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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Why should she not be allowed to have passport for her son?
Just because he is a Muslim?
What if he wish to go for Hajj?
It is about time that Muslims in India should fight for a separate home land, if state refuse them their basic rights and no religious freedom.[/QUOTE]

Refuse?? Do you know Indian government provides Haj Subsidy, does govt. of Pakistan provide this?

"The Haj subsidy is an airfare subsidy given to Indian Muslim Hajj pilgrims. Pilgrims applying through the Haj Committee of India are offered the concessionary fare. The Government of India pays the subsidy to Air India.[1]. Muslim leaders and Muslim community have opposed the Haj subsidy from time to time saying that subsidy actually went in bailing out Air-India, while exposing Muslims to charges of appeasement."

Sorry to burst your bubble, Muslims in India are more worried about effects of appeasement than religious freedom.
The fact of that matter is, those misguided youth who went over to Paksitan for training are coming back. So there is a reverse flow of "refugees".

no evidence???


and spell the country's name properly, or i will see to it that you are banned from here.
Did any bleeding hearts read the red part before going on their usual trip? Rubber bullets are a non lethal means of crowd control, its unfortunate he died. Lots of 11 year olds are into stone throwing, their parents shold control these kids instead of posing for mourning photos later. A 11 year old has no business throwing stones at armed forces, if he does, his parents are responsible for the consequences. In this case police have used rubber bullets, so they can't be blamed of high handedness.

Bitter, but true.

BTW stone throwers are NOT unarmed.

The parents could'nt stop their child Because the chid got Fedup with all the mess around him
His childhood was ruined by the daily killings of innocent people by the terrorist army of indian state.

He was there because whenever he sought permission from his parents for going outside to play,his parents didn't gave him permission because there was a kerfue imposed by the terrorist army of indian state.

The child was there because his academic carrier was ruined by the terrorist army of state of india

He was there because his school was serving as a"Military post" for the terrorist army of state of india.

His parents didn't stop him because they too were fedup of the killings done by Terrorist army of state of india.

His parents didn't stop him because maybe this is not the only tradegy they have to face,God knows how many of thier children were killed by these rubber bullets & how many times they had faced this tradegy & how many times they have to face it again & again.

And this is not the only case only god knows that how many Parents had faced this tragedy & only god knows that how many times the Parents OF KASHMIR have to face these tragedies in coming times because of the killings made by Terrorist army of state of India. :sniper:
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Brainwashed people who explode themselves should not be spared but shooting the handlers is more important .... like Israel in this matter
This shows the indian army killing innocent kids ,,,,,,,, i an see kashmir freedom from india as new generation has taken things in thier hand........ This blood of a 11 year old will soon become a light of freedom for kashmir

world need to open thier eyes and see what indian army is doing in kashmir....

Long live Kashmir and Kashmir is a part of Pakistan ....Inshallah


No this does not show Indian army killing anyone as it is not the army that fired...it shows your inability to comprehend facts even when they are bolded and put in red.

The blood of the 11 year is on his parents hands and the separatists who should have known better than to take him to a potentially riotous situation.
The blood of the 11 year is on his parents hands and the separatists who should have known better than to take him to a potentially riotous situation.
No - the blood of the 11 year old is on the hands of every Indian who supports the occupation and subjugation of Kashmir and the denial of the right to self-determination to them, promised them by the Indian State and the International community through the UNSC resolutions.

Had the Kashmiris been allowed to exercise their right to self-determination, there would be be no riots against Indian occupation.

This morally bankrupt argument regurgitated by many Indians is the equivalent of a rapist accusing a woman being raped for being responsible for her injuries because she 'struggled and fought back' against her ****.
Selective reading?Can't fire roses at people who are throwing at stones at you...... :disagree:

So here are Indian Army SOPs : Kill the kids with lethal force when they throw stones at you :hitwall: Very professional response I guess.

I regret the kid had to die, but his parents should have thought about this once before letting him throw stones at Indian forces.....

