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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Okay that is good that none of the security forces have died....so what made them use live bullets....and I repeat live bullets.

I assume to prevent themselves from getting killed by superior number of rioters...
Okay that is good that none of the security forces have died....so what made them use live bullets....and I repeat live bullets.

Why are you going in circles here??is it really hard for you to understand it..it was pointed out by many members here that the mob was violent and they were torching down and destructing proerties and govt offices..if it was not got under control many more people would have dead because of it..so they have to use lethal force..
Like when that police man showed restraint when he shoved a baton down a boys throat.....no one in this thread has answered to me...in what is going to happen to the policeman in question that this this course of action.

^^^^There was a report of an eight year old boy who died in a stampede, is that what you are referring to?

I don't think the police have time to sit around putting batons in little boys throats.

And there have been casualties due to some protestors as well, for example fivepeople died in a blast when protestors set a police station on fire and explosives inside that exploded. The police were not involved in that but those people who wanted to set fire to public property. Similarly other public property including a Girls school in Baramulla area was also set on fire.
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Why are you going in circles here??is it really hard for you to understand it..it was pointed out by many members here that the mob was violent and they were torching down and destructing proerties and govt offices..if it was not got under control many more people would have dead because of it..so they have to use lethal force..

And it was pointed out by many Indian member, such as Indian Rabbit....that the Indian forces were only using rubber bullets.....clearly that is not the case....as I have proven it wrong with 3 articles. So is it really hard for you top understand.....that your security force is using excessive force.
There was a report of an eight year old boy who died in a stampede, is that what you are referring to

Nope EjazR....it wasn't that boy...I was an article forward by an Pakistan Ejaz that said a Policeman shoved a baton down a boys throat.
The police were not involved in that but the protestors.

But the Police is a pofessional body Ejazr.....it is there duty to maintain public order......not going around and shooting protesters simply because they were overrun...... that is your state goverments fault for not allocating funds for police training and police equipment
Nope EjazR....it wasn't that boy...I was an article forward by an Pakistan Ejaz that said a Policeman shoved a baton down a boys throat.

Can you give me the link to that. I have been following all the local Kashmir based newspapers and there was only one eight year old casualty. Although unfortuantely there have been many teenagers and women as well. These are unacceptable ofcourse,the police should have had Nonlethal crowd control techniques in place.
Seriously speaking I agree to one point that we should invest in non leathal riot controling technologies and think seriously it will help us only. Also I do not know the story of secuirty forces but at high level it seems that we did not handled it well and might have been heavy handed. The other thing is all over India this heavy handedness of police is common so we generally stay out of it. Now next question is as we are looking to become developed country it is high time we fix this problem.
okay let me try to find it, for you it was posted originally by Ejaz the Pakistani Poster.
But the Police is a pofessional body Ejazr.....it is there duty to maintain public order......not going around and shooting protesters simply because they were overrun...... that is your state goverments fault for not allocating funds for police training and police equipment

Well the entire analysis will probably be done and remedies mentioned. The police by and large has done a commendable job if you look in the historical perspective of the last two decades. The majority of the deaths have happened since last saturday when miscreants had started burning govt. builds and attacking houses and families of mainstream politicians and police. As well as attacks on anyone who defies shutdowns or goes to the govt. offices or open shops e.t.c.

The J&K police has been trained as a COIN force because of the militants infiltrating in Kashmir for the last two decades. IT is high time that crowd control techniques are used from now on. Even one death is a death too much.
Personally attacking me like I said to you is a waste of time......this is a public forum so......as a result I can voice what I believe.....I have no chip on my shoulder.....lol......it makes me laugh that you get all emotional.

You are the one getting emotional. Using bullets on an unarmed crowd can be in certain situations disproportionate force...just like your your responses.

Its a public forum and you have every right to disagree/debate etc..Im not attacking you personally...just pointing out when you start behaving like what you are accusing others of being like.

I dont know you and couldnt care less,even if you 'win'(not that you are...) a debate or discussion...its not a competition !

But I do get a sense that you seem to be unreasonably attached to a certain viewpoint given your so called neutrality that you support with your British nationality.

Just as an aside...40 Indian MPs cutting across party lines have appealed for a dialogue with the separatists and to stop the violence...while Indian democracy does'nt meet your fake lofty standards but it does has both its moments and sparks and am sure justice will be served.

Next time a British PM says he has conclusive evidence that a country has a nuclear weapon...well...there wont be any believers.For that matter, there wont be many believers for anything he might say whether its about Pakistan in India or about Pakistan-British relations in London.
Using bullets on an unarmed crowd can be in certain situations disproportionate force...just like your your responses.

You are actually comparing live bullets....to my responses...that is scary.

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