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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Stop writing nonsense. Pakistan Army is fighting a well armed group of people who wish to implement their agenda by the force of gun. People of the area are supporting army not demonstrating against them. Don't compare the two scenarios.

Says who ? Pakistani Army is fighting Taliban -- and this might well be the people who were actually residing in the area and who followed the radical Islam ideology. Not all People that Pakistani Army are outsiders -- after all the name of the Taliban itself is TTP (Tehreek 'E' Taliban Pakistan)..Goes to show that TTP didnt agree with the state and the state is now crushing them; why should the GoI behave any differently ?
There is a sizeable majority of Indian people in Kashmir who choose to stay away from all this BS. Hypocrisy don't you think ?

Your army is killing innocent stone throwers. Guess your army does not have anything else to do rather than kill unarmed people. Well one can not blame them when they face armed men they are usually found 100 miles away.

And what would you do when stone throwers are destroying government property -- blowing up ammunition dump , etc ? In betn why do you think stone throwing is unarmed ? Make no mistake -- a neighbour throws stones at your house and you will make sure you his **** out ! Government has issued shoot at sight orders -- it is peoples responsibility to hider that or choose to waste their lives away -- no need to cry horse over it. These innocent people are used as canon fodder by people sitting across border to propagate their own selfish agenda...Pakistan has trying to raise or do something about Kashmir for 60 years -- This pre-occupation of muslim brotherhood has led pakistan to where they are ! A breeding ground of terror -- which even Global leaders are begining to point out --- Its time they put their house in order or just be prepared to get washed away in global race.

By the way have you ever wondered the people your brave army is killing are not Indian citizens and one day you might have to face war crimes tribunal for your actions.

Hoping that you consider me a reliable poster ! ... All my life -- i have been taught Kashmiri's are Indians --- just as Keralites or Tamilians or Punajbi's or Gujratis or Mah or etc are Indians..
People residing in Kashmir are indians with Indian passports -- who has the option of working anywhere in India, in any firm -- Hell they get a special consideration in all states if they opt to study in a school in that state -- Courtesy GoI!!!! People residing in Kashmir -- If they ever come to US -- they will be coming on Indian passport -- and not on Kashmiri Passport...Please keep this war crime BS to yourself !
Indians cannot justify killing Kashmiris just because they are beating them up. Kashmiris have been invaded and are being killed in PROVEN faked encounters. By a pure moral stand point it is within the rights of Kashmiris to kill their Indian occupiers but the Indian occupiers are not within their rights to kill them back - this is not self-defence on the part of the Indians but on the Kashmiris.
Who invaded who? Pakistan, when it first came into existence in 1947, instead of setting its own house in order, invaded the then independent state of Kashmir on a flimsy pretext, and you blame India for all the ills? ROFLOCOPTER! Delusions, delusions, delusions and nothing but delusions, my friend!
Why dont you guys set your own house in order first?
The honorable thing for the Indians to do is to shut up, sit tight and get killed.
Nuts! We are not going to become martyrs, lol. hmn hmn, no. We shall make sure that honor is bestowed upon the opposing basterd to become a martyr for his/her ideology. Happy martyrdom to whoever wants to disturb normalcy in Kashmir.
Kashmiris have been invaded and are being killed in PROVEN faked encounters.

Fake encounters doesnt happen only in Kashmir -- They happen and the origin is in Mumbai -- Police do pick up notorious criminals and bump them off to clean the scum -- why ? Because our judiciary process sucks , and the criminals with money/circumstances get away or it just takes long time...why should Kashmir be any different ? People who are on the wrong side of the law -- better fear rather than smirk that judiciary wont do **** to them.
Last i heard Pak Army is also adopting a similar approach in FATA -- what was the story about the people being executed and bodies floating in rivers ?

By a pure moral stand point it is within the rights of Kashmiris to kill their Indian occupiers but the Indian occupiers are not within their rights to kill them back - this is not self-defence on the part of the Indians but on the Kashmiris.

If moral had been so important -- USA would have never invaded Iraq..this is 21st century -- apply 21st century principles -- only interests matter -- If GoI feels that their interests are compromised , it will do anything to wrestle it back. If stone throwers feel that they will get away with doing this -- then they are playing with their lives. Further government has issued a shoot at sight orders -- people defying this -- has to be shoot at sight -- This is a MORAL that armed forces apply !

The honorable thing for the Indians to do is to shut up, sit tight and get killed.

The honorable thing for Pakistanis to do this (after 60 years and still counting) is to forget about Kashmir ! And be in peace ! It will help you guys in the long run !
Hey but by your definition, we are occupiers and hence work outside the limitations of rights etc.. So why bother for doing the honorable thing.. Might as well do the practical thing..
That's correct and thats probably what you should be saying, not that "Oh they are pelting us so we are forced to kill them. No sir, don't jerk us around, you're not forced to kill them. You can up and leave from Kashmir and no one will kill you.

