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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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hi everyone . i am new to this forum . been hearing a lot about kashmir these days . i dont know wots wrong with these people . why do they want to join a unstable , underdeveloped country with virtually no future . there are millions of other muslims living in india in absolute freedom and prosperity

why they want to is not your concern, you dont care about them do you?

that they want to is the reality

well done on their spirited protests, long may it continue until they get what they want, whatever that is.
hi everyone . i am new to this forum . been hearing a lot about kashmir these days . i dont know wots wrong with these people . why do they want to join a unstable , underdeveloped country with virtually no future . there are millions of other muslims living in india in absolute freedom and prosperity . may almighty allah give them enuff sense .


Welcome on PAK DEF FORUM:pakistan:
Hope u get banned soon.
Unstable if it means terrorism yes okay.
Under developed?
Looks like ur feed on B.S by maha shytty indian media.Tht karachi looks like kabul!
No future?
One of the BIGGEST massive reserves in the world!! coal,oil,gas reserves ,minerals,semi precious stones,salt,,one of the fastest growing economies till 2008(stalled coz of terrorism).Lots of good stuff!!

May God give u ENOUGH(correct spellings) sense to see the barbarity of indian occupying army and BLOOD STAINED STRUGGLE OF THE BRAVE PEOPLE OF KASHMIR.
i dont know wots wrong with these people . why do they want to join a unstable , underdeveloped country with virtually no future

That is for them to decide....its there opinion....Just how the Palestinians want there own separate land.
indians are always insistent on making it a religious issue and making anything to do with pakistan to do with jihadist islam - well what if i am a secularist AND support kashmiri liberation from india - well according to the reductionist indians such a thing is not possible

so islam islam islam islam is what its all about

Well, the shoe is on the other foot.

It is Pakistan which made it a religious issue. Their whole basis for asking Kashmir is all about religion. It is Pakistan which raises it in OIC as an Islamic issue and it is Pakistan which sent Islamic terrorists to snatch it from India.

i could rewrite some of the above as

you see, it works both ways.....

You could and it may not be entirely wrong. There may well be resentment in some people and it would be genuine for them to have it.

That chapter of atrocities has not been closed. There has been no apology forthcoming to close it and so it remains an open wound. India has chosen to be a secular democracy and Muslims are equal citizens. But that resentment may break forth at some time in future unless the Islamic world is sagacious enough to try and close that chapter of brutality.

Right now they seem to be celebrating it and making those people their heroes.
That is for them to decide....its there opinion....Just how the Palestinians want there own separate land.

u can say this only if indian territory is not affected.those who wants to join with pakistan can migrate to pakistan.
u can say this only if indian territory is not affected.those who wants to join with pakistan can migrate to pakistan.

why should they, its their land?

you indians can get lost back to your india and leave the kashmiri's in kashmir
I'd disagree, and I've been to India to say that.

What is noticeable comparing both countries is the lack of women out in urban centres. And also, if you ask a Pakistani female, she'll tell you how much more comfortable she felt walking in an Indian city, away from the leering Pakistani men you encounter when in Pakistan. Big standout difference.

Don't get wound up, it's just the truth.

you sir have NO idea about karachi,lahore specially the YOUNG WOMEN of this generation nowadays! you don't know anything about how liberated our women in villages are compared to indians in villages! but its ok your opinon on this forum i totally disregard after having a debate with you earlier on a topic! so even writing this feels like a waste of time but you addressed me so i had to reply! :wave:
why should they, its their land?

you indians can get lost back to your india and leave the kashmiri's in kashmir

implement this to b4 1947 condition,to baluchistan,tibet etc.u will know how u will give them freedom.
implement this to b4 1947 condition,to baluchistan,tibet etc.u will know how u will give them freedom.

implement universal human rights, you hypocrite.

maybe one day your people will be occupied...
Well, may be you are right.

The perception in India is that it is the PA that drives the core agenda of Pakistan (and that includes relations with India). So it is Kayani who sets the tone and not the civilian government.

Recently there were some articles that again credited Kayani for the recent FM talks failure. Not sure how credible they were.

Kayani is considered a hawk on India, a PA officer of the 1971 generation (meaning the officers and men who have a burning desire to avenge 1971, by severing Kashmir from India (mythical chopping off of the head). There was an article by MJ Akbar in today' TOI and a thread on that which seems to have been deleted.

kashmir would have been solved by now if india had acted sanely after mumbai attacks!! speaking of surgical strikes did piss of our nation! and ofcourse our military & its leadership.

it is apparent from this video:

india lacked the will during musharraf's tenure to resolve kashmir & after 2008 it destroyed any hope of Confidence Building Measures on kashmir! :coffee:
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These are not Kashmiries..dont post offtopic pitures here..
indians are always insistent on making it a religious issue and making anything to do with pakistan to do with jihadist islam - well what if i am a secularist AND support kashmiri liberation from india - well according to the reductionist indians such a thing is not possible

so islam islam islam islam is what its all about

i could rewrite some of the above as
The tortured angst of hindu zealots is even more acute because in their fevered imagination, a hindu civilisation had been conquered and ruled by muslims, their lands had been lost, their manhood and pride had been hurt and they hold this resentment deep in their hearts from generation to generation, because pakistan is a constant reminder of this, hence the reason for their never ending hatred of pakistan

you see, it works both ways.....

No it doesn't work both ways. Its you people, Pakistanis, who gave everything a religious connotation, be it the Kashmir issue or Indo-Pak relations or even the work of NATO in Afghanistan. There is no secular who supports Kashmiri "liberation from tyrannical Indian Army". It just doesnt work that way.

The oft repeated favorite quote - "The Indian Army is a 'Hindu force' ruling with an iron hand over Muslim Kashmir" - is absurd to say the least. Its conveniently ignored that these very followers of Islam indoctrinated by a religious pseudo-nationalist ideology and provided with AK-47s drove out the original Kashmiri Pundits - who co-incidentally were the first to raise their voices for Kashmiri independence. Its was your pride which was hurt, as M.J.Akbar so nicely puts it, because a Muslim Jihadi army had been vanquished by a Hindu Force which was very secular. The pride of a martial race been subdued by a weakling pagan force! How did this ever happen, right?

And as your views that India was ruled by Muslims for hundreds of years (what may be ~500 years in its 10,000 year history) and created a country out of 'Hindu" entity is the reason for animosity? In that case India should have the very issues with Sri Lanka, BD, Burma, Nepal, Afghanistan etc, that Pakistanis have with India. Your argumnt doesnt stand.

The resentment lies NOT with us, but with you. India doesn't survive on a anti-Pakistan or anti-Muslim rhetoric. Now lets see you prove this is also true for Pakistan.
Kashmir is India's.
Be it anything.
Pakistan wants it?They can give it a try,everyone knows what happened in the past.
kashmir would have been solved by now if india had acted sanely after mumbai attacks!! speaking of surgical strikes did piss of our nation! and ofcourse our military & its leadership.

it is apparent from this video:

YouTube - ‪Gen Musharraf's reply to Indian journalist's idiotic question‬‎

You are pissed off by the mere talk of surgical strikes and you expect India to take the massacre by Pakistani terrorists lying down!

Those were insane attacks and few in India are/were convinced that they were totally without some measure of official support.

india lacked the will during musharraf's tenure to resolve kashmir & after 2008 it destroyed any hope of Confidence Building Measures on kashmir! :coffee:

If it helps you to sleep better by blaming India, I won't stop you. It is Pakistan which is not ready to implement what had been agreed.

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