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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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It doesn't matter, they are not our lands to begin with.

There should be a series of plebiscites, first with one question. "Do you want Independence? or Join Pakistan / India?"

If Independence fails then we vote between Pakistan and India, if Independence wins we don't need to do the second plebiscite.

Upon any resolution we'll make it mandatory on the Kashmiris to allow another plebiscite to for regional votes.

In case Jammu, Leh and and GB don't agree with the new federation and want to be with Pakistan/India.

This ensures democracy wins. The people get to choose.

PS Northern Areas is known as GB now. So you cant count that separately.

Certainly first time I agree with you on Kashmir issue. I don't have problem with Kashmir independence until it is another de facto Talibani zone. Certainly loosing kashmir is not going to be shortage of water but a another military problem for India. But certainly a independent kashmir with UN troops, should not be problem for me.
these indians are so jealous of muslim unity that thaey have never been able to digest the creation of pakistan.breaking it gives them the false satisfaction that balochis,punjabis,sindhis,muhajirs are just races and that the concept of muslim united pakistan does not exist.they have never understood the feeling of muslim brotherhood and never will.Infact they are fighthing against an ideology..good luck..
Be happy that india is a hindu majority state, or else if minorities were to demand seperation from a muslim majority state like KSA and resort to stone pelting on security forces ,the world knows that a leg and a hand diagonally will be chopped off form their body..Mighty shariat u know..
I strongly feel kashmiris who advocate freedom for the creation of a shariat abiding state should get the taste of shariat.Tey should be puished acording to shariat law

dont worry they wont chop your hand off.poor guy he's so scared.
dear the word is shaheed.
Shahadat is reserved only for those who fight and die like Men, not like the sneaky Rats that they are born and trained to be. And, by that logic, do you consider the Taliban also as shaheed when they are killed by the Pakistani Army ?
One thing I can't understand ... why free Kashmir is thought of merging with Pakistan? Who would want to merge with a country on the verge of economic collapse even if its for religious sake. It doesn't make any sense ... who would go and kill their own economy and their livelihoods.

what you really should be asking is, despite a relatively more favourable economic situation -- why do Kashmiris (of all generations) still despise hindustan's occupation? Why the massive uprising, the largest since over a decade?

they are fed up of occupation (and on top of that, brutal mistreatment, vandalism, harassment by we know who)

macroeconomic indicators are not good marketing tools to sway (or coerce) Kashmiris into surrendering their dreams and aspirations, which have been existing for quite some time now.

the sooner indian realize this, it will be good for your mental and physical health :police:

p.s. imposing curfews and bandhs (and a little bit of tear-gas and rubber/live ammunition discharges) are more likely to have a more adverse impact on the local economy -- that is one key factor behind the "killed" economy and their livelihoods that you were talking about
Shahadat is reserved only for those who fight and die like Men

yes dear those who lie under your tanks with bombs to defend their nation.

sneaky Rats

why are you calling yourself this?isnt baniya enough of a disgrace for you?

do you consider the Taliban also as shaheed when they are killed by the Pakistani Army ?

im not sitting here to answer your questions ..but one thing is for sure that when we kill your soldiers(sneaky rats) like dogs they are definitively not shaheed..
these indians are so jealous of muslim unity that thaey have never been able to digest the creation of pakistan.breaking it gives them the false satisfaction that balochis,punjabis,sindhis,muhajirs are just races and that the concept of muslim united pakistan does not exist.they have never understood the feeling of muslim brotherhood and never will.Infact they are fighthing against an ideology..good luck..

Hmm, new joinee - rush of rapid posts on Kashmir, eh? So, let me be the first to respond to you.

What Islamic unity are you talking about? The same unity that caused East Pakistan to separate? The same unity due to which almost every citizen of Afghanistan hates you to the core? I can go on and on, don't have much time... good luck to you, if you want to bleed yourself for another 63 years!
yes dear those who lie under your tanks with bombs to defend their nation.
Nice, so we have Tanks in Kashmir now ? I think you must be confused about IA and the PA which is killing its own civilians and using Gunships and choppers to kill them ? And as far bombs go, the only one who are strapped with them are the TTP who get their 72 houris after sending some of the boys over in the PA to their jannat.

why are you calling yourself this?isnt baniya enough of a disgrace for you?
I don't know which is better ? But i do know what you called yourself below.

im not sitting here to answer your questions ..but one thing is for sure that when we kill your soldiers(sneaky rats) like dogs they are definitively not shaheed..
That's a big When. As of now, save the hide of your own canines when the TTP are doing daily Diwalis and i don't see a bright future either when PA moves into NW.

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