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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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So according to you Being Secular and A Democratic Nation India should allow people to Burn Government offices.....Throw stones at Government employees.....Please try and do same thin in your country and see what happens then.

People come to street protest and throw stone when indian govt office is used for occupation and repression. Besides demonstration is democratic right.
`Good riddance...

Any one who resorts to violence to challenge the writ of state and hence trying to disrupt the normal functioning and creating trouble for PEACE LOVING PATRIOTIC citizen of india deserve to be punished ...and in extreme circumstances extreme measures are to be taken...

KIT and OUT..
People come to street protest and throw stone when indian govt office is used for occupation and repression. Besides demoonstration is democratic right.

When protesters turn rioters.....Government agencies are bound to take action....thats a globally accepted practice.
People come to street protest and throw stone when indian govt office is used for occupation and repression. Besides demoonstration is democratic right.

So, you have shifted your attention from your own struggle of freedom from our stooges or, have joined anti-india movement ...?
in any case we dont give a damn...
People come to street protest and throw stone when indian govt office is used for occupation and repression. Besides demoonstration is democratic right.

Demonstration is their right but not with gun, swords, lathis, stones, petrol bombs. We allow their human and democratic right that is why there are separatists get their chance for public speaking and allow them to participate in our democratic elections.
So, you have shifted your attention from your own struggle of freedom from our stooges or, have joined anti-india movement ...?
in any case we dont give a damn...

I dont think Kashmiris dont give a damm what indians thinks, they are struggling for what is rightfully their.
So, you have shifted your attention from your own struggle of freedom from our stooges or, have joined anti-india movement ...?
in any case we dont give a damn...

Leave it jha bro, They even think that BSF kills BDs just for sake of fun or for gun firing test.
Why is it worrying Pakistan?
Is pakistan an international peace organization?
Or is it soo humanitarian to worry for them?
I doubt,cuz then 26/11 wouldn't have occurred.
Kashmir: The Domino Effect
By Sameer Bhat

03 August, 2010

It is awful to follow Kashmir these days. Each voice in the tiny valley carries a hint of sob. Every hour brings in more sad tidings. The roar and the smoke of clash seem to be getting louder by the hour. Curlicues of Barbwire and Dannert wire appear ineffective. All efforts made to describe the strange shape of this furor have gone wrong. Without attempting to be all too worked up, it is safe to assume that the Tehreek [movement for Freedom in Kashmir] is on an auto-pilot.

There is a limit point upto which the human mind is capable of remembering names and ages. So many kids have fallen to ugly force in the last couple of weeks that the threshold has not only been submerged, it is completely blanked out now. Since the mind is programmed to seek answers, partly to beat the tedium and partly to comprehend what is going on, opinions are abound. Like moths on a starless night. Everybody – from the harried CM Omar Abdullah to the underground fugitive Masrat Alam – is incriminated. Vox Populi is filled with bewilderment.

The right to protest is a fundamental right under Article 19 of the Constitution of India. Throwing stones is not. Setting fire to government property is not. Clearly someone is not abiding by the law of the land. But that is not the whole picture. The rules on the use of force against unlawful crowds are also clear. Section 130 of India’s Code of Criminal Procedure, is clear: ‘If the assembly cannot be dispersed otherwise and it is necessary in public interest, then the executive magistrate can order armed forces to disperse the assembly. Even then, every officer must use as little force, and do as little injury to people.’
In Kashmir the line between natural rights and legal rights is often quite blurry.

At this moment a fear of the awkward looms. No one knows what happens next.
The protests come along as asymmetrical. Bricks don’t come from Pakistan, as prime- time TV anchors with prim faces smeared with foundation cosmetics would break down for us. The weekly Hartal calendars issued from some hideaway, much electronegative as they are, continue to be followed in letter and spirit. The traditional opposition to the ruling coterie, Hurriyet, appears as naïfly as the common man. Omar is politically sidelined – trying to assert his authority by taking turns subsequently to preach on TV, order probes, dash off to Delhi (as and when summoned) and express -- what can be at best be called a cross between impuissance and an inability to do anything.