Why would an 11 years old endangered his life and throw stones ? Ever wondered ? :coffee:
No - the blood of the 11 year old is on the hands of every Indian who supports the occupation and subjugation of Kashmir and the denial of the right to self-determination to them, promised them by the Indian State and the International community through the UNSC resolutions.


I was responding to the factually incorrect parts in his posts...do you want three paras of rhetoric in reply to the one you posted?

Had the Kashmiris been allowed to exercise their right to self-determination, there would be be no riots against Indian occupation.
In a thread discussing death of an eleven year old should we start discussing why the UN resolutions are dead, why Pakistan never fulfilled the precondition of troop withdrawal, or why Kashmir needs to be geographically the same, as in the time when the UNSC resolution were drafted including reversal of territory gifts by Pakistan to China?
What a fu(ker those so called freedom fighter is

using small kids and womes as their sheild shame on them

They are NOT so called freedom fighters. They are ACTUALLY freedom fighters. :tup:

Adult Kashmiri men, women and children are all fighting against the Indian opression forces. No one is using another as shield.

All Kashmiris are Equally into it.
"India security forces starting killing people" with rubber and wax bullets, didnt they??

Did tens of thousands of innocent Kashmiris died with the hits from RUBBER BULLETS ?

Which fantasy world you live in mate ? :undecided:
Indian forces killed 72 Kashmiris in August

Written by KMS

Wednesday, 01 September 2010 20:13


Srinagar, September 01, 2010: Indian troops, in their continued acts of state terrorism, martyred 72 innocent Kashmiris including 31 teenagers and 4 women during the last month of August. Out of those martyred, three were killed in custody. The killings rendered three women widowed and nine children orphaned.

The Indian forces disgraced 20 women and tortured 1,505 persons, injuring most of them critically, by using teargas shells and bullets on peaceful demonstrators. In a fresh incident, a Junior Commissioned Officer of Indian army was killed and three others were injured in an attack by mujahideen at Atwatoo in Bandipore district while a Special Police Officer was shot dead at Kursa in Kishtwar.

The media in Srinagar, reported, today, that the Indian intelligence agencies had approached the former members of an Indian army-sponsored killer group, Ikhwan asking them to restart terrorist actions against Kashmiri youth. The initiative is to counter the spate of ongoing protests. Ikhwan has been responsible for the killing of hundreds of mujahideen in the mid nineties.

APHC leader, Yasmin Raja in a statement in Jammu, expressed concern over the deteriorating health of the illegally detained leader, Shabbir Ahmad Shah. Earlier, she met Shabbir Ahmad Shah and Firdous Ahmad Shah in Kot Bhalwal jail Jammu.

The members of an Indian civil society delegation staged a sit-in at Municipal Park in Srinagar against the human rights violations by Indian troops in the valley. They said that the troops were killing the innocent people for demanding their inalienable right to self-determination. The delegation was led by noted social activist, Swami Agnivesh.

The Executive Director of Kashmir Centre London, Professor Nazir Ahmad Shawl has denounced the attack of Indian forces on journalists in Occupied State of Jammu & Kashmir, adding that freedom of expression is deliberately being strangulated.

Professor Nazir Ahmad Shawl in a statement issued in London said that the journalists were prevented from performing their professional responsibilities, which was unjust and condemnable. He also referred to the editor of a news agency, Sheikh Muhammad Imran who was severely tortured by Indian forces without any justification and described it the worst kind of human rights violations by Indian forces in the Occupied State of Jammu & Kashmir.

The Executive Director also condemned the occupation authorities for harassing photojournalists who were performing their professional duties at Maisums Chowk in Srinagar. He appealed to all the international journalists unions to raise voice against disregard of the freedom of expression by the Indian government and the authorities in the territory.

