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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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''Ya'' well Pakistan IS a country; despite all odds, and despite a very rough beginning. That in itself is a testament. Our victory was your (hindustany) failure starting in 1947.

therefore I dont know what you're talking about

the best advice i can give to you and your people is that you should prepare yourselves on HOW to deal with an independent Kashmir; which is inevitable. If not in my lifetime, perhaps in that of my children. Inshallah.

Mark my words, your great-great-great grand children would also be saying exactly the same words.
But ashoka also killed Indians, even if there was no country as India then, but people -culturally, ethnically and religiously were similar. Hope you are getting my point.

Anyways, my point was - if everyone is coming your way, you are probably in the wrong lane. Muslims are victims everywhere, muslims are killed everywhere, muslims are subjected to racism, muslims are connected with terrorism, muslims are falsely abused in the name of national security, muslims are subjected to profiling ...etc etc. dont you think there is a fault somewhere in the ideology which have come up and corrupted the muslim society? I dont believe that religion is at fault. All religions of this world preach goodwill and humanity and peaceful co-existance.

oh yes the problem is in there with muslims because muslims are in poor state means currently they are not actively participating in the requirements of 21st century so they will pay the price for it.
1.6 billion muslims have no Islamic state yes they have a muslim state but those states are nothing but a childs play..
then y dont u call them in the land of pure so that they can live there without oppression.

they are welcome to move to Pakistan anytime that they want; but they are Kashmiri peoples --their home is Kashmir.

if they are lobbying for the freedom of their land, why in God's name would they leave their land? The only people to do that were the so-called pandits who ran away to hindustan for purely economic reasons.

i never heard gop issuing statement related to this ,if they really care for them .well u acept it or not.real issue is water which comes frm kashmir and another is land,and all world knows who cares abt the brothers and human rights.

I am not working for or representing government of Pakistan. I can assure you though that most (if not all) Pakistanis ''really care'' for Kashmiris. As cheesy and lame as it may sound, Kashmiris and Kashmir have a special place in all our hearts. We do not accept the illegal occupation of Kashmir.

water is of course a strategic issue which happens to involve Kashmir. But as it is a Muslim majority region, and as a huge % of the people in Kashmir openly show their solidarity to Pakistan (not necessarily meaning that all want to join Pakistan) then it would be ridiculous for any Pakistani to ignore this.

btw y dont u go and fight with israel ,u know y coz israel doesnt give u land and is not the source of water for pakistan.all is hypocrisy

so in this hypothetical situation, why would i fight with israil? :what:

I (and i'm sure many of my comrades) do sympathise heavily with Palestinian cause. It's not our fight, but once again --we do show solidarity with them needless to say. In fact, my aunt was a medic volunteering in the Gaza Strip prior to and slightly after the 2nd intifada.

incidentally, Falsateen/israil conflict, though mentioned in the article that Asim bhai posted, has little relevance to the topic on a macro level.

Please go pop some more popcorn; add some salt and a few tea-spoons of warm butter to add to the flavour; then come back & stick to topic
oh yes the problem is in there with muslims because muslims are in poor state means currently they are not actively participating in the requirements of 21st century so they will pay the price for it.
1.6 billion muslims have no Islamic state yes they have a muslim state but those states are nothing but a childs play..

I have nothing against muslims personally dear. I just want to point out that you people think that you are victimized by every country, every religion in this world because you are muslims. and then you keep on killing your fellow muslims too. Which makes people think that there is something wrong with ISLAM. I dont believe, as I already mentioned, that the religion is at fault. Its the ideology of being a victim that is at fault combined with the notion of taking revenge with "Kafirs".
“Bhooka nanga Hindustan; Jaan se pyaara Pakistan.” (Starving and tattered India we reject; Pakistan - land of our dreams - we embrace.)

I think what the Kashmiris are doing is the best they can out of a horrible situation imposed upon them by India. The fact that Indian Muslims are still ready to appease and fit in with their Hindu fellow citizens really does land them in no man's land. Never accepted by Hindus, yet forced to reject their Muslim causes world over.

And we are hearing it from horses mouth the official spokesperson of Indian Muslims "Asim Aquil"
u talk abt HINDU majority!
but the prime minister is sikh, J&K CM is muslim and defence minister of india is Christian...:hitwall: these are the people who makes the decisions my friend...:pop:

Nice showcase you have got there. Just like your country wasted no time to install Abdul Kalam as president to save its secular image after the Muslim massacre. Your force is occupying Kashmir's land and we are sleeping? :lol:

Maybe you would have, but also probable that you might have ended up a very rich man aka Premji. Who knows? Anyways, we are glad that you have left behind any connection to India & moved on.

Now if only you could also let go of the baggage that you seem to carry.....

