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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Wow kattu-mian gone moun mian mithoooo, green wala :rofl::rofl:


Kukru kurun kattu mian tuunnnnnnnnnn
Violence in Gilgit started after we gave status of province to Gilgit now we can link our railway and motorways with China and its definitely a pain in Indians ***. :partay: No country in the world including Israel supporting India on Kashmir issue.

Just imagine Motorways and high speed railways connecting Pakistan (Gilgit area) and China there will be no violence economic activity worth billions of dollas.



Violence in Gilgit started after we gave status of province to Gilgit now we can link our railway and motorways with China and its definitely a pain in Indians ***. :partay: No country in the world including Israel supporting India on Kashmir issue.

Just imagine Motorways and high speed railways connecting Pakistan (Gilgit area) and China there will be no violence economic activity worth billions of dollas.




First think of the Infra-structure of the whole country devastated by the floods IMVHO
We know about our history dear. I am a so called Mohajir myself. My ancestors also migrated from India. But we don't accept the delusions sell in this article about the so called mohajirs and MQM presented in this BS article.
i don't understand what you are trying to say.

The article was actually being positive about MQM

We think Indian Muslims are different from Pakistanis and less susceptible to fanaticism. It is interesting that within Pakistan, the only group openly and violently opposed to Taliban and terrorism are UP and Bihar migrants who form Karachi’s secular Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) party.

So if you don't agree with this, are you saying that MQM actually covertly supports the Taliban ?
Hizbul militant surrenders with family in Kashmir

A Hizbul Mujahideen militant has returned from Pakistan- administered Kashmir and surrendered at the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district along with his family, saying life was becoming increasingly difficult across the border, police sources said.

Liyakat, of Surankote area of Poonch district, surrendered before the Indian Army at the Gotrian post at the LoC Saturday evening. He also handed over his AK-47 assault rifle and some ammunition.

He was accompanied by his wife, Khalida, whom he had married when he had first returned from Pakistan-administered Kashmir in 2000, and three children.

The army handed over the militant and his family to the police.

He had first gone to the other side in 1999, returned in 2000, and after staying on in Jammu and Kashmir for two years, went back along with Khalida in 2001, police said.

Police sources disclosed that Liyakat revealed that the life for Kashmiri militants was becoming increasingly difficult across the LoC.

The sources quoted him as having told the interrogators that Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) officials were regularly visiting the training camps and exhorting them to cross over to the Indian side and step up subversive activities.
i don't understand what you are trying to say.

The article was actually being positive about MQM

So if you don't agree with this, are you saying that MQM actually covertly supports the Taliban ?

I oppose the delusion that only the "mohajirs" from India and specially from UP and Bihar oppose Taliban in Pakistan openly and are secular. I consider this a BS and believe that a large part of Pakistan population oppose taliban and their ideology. The article is actually trying to present "mohajirs" as a separate entity from Pakistani society which I consider as wrong.

We think Indian Muslims are different from Pakistanis and less susceptible to fanaticism. It is interesting that within Pakistan, the only group openly and violently opposed to Taliban and terrorism are UP and Bihar migrants who form Karachi’s secular Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) party.

The important thing is that article also didn't present the crimes and fascism of MQM which according to this article is founded by "secular" Indian mulims.

Anyways my objection to this article is that it is presenting migrants from India as separate group in Pak population which is totally wrong. The migrants from India or so called Mohajirs are as Pakistani and as religious as any other Pakistani.

On the other hand ..I think GOI should have given him a passport..and allowed him to go to Malaysia..that way at least her hypocrisy would have been exposed..all the Kashmiri youth., she instigated in stone throwing..would have stone her instead.

Her hypocracy has already been exposed. There was a lot of hullabaloo both in the electronic as well as the print media.

Why should she not be allowed to have passport for her son?
Just because he is a Muslim?
What if he wish to go for Hajj?
It is about time that Muslims in India should fight for a separate home land, if state refuse them their basic rights and no religious freedom.

Ya he was denied a passport because he was a Muslim. We have declared a Hindu Theocracy here, just in case you didnt check. It was headline news in "Jehad for Dummies", i am sure you read that; for all your thoughts seem to come from such sources.

We are also planning to impound Vice President Hamid Ansari's passport. There you happy now!!??
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Why should she not be allowed to have passport for her son?
Just because he is a Muslim?
What if he wish to go for Hajj?
It is about time that Muslims in India should fight for a separate home land, if state refuse them their basic rights and no religious freedom.

Hope your query is satisfactorily resolved by above post by Karan.
Hizbul militant surrenders with family in Kashmir

A Hizbul Mujahideen militant has returned from Pakistan- administered Kashmir and surrendered at the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district along with his family, saying life was becoming increasingly difficult across the border, police sources said.

Liyakat, of Surankote area of Poonch district, surrendered before the Indian Army at the Gotrian post at the LoC Saturday evening. He also handed over his AK-47 assault rifle and some ammunition.

He was accompanied by his wife, Khalida, whom he had married when he had first returned from Pakistan-administered Kashmir in 2000, and three children.

The army handed over the militant and his family to the police.

He had first gone to the other side in 1999, returned in 2000, and after staying on in Jammu and Kashmir for two years, went back along with Khalida in 2001, police said.

Police sources disclosed that Liyakat revealed that the life for Kashmiri militants was becoming increasingly difficult across the LoC.

The sources quoted him as having told the interrogators that Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) officials were regularly visiting the training camps and exhorting them to cross over to the Indian side and step up subversive activities.

Atleast someone is crawling back to his senses

The smallest effort is not lost, Each wavelet on the ocean tost Aids in the ebb-tide or the flow; Each rain-drop makes some floweret blow; Each struggle lessens human woe.
- Charles Mackay
First think of the Infra-structure of the whole country devastated by the floods IMVHO

By the way educate your self, whole of the country's infrastructure has not been destroyed that we don't think of other areas.

Rebuilding of the devastated areas by flood as well as other areas will continue, which is the normal process.
Finally Gilgit got some media coverage. Hope they keep up with ongoing turmoil.
Did you read the article.:pop:

Yeah very much, it happens once in a while, 1-2 day tensions and then it dies down and resurfaces some other day.

Gilgit is not the only place to have such tensions, sectarian in nature.

There are Shia-Sunni issues and they are for decades now, as well as Shia-Shia issues.

So what's surprising about it ??
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