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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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so you are saying we need to have referendum to find out if the majority of Kashmirs want freedom or not but at the same time you are you are saying we cant do that because Kashmir had no representation in UN?????
:undecided::undecided::confused: ?

I am saying UN resolution is not wish of Kashmiri's as they are not party to it.
So whats the point?

There was a lot of protest inside india about oil price hike, can we put it in the same context aswell?

The point is that simply a few thousand misguided people indulging in violent behaviour of stone pelting etc does not signify how right or wrong things are in the state...

@Asim.. That was the point and not to derail the thread...
I see you havent bothered to put my quote into context............your indian friend was saying that muslims went around india forcing the hindus to accept islam as a norm.
There must have certain instances of "forced conversion" which i am not denying but overall during a long time of muslim rule if the policy had been to force hindus to accept islam then there would be no hindus today....

U think so that the bigot Aurangazeb didn try that...??

the brave Hindus and Sikhs stood their ground and were ready to be killed rather than be converted.

And mind u the majority of conversions were rather out of fear of being persecuted than some love to an alien religion

Hanvt got a clue about that but i think the hindu kings did try a few times to unite under one banner but where defeated.

Too few and too far inbetween

When the mughal s where on there last legs.....wasnt long after that the Marathas and the Sikhs back to being subjects but this not to the mughals but to the british just like the mughals.......you had you few years of "glory" and you cant forget it.:rofl:

And why they were on their last legs..? Due to the constant wars with the Marathas and Sikhs that made them weak.Classic case of "
war of friction".

And as being subjects to the British....same thing ...dis unity after a brief period of unity and being traiterous.

p.s.: I dont blame the Mughals or the British for that...its the Hindus who put sands on their heads themselves.

:rofl::rofl:.....but they have had wars though havnt they?........if there "religion related" there bad in your book but if there not motivated by faith then they must be "good" wars.

Yes they had wars...but that was over land and wealth..Im not saying that those wars are good....but atleast those kings by far had a code of conduct even in war not to jharm old people,unarmed peeople ,women and children.
But those invading looters had none of that all they had in mind was rape,pillage,loot .

The british invasion of india was not motivated by faith so it must be okay?

It acquired a religious overtone none the less...ever heard of the "White man's Burden"..?

Actually i was talikng about King Pusyamitra

Where do i say that hindus have a mas-killing tendency? i was just pointing out that hindu kings have killed large numbers of buddhist the same way you say muslims killed large numbers of hindus and its not like muslims kings didnt attack each other also.

According to the 2nd century Ashokavadana:
"Then King Pusyamitra equipped a fourfold army, and intending to destroy the Buddhist religion, he went to the Kukkutarama. Pusyamitra therefore destroyed the sangharama, killed the monks there, and departed.
After some time, he arrived in Sakala, and proclaimed that he would give a hundred dinara reward to whoever brought him the head of a Buddhist monk" (Shramanas) Ashokavadana, 133, trans. John Strong.

A Buddhist tradition holds him as having taken steps to check the spread of Buddhism as "the number one enemy of the sons of the Shakya's and a most cruel persecutor of the religion". The Divyavadana ascribes to him the razing of stupas and viharas built by Ashoka, and describes him as one who wanted to undo the work of Ashoka.

He was an exception rather than a rule man...for godsake.!!!
guys any updates what happened to protests in kashmir?? i guess pakistanis and indians have had enough of venting out there venom on the issue & have decided to call a truce shows that kashmir is not at the forefront anymore!

i guess bored of discussing kashmir are we?
Bro, please do not say "u muslims" ..... we have many million muslims of our own living in peace as loyal Indians. By choice. As brothers.

Without going into the gentic identity of the Pakistani "race" and how close if at all they really are to those muslim invaders of many centuries ago, whose flag they continue to fly vigorously and enthusiastically, the fact remains that a thriving multi-cultural multi-religion secular India today is more than enough of a slap in the face of such pseudo-supremacists.

I call this syndrome "Greatness by Proxy." Let us just smile and move on.

Cheers, Doc

Try telling your ‘Muslim brothers’ they have nothing in common with the Muslim invaders because of whom their religion is preserved.

FYI there’s no such thing as ‘Pakistani race’. ‘Pakistani’ is a nationality!

You’ll never know how close Muslims are to one another regardless of their race and country.
Allah s.w.t. says in the Quran,
“And remember Allah’s favor upon you. You were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by this grace, you became brothers. And you were on a brink of a pit of fire and He saved you from it”. [ Sura Al Imran –103 ]
Allah s.w.t. also says,
“And He had united their (the believers) hearts. If you (O Muhammad s.a.w.) had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts. But it is Allah who has united them. Certainly He is almighty, all wise”. [ Sura Al Anfal – 63 ]

P.S. I wouldn’t mind you smile, but brush your teeth with some whitening toothpaste man! It looks like a bio hazard in your mouth and it’s creeping me the hell out. I hope it’s just a bad pic though.:P

Thanks, Nomi
guys any updates what happened to protests in kashmir?? i guess pakistanis and indians have had enough of venting out there venom on the issue & have decided to call a truce shows that kashmir is not at the forefront anymore!

i guess bored of discussing kashmir are we?

