian Kashmir subsided after New Delhi relaxed security in Srinagar, the summer capital, freed some 50 protesters, announced compensation for families of the dead and offered to talk to all political groups.

But many Kashmiris dismiss the offer as inadequate and hardline separatists said they would press on with protests.

Opinion surveys show a large majority of Kashmiris favour independence from the region from both India and Pakistan.

Over the past four months, the Kashmir valley has been in a siege-like state of strikes, protests and curfews. Shops have remained shut, along with most schools, and daily activities are subject to severe disruption.

Tuesday's rally had been called by Syed Ali Shah Geelani, a hardliner who has emerged as the leading figure in anti-Indian protests.

"In this situation, we have only two options: either surrender before Indian bullying, or uphold the sanctity of our sacrifices and struggle on till we achieve our goal," he said in a statement.

Tens of thousands have been killed in Kashmir since simmering discontent against Indian rule turned into a full-blown rebellion over two-decades ago.

India and Pakistan have fought two of their three wars since partition and independence in 1947 over the region.

India seals off Kashmir to fend off fresh protest - Reuters -

so what's wrong
I am a MUSLIM, and then I am a PAKISTANI.

Do you feel the burnnnnnn?

Why do you people enjoy separating Islam from Muslims? It's as if half the members are obsessed with doing that in this forum (okay, I will be barraged with articles regarding 'non-existed Islamic unity')...

If not also religious, Kashmir is an affair of both India and Pakistan.

If that was directed to me, I could care less. Like I said I seen pakistani people asking very small number of members to be Pakistani first.

Also just saying I'm muslim first then pakistani doesn't prove anything. It's easy to talk the talk but you gotta walk the walk too.
Those who were scared to get killed and who refused to give sacrifices during partition Were NOT at all part of Pakistan in anyway. So there is NO question of defeat of idea of Pakistan.

Well Pakistan as a concept fails when you include the creation of BD.....
So its not that Pakistanis cant live with Hindus, its that Pakistanis cant live with each other as well....so why blame "Hindu domination"...because that obviously wasnt the cause!

Besides.....the fact that a significant population of Muslims stayed back in India screams that Pakistan as a concept was not favorable to all Muslims...

Now apply that to Kashmir where similar sentiments exist.....Some want freedom, some want pakistan, some want India.....
Dont you think a second partition is needed?

If there was fair referendum and there were three options

1. Join India
2. Join Pakistan
3. Form a separate country

then majority would have either opted for Pakistan or a separate country but would not have joined a Hindu dominated India.

What an asinine comment....

Self-fulfilling prophecy at best.....

So using the examples of the recent years (Ayodhya, Gujrat) you are basing that Indian Muslims would not want to live in India....

Based on the current situations of Muslims in Pakistan....do you think anyone would want to be part of that mess?

Please....except for the few isolated incidents, Muslims of India have been provided adequate security in all spheres of life.....so please dont try mislead people on an international forum as though Pak is a "safe haven" for Muslims....

At present, it is a safe haven for Al Qaeda, Afghan Taliban and TTP and no one else!
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yes - but when there is no democracy - no chance for freedom violence follows
I never mentioned that all Pakistani's are brainwashed but I think you will agree that both sides do twist the information to suit their needs.

I am positive that these women have no first hand information and are just following someone's script.

What will happen when a group of people are fed propoganda material and they have no idea on things on the ground. That is my point.

Also lot of incorrect information floating on web and posted on this forum as well. People reading them does not care if the information is correct.

To point out one single thing.
Ask members here and they will tell you that women are being raped in Kashmir day in day out by Indian Army.

Fact is between 2009 and 2010 this count stands ZERO.
One of the member (Elite) of this forum use to say this every place and I asked for number of women being raped recently.

Now does this not proof that people who talk about Kashmir has no idea.

I am all for discussion on facts but creating emotions on distorted facts will help no one.

First of all the post in question was generalising and that is where you stepped in. Secondly, whatever information that is released to the public, it is used for the purpose of informing the population, them can then be influenced by the content of it or some other source is irrelevant in this thread as the article is not accusing anyone of anything.

Sure there are details that might necessarily be true but no where in the media of Pakistan will this news be of most importance. As for the **** allegations, no one in the Pakistani media has said anything to that affect.

This article did not distort any facts but you seem to be ranting for some odd reason.

so are you saying that you don not want Kashmir???

When did I say that?
Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind is almost as much (if not as much) an enemy of Pakistan (as a country, as an idea) as the radical saffron outfits

incidentally, the 2nd post in this thread did a good job reflecting the views of occupied Kashmiris with regards to the so-called "ulema e hind"

if increasing the size of their constituency (to include occupied Kashmiris) was their goal, they definitely blundered and f*cked it up big time; especially in an era where there seems to be calls for total independence from some younger circles in the Kashmir.

they can't be bought....they can't be placated by the occupational forces (sissies) or the politicians sitting comfortably all the way in dilly
Is it fashionable to append 'y' after each common noun that ends with 'i', or is it a practice exclusively been carried out in Pakistan?

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