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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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OR Indian Soldiers Killed..We are talking of I S I . :pakistan:
By the way, Pakistan is not actively supporting Kashmiris anymore. The present rise of Kashmir is internal wave and that is also acknowledged by the Independent Analysts.

Why are you reluctant to admit Kashmiris hate India and want liberation from its flag. You can say we are in power and wouldn't let those Kashmiris get what they are looking for but at-least admit the truth. Are you so internally weak that even truth is getting you guys shivers?

None of the bold part in your post is dependent on the UN resolution since hatered does not look for UN permission. In the same spirit, will you also admit the same thing about Balochis and Sindhis to begin with about their want of separation from Pakistan..>???
@ Gogbot

Indian soldiers have been firing live rounds on civilians - same was done by Kasab the consequences were same , he was a terrorist according to Indian law & so is Indian Army & police when that principle is applied.

What is the difference between the Kasab and indian barbarians ??Kashmiris have just proven that they haven't given up on their freedom struggle even when Indian govt has done its best to stop them.

Why International media is not allowed in the valley ?? Is Indian establishment scared that the truth may reveal ?

Why APHC is not allowed to go overseas even to UNO & talk to International Media ??

India is on the wrong side of the history on this matter - you can Kill as many people as you like but one day you would have to **** off.

Did the civilians that Kasab killed throw stones at him? thats the differnce.
And the Indian 'barbarians' are protecting us from the barbarians and savages from across the border.
Stop writing nonsense. Pakistan Army is fighting a well armed group of people who wish to implement their agenda by the force of gun. People of the area are supporting army not demonstrating against them. Don't compare the two scenarios.

Your army is killing innocent stone throwers. Guess your army does not have anything else to do rather than kill unarmed people. Well one can not blame them when they face armed men they are usually found 100 miles away.

By the way have you ever wondered the people your brave army is killing are not Indian citizens and one day you might have to face war crimes tribunal for your actions.

Now what would make you say that? Speciall coming from the fine, peace loving, non terrorism sponsoring nation of Pakistan....

Have you not heard of the artillery guns that Pakistani Army is bravely using against the Taliban and the BLA? Or for that matter of the Jets that are pouding Taliban and BLA positions from several miles in the Air? My my..... I think that is what you think is brave. Using max firepower against your own countrymen? Or are they not and Pakistan will be later tried for war crimes? And what about the enmasse surrenders by the brave and heroic Pakistani Army troops. Ummmm...... I think I have seen some videos of them on Youtube. Can you please help me in posting them here by telling me how to post links of videos on this forum? I really want to help you in understanding how brave pakistan army is totally oxymoronic idea in the parlance of this particular discussion......

Now, just to correct your selective amnesia(??), Indian Army uses nothing but small arms against the terrorists that your ISI sends across our border. And that shows the kind of restraint that Indian Army shows while tackeling that menace. And that can happen only in direct proximity fighting. Hell, IA is not even using helicopters for this and we all know the craving that your Army has for the free helicopters and aid for them from US and the ISAF.

So please give that a break and think more about what will happen today when Prime Minister Cameron will have a discussion (??) with President Zardari.
It is high time JK police should learn water boarding technique immediately.
They are not Naxals who are fighting against economic injustice. Kashmiris do not identify themselves as Hindustani. there is a difference between being mad because of being unemployed and being mad because of being enslaved. If Kashmiris were angry because of Jobs, there must have been a high degree of street crimes, robbery which is not there. So what's their reason of sacrificing their lives?.. have you ever tried to think out of little shell you have always lived in? They want FREEDOM. They don't hold Pakistani Flag because they hope Pakistan would get them that "job" which in your theory they are dying for.

People of india and GOI has amply made it clear that territorial integrity of india cannot be compromised at any cost. Indian constitution does not allow compromising territorial integrity of any part of india under any circumstances. There are a few people in the valley who think that by resorting to violence and arousing passions and chest beating they can gather enough international pressure and india may consider some "autonomy" to Kashmir valley, but it should be made known to these rabble-rousers that indian state is ready to go to "any extent" and only way forward for any and all in the valley is peace and allegiance to india. Kashmir valley does not belong to any group of people, but it belongs to entire india.

However, india may consider requesting Pakistan to give citizenship to those kashmiri people who do not want to live in india. We are ready to give them a ceremonial farewell so that the rest of the valley can live peacefully.
Indians cannot justify killing Kashmiris just because they are beating them up. Kashmiris have been invaded and are being killed in PROVEN faked encounters. By a pure moral stand point it is within the rights of Kashmiris to kill their Indian occupiers but the Indian occupiers are not within their rights to kill them back - this is not self-defence on the part of the Indians but on the Kashmiris.

The honorable thing for the Indians to do is to shut up, sit tight and get killed.
Indians cannot justify killing Kashmiris just because they are beating them up. Kashmiris have been invaded and are being killed in PROVEN faked encounters. By a pure moral stand point it is within the rights of Kashmiris to kill their Indian occupiers but the Indian occupiers are not within their rights to kill them back - this is not self-defence on the part of the Indians but on the Kashmiris.

The honorable thing for the Indians to do is to shut up, sit tight and get killed.

Hey but by your definition, we are occupiers and hence work outside the limitations of rights etc.. So why bother for doing the honorable thing.. Might as well do the practical thing..
Indians cannot justify killing Kashmiris just because they are beating them up. Kashmiris have been invaded and are being killed in PROVEN faked encounters. By a pure moral stand point it is within the rights of Kashmiris to kill their Indian occupiers but the Indian occupiers are not within their rights to kill them back - this is not self-defence on the part of the Indians but on the Kashmiris.