It gets a little boring after some time to hear how lucky you were to get away from India & not get caught up in the 2001 Gujrat riots or the even earlier 1992 Bombay riots especially when you could get yourself killed in a 100 different incidents every week in very different cities of Pakistan. Don't you think that it is quite possible that some of those who are killed in such daily occurrences might have had a different view (if they had the chance to revisit your contention after the event) on whether they were lucky or unlucky to have ended up in the supposedly safer country ofPakistan.

It is quiet boring to listen to Indians telling me about getting killed in my cities. In last 60+ years only past decade has been so and that too because of foreign funded terrorists who are being taken care off.

I wonder where i would be if my state government and my CM and police chief was hell bent on killing me and my family. Damn sounds scary to me. :devil:

talk about your government....importing chinese army personnels to quiet'n the voices of freedom in gilgit and baltistan...

You just cant help yourself my friend. Freedom movement in Gilgir Baltistan :rofl::rofl::rofl:

quite strange i'll have to agree with you partly though...these people are not violent...but misguided and brainwashed they are...and yes to a certain extent self-destructive as well...the point is that they want freedom from india.the fact is that they don't understand they the moment they get this so called azadi they are sure to be gobbled up by sino pakistan duo....
talking about undemocratic ways of the indians in kashmir doesnt really suite you....you first really need to talk about the undemocratic systems in so called azad kashmir....azad my foot...they dont even get to decide what they can do over there..it is all decided by a minister from pakistan...so that area is anything but azad...
as far as indian army's religious composition is concerned it has never been a religious army...those are soldiers and not religious fanatics...n btw where did u find that 99% statistics..indian army hasnt allowed religious profiling of it personnels yet..
believe me im equally happy that you people got away from us....otherwise you could have brought the same ruin to us as u people have brought to urselves...as far as mumbai is concerned the man who started it all is sitting pretty in pakistan enjoying immunity by ur government...
n dude we dont need our lessons in democracy and secularism from you coz your country is anything but those....

Let them decide their fate as i have said before don't need to be their daddy.

The Muslim head count in Indian army is scrutinized by several several independent sources. Google yourself.

We are more than happy that we are not part of a system where the system itself kills the minorities.

I have no interest in your democracy. The only point is that you comfortably do not apply your democratic principles in Kashmir and still claim to be worlds biggest democracy. This is called hypocrisy. use a dictionary.

You guys wont be able to come with a sane argument when it comes to Kashmir. The reality is that the status of 700,000 Indian army is that of an occupying force and Kashmir is disputed territory with no international border.

You please don't talk about Azad kashmir. You wont see more anti-Indian population anywhere:sniper:. We are not doing a single thing there that could be interpreted as we are occupying it.

You people are making yourself look like fools talking about Gilgit and Azad Kashmir. Go check the protests, deaths and human rights violation and the $$ you put in Kashmir to occupy it and the size of your army. Truth is bitter.
''Ya'' well Pakistan IS a country; despite all odds, and despite a very rough beginning. That in itself is a testament. Our victory was your (hindustany) failure starting in 1947.

therefore I dont know what you're talking about

the best advice i can give to you and your people is that you should prepare yourselves on HOW to deal with an independent Kashmir; which is inevitable. If not in my lifetime, perhaps in that of my children. Inshallah.
take kashmir who is stopping you. no guts to fight a war
pakistan will be erased from the face of earth no one can stop from happening it,
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"Ghulami main khush hain, abhi doosron ki
Ke rehtay hain jannat main, woh ahmakon ki".

You know, A long time ago, i too read a poem but which was exactly a vitriolic criticism of Pakistani people (the elected leaders in particular).
yeh galyoun ke aawara baikaar kuttay,
ke bakhsha gaya jin ko zouq-e-gadai,
zamanay ki phitkaar sarmaya unka,
jahaan bhar ki dhutkaar inn ki kamaai

na araam shab ko, na rahat sawairay
ghalazat mei ghar, naaliyoun mei basairay
jo bigrhain tou ikk doosray se larhadou
zara aik roti ka tukrha dikha dou
yeh harr aik ki thokrain khaanay walay
yeh faaqoun se uktaa ke marr janay walay

yeh mazloom makhlooque garr sarr uthaey
tou insaan sabb sarr-kashi bhool jaey
yeh chahein tou dunya ko apna banalein
yeh aaqaoun ki haddiyan takk chabalein
koi inko ehsas-e-zillat dila de
koi inki soui hui dumm hilaa de...

And the Kashmiris would rather live with Kutteys than Bhookey-Nange !!! Strange Logic !!!

The Kashmiris, heck even the Pakistanis are yet to decide whether the Kashmiris want to live with Bhooke Nangey ya Faiz Ahmed Faiz ke Kuttey !!!

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