All stones are with security forces. we need money to buy stones from them.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Congress isn't very cooperative with Buddhists either. For example, I am a Vajrayana Buddhist by belief and by our sect, most of our texts revere mainstream Hinduism.

Most Congress politicians in the northeast claim to help Buddhists but don't do anything in reality when it comes to stopping illegal immigrants who are violent or foreign missionaries who demonize our peaceful faith.

There are pros in cons of everything. so if you oppose congress, you do progress.:cheesy:
Pakistan supports the right of self-determination by Kashmiris in a UN administered plebiscite.

A "white lie = black truth". if so, in 60 years, "azad kashmiris" would have their own constitution and India would have kashmiri representatives to negotiate with. However, we are negotiating with Pakistanis.
Just to add to Spitfighter :

U know Man mohan singh was from present day Pakistan and LK Advani was from Sindh...or for that matter Musharraf was from Delhi..so can we just start claiming Sindh and u guys Delhi..?

Ridiculous aint it..?

lol, I actually didn't know that. Sindh Pradesh sounds weird though, can you think of a catchier name? ;)
Pakistanis will be fine with it, thats why we're saying have a referendum. It's only the indians who seem to be having all types of problems. Because even a independent Kashmir will be pro-Pakistan, so it works out either way.

You cannot change your stand as it suits you and then expect others to follow. Kashmir was independent in 1948, you attacked Kashmir in 1948 not India. Rest is history.
Salaam Aleykum PDF'ers

Walaikum assalam.

incidentally, Kashmiri youth are using facebook/youtube to report on events, upload images of the violence waged by indian forces, and express anger. hindustany authorities are accusing them of using net to ''instigate'' civil unrest (freedom of speech??)

While we're on the topic, is Facebook still banned in Pakistan?

Freedom of speech doesn't exist so people (like you) can exploit it. Rights come with duties, thus as a citizen one must exercise their rights responsibly. I doubt we'd do something as draconian (and ridiculous) as ban Facebook altogether, but we should certainly block those groups/users who are spreading malicious/hateful propaganda as they only seek to incite violence.

India isn't as liberal as Pakistan, we don't allow our rebels to propagate their message on radio as the TTP does in NWFP and FATA.
Your posts themselves show the religious bigot
u are,
And so are you! Because if you were not, you simply wouldn’t have replied to any such post in the first instance!

get them arrested under laws by which no proof is required by saying they abused ur religion.

Nah, the traits and tactics of Hinduism are considered null and void in Islam. They don’t suit us. Suppose there was some forced conversion under the Islamic rule in India, don’t you think Hindus wouldn’t have converted to Islam if they were hardcore idol worshipers in the first place? No true followers of whatever faith give up their religion regardless of what price they have to pay. And since the Hindus are the bravest creatures to ever walk this earth, it’s simply illogical to assume that one could coerce them into conversion and/or corrupt their immense knowledge. Keeping this in mind, one could safely say that there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that forced mass conversion ever happened.

The thing is people like u hate India because u think that Hindus who were under ur rule have broken free

Yes, we do think Hindus that were under the Islamic rule for like a thousand years or so have broken loose for quite some time now. Happy now?

But ur wet dreams will never be fullfilled .
That’s exactly what your bigmouthed rajas used to say until they had to admit that the wet dreams of the Muslims weren’t that wet actually. Ah, the same old Hindu mentality!
I know ‘L’ is your favorite letter for some unknown reason. But, it’s ‘fulfilled’ not ‘fullfilled’ by the way.

I am sick of this 1000 year rule boast every time to satisfy oneself.

I know it’s hurting you but have to satisfy myself after all.

Just try to do what ur so called glorified crusaders did now, u will join them even before u know.

You got us begging for mercy, please forgive us! Hum narial ……...:cheesy:
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I hope Kashmiris get their referendum. Question is, how will Pakistan react if Kashmiris choose independence rather than union with either India or Pakistan? The GoP didn't like it when Pakistan sent infiltrators into Kashmir back in 1965 and the Kashmiris rejected them and called upon the India to kick them out; open war with India ensued. Does anybody want to see a repeat, on an even larger and deadlier scale?

That isn't a choice as per the UNSC resolutions, which highlights their irrelevance in this day and age.
That isn't a choice as per the UNSC resolutions, which highlights their irrelevance in this day and age.
I think you are right. Nevertheless, it might be best if this was an option, rather than the currently polarized winner-takes-all approach. The Pakistanis here say they can handle an independent Kashmir, which if true should greatly decrease tensions between India and Pakistan.
Bhagat Singh was considered a freedom fighter so does that mean he's terrorist and not innocent. Cause according to you can't be a freedom fighter and an innocent
First you need tto differentiate who is Bhagat singh and who is a terrorist.
Bhagat singh wasnt fighting for majority of Sikhs rather a whole country.

get your facts right.
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