The honorable thing for the Indians to do is to shut up, sit tight and get killed.

ok as you say. I think you forgot that you are just mod for this site not for jk.:hitwall::hitwall:
A little correction buddy those are Cops not Soldiers. Why do people add extra masala to the heading of the thread ? :what:

Why why why :hitwall:
Indians cannot justify killing Kashmiris just because they are beating them up. Kashmiris have been invaded and are being killed in PROVEN faked encounters. By a pure moral stand point it is within the rights of Kashmiris to kill their Indian occupiers but the Indian occupiers are not within their rights to kill them back - this is not self-defence on the part of the Indians but on the Kashmiris.

The honorable thing for the Indians to do is to shut up, sit tight and get killed.

Keep drumming.

Jai baba barfani. Jai Amarnath.

A little correction buddy those are Cops not Soldiers. Why do people add extra masala to the heading of the thread ? :what:

Why why why :hitwall:

how can they admit that ............ in J&K police 70% are kashmiri muslim
Indians cannot justify killing Kashmiris just because they are beating them up. Kashmiris have been invaded and are being killed in PROVEN faked encounters. By a pure moral stand point it is within the rights of Kashmiris to kill their Indian occupiers but the Indian occupiers are not within their rights to kill them back - this is not self-defence on the part of the Indians but on the Kashmiris.

The honorable thing for the Indians to do is to shut up, sit tight and get killed.

Actually not Sir.

Indian security forces when controlling law and order in any part of India is our own business exactly like what is happening in Kashmir is our business. In fact, I am sure that you will soon see the real goons behind the 200 rupees = 5 stone throwers getting the heat.

And about the honor, we saw a little bit of that when complete Pakistan Army units and convoys were surrendering enmasse to Taliban and then getting their throats slit. I have seen some videos. You could find on the internet but I would recommend that you see only if you have the stomach for extreme gore.

So for us, Honor for Army is ensuring that the peace prevails and no one is allwed to hijack the will of the people of our country. And the will of the people was what is evident regularly in our state and national Parliamentary elections.

And about the morality, even though I am sure that you are well meaning, but I will yet pass your advise Sir. Not because it is something coming from you..... but because in the current parlance, we see the kind of morality in Pakistan. We just saw it last days in several instances....
Indians cannot justify killing Kashmiris just because they are beating them up. Kashmiris have been invaded and are being killed in PROVEN faked encounters. By a pure moral stand point it is within the rights of Kashmiris to kill their Indian occupiers but the Indian occupiers are not within their rights to kill them back - this is not self-defence on the part of the Indians but on the Kashmiris.

The honorable thing for the Indians to do is to shut up, sit tight and get killed.

Here honorable people not firing bullets from behind the crowd ....not attack on police station ..... if they do that so they are not honorable .....m talking about India not about our neighbors
Violence not cast in stone - Hindustan Times

Kashmiris feel deserted by their representatives, who disappear during disturbances, leaving them to the mercy of god or in the hands of those who have vested interests in prolonging conflicts. Recently, we also heard of certain leaders, pretending to be the representatives of the Union government, issuing proactive statements, which have contributed to the crises. The imposition of curfews to tackle crises has failed, and youngsters brought up in these years of turmoil have become hostile to the system.

The administration needs to deal with the youth humanely. The local police must be used to control mob situations and the deployment of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel should be the last option. Members of Legislative Assembly, along with senior citizens, should be involved to pacify people. Local women can also play a vital role, but they must be accorded respect by the administration.

We have seen all parties blaming each other. On most occasions, misunderstandings are created by certain officials, the police and intelligence operatives for their own ends. The state government should deal firmly with such behaviour. Politicians haven't been completely honest in their utterances on the relations between Kashmir and the Centre. They either affirm or backtrack on accords, depending on political convenience. Recently, the National Conference (NC) and the People's Democratic Party (PDP) raised the Kashmir Resolution again, only to further confuse people. Our parties carry three flags in their pockets: one of India, one of Pakistan and one of Kashmir. Calls for autonomy, self-rule and human rights are interchangeable.

There are no officially recognised student elections in Kashmir and it is hard to blame students for the present conflict. They only reflect the despair, caused by the failure of a consensual discourse among their elders. The hopelessness and frequent human rights disasters cause some students to raise extremist slogans. Till date, schoolchildren are being deprived of their childhood. Both rulers and militants are responsible for this tragic predicament in Kashmir. Also, Pakistan has added fuel to the fire through its representatives.

The Union government has placed agents in every administrative structure. These people have muddied the waters. Our parties maintain lobbies at the Centre that work for narrow political gains. I propose the installation of a coalition government, tasked with producing a resolution on Kashmiri aspirations. A joint parliamentary team should visit the Valley and address everyone from separatists to students to minorities. The government, with the Centre's backing, should encourage the formation of a ‘crisis management team', which should work towards reconciliation without letting local officials interfere in the process.

The state government claims that the number of active militants has declined. I suggest that the Armed Forces (Special Protection) Act (AFSPA) should be replaced with a milder law. This will enable people to go about their daily lives and give them a ray of hope. It will indicate that the system is serious about settling outstanding political issues.

The Valley's minorities can play a vital role in the dialogue process. As a non-migrant Kashmiri Pandit, who has lived in downtown Srinagar throughout the troubled times but is dejected by our malfunctioning government, I have two points to make: first, the minorities are safe and enjoy cordial relations with Kashmiri Muslims. The Amarnath Yatra is taking place smoothly and the rest of India need not worry about the yatris. Second is a request to the media to be fair-minded and compassionate while reporting on Kashmir. The Kashmiri Pandit Sangharsh Samiti interacts with different shades of opinion. We try to keep alive a conversation for the re-emergence of a plural society. We want sanity to prevail in all of Kashmir.

Sanjay Tickoo is President of the Srinagar-based Kashmiri Pandit Sangharsh Samiti. The views expressed by the author are personal.

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