Three full fortnights of strikes have passed by. While it strikes one as windy and impractical, given the fact that the axe falls first on the less privileged, the effrontery is seriously alarming. The curfews are getting punitive. Phones in more sensitive pockets of the valley are jammed for well over a month. Text messaging doesn’t work at all. Six million men and women of Kashmir are finding it hard to grasp what they can do and what they are allowed to do.

No one talks about the silver minted look of Omar anymore. As if on cue, everyone is looking up at the sky. The clouds appear shaped like stones.

Kashmir: The Domino Effect By Sameer Bhat
I hate to make a point of any dead.

But tell me how many are dead in Karachi.

You have given me 45 dead in Over a month.

Yet in a very short span of time many more died in Karachi.

Yet you make comments like Indian barbarity.

Karachi is not disputed territory Kashmir is. Pakistan Army is not killing people in Karachi but Indian Army is in Kashmir.

People of two or three different political parties are fighting among themselves they are not demanding freedom from Pakistan. People in Indian Occupied Kashmir are demanding freedom from India.

I hope you get the picture. There is no comparison between the two situations.
Indians cannot justify killing Kashmiris just because they are beating them up. Kashmiris have been invaded and are being killed in PROVEN faked encounters. By a pure moral stand point it is within the rights of Kashmiris to kill their Indian occupiers but the Indian occupiers are not within their rights to kill them back - this is not self-defence on the part of the Indians but on the Kashmiris.

Actually its the police of J & K assited by central CRPF who is fire fighting not just these fatal stone pelter but rioters & arsonist and still deal with them with utmost restrain ,only firing in self defence when faced with grave damage to personnel and public property.
Demonstration is their right but not with gun, swords, lathis, stones, petrol bombs. We allow their human and democratic right that is why there are separatists get their chance for public speaking and allow them to participate in our democratic elections.

Post pictures showing that demonstrators were armed or carrying weapons unless offcourse you consider stone a WMD.
I dont think Kashmiris dont give a damm what indians thinks, they are struggling for what is rightfully their.

Good for them, isn;t it...?
Why dont you come and join them..?
oh wait you are already in your own struggle of freedom from us in your country...so sad..got rid of Pakistan in 71 and are being ruled by bharat now..

Now since we have had our share of trolling, leave this thread for rookies..
That's correct and thats probably what you should be saying, not that "Oh they are pelting us so we are forced to kill them. No sir, don't jerk us around, you're not forced to kill them. You can up and leave from Kashmir and no one will kill you.

In this whole scenario, you drew first blood by occupying Kashmir and from there on it's within Kashmiris' rights to do anything to you and they will be on the right and you will be on the wrong.

They are killing the villains of this story, they are on the right.

Whatever works you...Net Net, We believe its a part of our country and will do what we as a country see fit. You can call it murder or rights abuse.. Doesnt impact us at all.

Would have been different if India and Pakistan were friendly nations but they are not. As I said else where, India and Pakistan are the real enemies of each other and an enemy's demand about a state that we consider as a part of our nation has no importance.

Now for these misguided citizens of ours (btw over 70% of them carry India's voter ID cards). If they break Law and Order, they will be treated just like residents of any other state of India. There is an escalating level of force usage which has deadly force as a valid level. Results in deaths of people indulging in violent activities. Unfortunate but unavoidable. If you pick up a stone to hit a member of security forces, dont expect only a stone coming back at you.

On the rest of your post.. No question of jerking you around as in our eyes, you are not an impacted/interested party in the whole thing. Its between India and some of its citizens. You can tie your self to any imaginary thread of your choice and jerk around. We are really not interested in either the cause or impact of that jerking..

On First blood.. No point going there since we disagree on the events of 1947 and no thread is long enough to reach an agreement there..

Us getting up and leaving.. Well, all I can say is dont hold your breath...
Actually its the police of J & K assited by central CRPF who is fire fighting not just these fatal stone pelter but rioters & arsonist and still deal with them with utmost restrain ,only firing in self defence when faced with grave damage to personnel and public property.

Your information is outdated. Army has been called in since July 2010 to impose curfew.
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