Professor Nazir Ahmad Shawl said that the repressive measures couldn’t stop the people of Jammu and Kashmir from their just struggle for securing right of self-determination. “Kashmiris will continue their struggle till they are given an opportunity to decide their political future through a referendum supervised by the United Nations,” he maintained.

A delegation of Indian civil society, led by social activist, Swami Agnivesh, while expressing concern over the deteriorating situation in Kashmir, has said that Indian forces are killing innocent people in Jammu and Kashmir for demanding their inalienable right of self-determination.

The members of the delegation staged a sit-in at Municipal Park against the human rights violations by the occupation authorities in Jammu & Kashmir.

Social activist, Swami Agnivesh, while talking to newsmen on the occasion said, “I regret that Indian politicians are reacting to the Kashmir dispute from their offices in New Delhi. At a time when human rights violations in valley are on rise and 65 innocent people have lost their lives, the Indian government is not reaching out to the victimised Kashmiri society.”

Criticising the conduct of Indian forces, he said, “We have seen police and CRPF deployment all across the valley and one can understand who the killer is. It is absolute violation of human rights, which in no way is justifiable.”

“We condemn such acts and feel the pain of every Kashmiri. People have every right to protest but it is unfortunate that they are being killed by the forces and the authorities seem to have lost their control over their police and CRPF,” he added.

“We will carry a message from here and make every Indian to listen to it. The Prime Minister and Home Minister of India should have addressed the grievances after the killing spree. I appeal the mass leaders to join hands against the atrocities inflicted on innocent Kashmiris,” Agnivesh said.

At the sit-in, the delegation members were holding placards inscribed with slogans like “Release all political prisoners”, “repeal draconian laws”, “initiate independent inquiry into recent killings” and “stop use of firing on protesters.”

Senior Vice President of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front-R, Javed Ahmad Mir has said that the occupation authorities are using brute force to crush the ongoing liberation movement.

Javed Ahmad Mir, addressing a massive demonstration at Budshah Chowk against the unprovoked firing on youth at Maisuma, said that the authorities couldn’t crush the resolve of Kashmiris and the movement will be taken to its logical conclusion despite all odds.

He said that New Delhi had given unbridled powers to armed forces to suppress the sentiments of Kashmiris. “This is a sheer barbaric act that bullets are being fired on unarmed people without any provocation,” he added.

The JKLF-R leader appealed to the international human rights organisations to take cognisance of the unabated killings in the occupied territory by Indian forces.

The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Mirwaiz (M) Umar Farooq has said that the current uprising in Jammu & Kashmir should be an eye-opener for the Indian government.

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in a media interview said that people sacrifices had proved it beyond doubt that the uprising was not motivated but a spontaneous expression of peoples’ anger against India. He warned New Delhi that it should bear in mind that it could no longer hoodwink the people of the occupied territory.

He said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir had rendered matchless and unprecedented sacrifices for Kashmir liberation and it was responsibility of all the leaders and people to take the movement to its logical conclusion.

Rubbishing the autonomy and self-rule proposals, the APHC Chairman also stressed the need for fixing short and long-term goals for the current movement. “People of Kashmir have amply evidenced that they don’t mind sacrificing even their blood in fighting for their rights,” Mirwaiz said.

He said that the ongoing uprising had, besides India, also brought down a lot of pressure on the international community for resolution of the Kashmir dispute. “Those people who had wrongly concluded that everything was fine in Kashmir after the elections must have seen that even those people who participated in elections too are now agitating on the roads,” Mirwaiz added.

The APHC Chairman said that participation of people in elections or their seeking of jobs had something to do with their day-to-day problems of survival but linking it with the larger questions pertaining to their political future was wrong and India media and intelligentsia must bear it in mind.

Talking about the “Quit Kashmir Movement" by the APHC (G) Chairman, Syed Ali Gilani, against massive human rights violations in the occupied territory, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said that they supported the agitation

Indian forces killed 72 Kashmiris in August
Mark the Truth article ??

Dont insult this forum... Its way above the nonsense spouted in that idiotic blog
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