In this whole scenario, you drew first blood by occupying Kashmir and from there on it's within Kashmiris' rights to do anything to you and they will be on the right and you will be on the wrong.

They are killing the villains of this story, they are on the right.
That's correct and thats probably what you should be saying, not that "Oh they are pelting us so we are forced to kill them. No sir, don't jerk us around, you're not forced to kill them. You can up and leave from Kashmir and no one will kill you.

In this whole scenario, you drew first blood by occupying Kashmir and from there on it's within Kashmiris' rights to do anything to you and they will be on the right and you will be on the wrong.

They are killing the villains of this story, they are on the right.

india will not let it's integrity down.they will have to understand this.
india will not let it's integrity down.they will have to understand this.
Human beings will never relent on their fight for freedom - even God didn't bother fighting us on that.
In this whole scenario, you drew first blood by occupying Kashmir and from there on it's within Kashmiris' rights to do anything to you and they will be on the right and you will be on the wrong.
based on history taught in Pakistani schools or rhetoric by Pakistani hawks? Oh yeah. An alternate universe does exist!
They are killing the villains of this story, they are on the right.
Lol, whoz doing the killing and whoz dying there? Yes, the villians are getting killed. Right!

Come what may, Pakistan is never going to get Kashmir. Pakistan is neither in a position to get it nor can it afford to run the state. Hell, you cannot even run your own country smoothly or exercise the govt.'s writ in all the areas claimed. How are you going to run Kashmir?

Human beings will never relent on their fight for freedom - even God didn't bother fighting us on that.
lol, He/She just lets humans kill each other in His/Her name or message all the while apparently enjoying gargleblasters at the "restaurant at the end of the universe!"
We have been trying to Understand your POV for last 60+ years while we watch civilians getting killed by your moronic forces everyday.

What is your view point ?? - What makes you think that you would always be able to hold on to an occupied territory and keep committing crimes there?

As for research - its because of your "No Media policy" in the occupied valley and that is why no news comes out of the wraps.

No international journalists are allowed in the valley so how the hell would you expect us to know what is going on in Kashmir ?

Its a slap in the face of the Indian establishment because they have banned unbiased journalists while they keep reporting "Their version of the story."

I hate to make a point of any dead.

But tell me how many are dead in Karachi.

You have given me 45 dead in Over a month.

Yet in a very short span of time many more died in Karachi.

Yet you make comments like Indian barbarity.
Human beings will never relent on their fight for freedom - even God didn't bother fighting us on that.

watever god wants,it will be done through human beings.wat will u say abt millions of iraqis,afghans,even inside pak many ppl are killed due to terror.btw u also have soft issues like baluchistan.it means they shud continue their fight against pak.
I hate to make a point of any dead.

But tell me how many are dead in Karachi.

You have given me 45 dead in Over a month.

Yet in a very short span of time many more died in Karachi.

Yet you make comments like Indian barbarity.

they wont c the difference here.they c with only one eye.
We never want our fellow civilians are dead but maintaining law and order is very difficult when rioters are throwing stones and petrol bombs, separatists are flaming the people, Neighbours are sending insurgents as freedom fighters.
Ask ISI to stop suicide attacks happening on and off across Pakistan. seems like they are not doing good job against cave dwellers.

Sucidal Attacks expression of desperation are result of the "hit" which Taliban received from PA. Surely suicidal attack hurt but thats reaction of a cat that is cornered.. now I expect you at least understand what is purpose and job of a secret service and what not. Even if they "remain fail" to stop these terrorist attacks, they have been successful in exciting millions of Kashmirs and get down USA and NATO and previously USSR down to its knees. So they are pretty well doing what is their job. And since Indian sides cannot stop talking about them, it says how good they at their job. Hehe..

Sorry to break ur heart but Pakistan is and the people on the streets are the people of Geelani who is well known Pakistani piyada(puppet) in Kashmir.

So 700,000 soldiers and every resource you had remain to stop one "puppet" man leading the millions and driving them on the roads? Gillani is Pakistani for sure, every Kashmiri is Pakistani under the occupation of India.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Wake up man!! How did you find out that we are shivring? come on some sort of satelite vision you guys have :rofl::rofl:

Only if you could read the last paragraph and understand what it is saying.. replying to you must have been a lot purposeful. Try again.
India claim to be "secular" and "democratic" yet playing and implementing aggressor and occupational role in Kashmir. No amount of indians bs can alter that.
India claim to be "secular" and "democratic" yet playing and implementing aggressor and occupational role in Kashmir. No amount of indians bs can alter that.

So according to you Being Secular and A Democratic Nation India should allow people to Burn Government offices.....Throw stones at Government employees.....Please try and do same thin in your country and see what happens then.

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