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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Well if that version is true; what does it suggest? That she faced no consequences for the supposed action hardly shows the image you want to portray - a police state intent on violence. Can someone do the same to your army officials & hope to survive?

There are two things.

1. India is trying to impose its will
2. But failing to do so

That is significant!
@Asim..not going offtopic..but why dont you merge all the threads you opened about Kashmir..its hard for us to follow all the ones..please do it if you can..Opening as many threads wont change anything in Kashmir anyway :cheers:
The admissions by an Indian writer on Desi Critics is huge. Indians will have to let go of Kashmir. Sooner or later the Kashmiris will beat out their freedom from them.

Either it is your naivety or your inherited hatred for India that is stopping you to see the real picture.

The article is straight from the heart and I am getting all emotional, but unfortunately, that is not how the world is supposed to function. Nations do not compromise their territorial integrity based on the whims of a tiny minority - and if that happens, then the days of that nation being united and integrated are numbered.

You fail to see that it is not just about Kashmir - it will send ripple effects and may lead cascading events of more possible fragmentation of the country - and hence it is about the whole of India, its unity and integrity. And, therefore, your hope that India will let these handful of people compromise its pillars of existence is in vain.

And it is not just not just India, no country at any cost would allow that to happen. Would Pakistan let go of Balochistan? Would China let go of Tibet? Think twice.

Oh, but I forgot, why would you care for India. So please continue your forum war, while India deals with the situation on ground.
There is heavy armed presence of various groups, from police to CRPF to Rapid Action force and even special forces - army is deployed as well. Remember the parade army did as a show of force 2 weeks back?
All are LEOs. Not army.. Army simply did a flag march.. No Operations..

A bullet is a bullet and a gun is a gun - Curfew hasn't been relented for 8 straight days now. Omar sending in trucks for 'relief' over the 'strain' he himself has imposed upon the Kashmiris is no big thing. After 8 days people would be running low on supplies.
Not true
Curfew relaxed in parts of Srinagar - India - The Times of India

Shoot to kill orders are on, can you imagine the mental toll this takes upon a person living in Kashmir. Kashmiris are modern - non tribal, highly urbanized and education and economic prosperity seeking people, and secularized Muslims. This act of defiance comes after years and years of conflict and abuse at the hands of the security forces its not in their culture or tradition.
Shoot to kill orders are in effect in Karachi too which is the biggest urban center of Pakistan. It has nothing to do with the culture or urban/rural nature of the place but the prevailing situation on ground.

Omar Abdullah has to go - and the tie up with the Indian union has to be loose with its own governance, with a connected defence/economic system. The escalation of protests would end and so would the need to deploy heavy forces on Kashmir's streets.

Thats for GOI to decide. More of a political decision. If FA is able to pull off a quick calming effect, OA will retain position, else I see the governer rule coming up. Unless something drastic happens, I think we are already over the hump...
That news is fake half of the stories are cooked up.
and we will continue to protect it till the last day of the earth

Well your not doing a very good job in protecting your citizens are you......what was it 45 people dead.
That news is fake half of the stories are cooked up.

Wow is that the best you can come up with.......how dissappointing....you just can't take the fact that you were made to look like a fool......when you told Pashwa that I was lying to him....furthermore you said to Pashwa that India does not use live bullets.....I gave you three articles.......now how are you going to respond to that.
Okay its's the paramilitary force that is killing the civilians......but its still Indian...so your goverment should still be held accountable for its actions.

Yes, Indians will hold them accountable and not the British Govt or people...your govt seems pretty upset with Pakistan...so where do your loyalties lie?...do you support Cameron's honest speak or would you have him tell lies..
You were lying all along you told him the boy is dead. Also you never answred my question on barbasism by these Kashmiri's on Hindu brothers.
Well your not doing a very good job in protecting your citizens are you......what was it 45 people dead.

Some time lethal force is used to curb the violent mob..other wise it will be dangerous to other citizens too..it is applied in every part of the world..Just see in Karachi too shoot at sight has been ordered..its usual when mob turns violent..
Yes, Indians will hold them accountable and not the British Govt or people

Well that's good to hear....but when will you hold them accountable.....its's all good saying that you will, but when is the key question.
your govt seems pretty upset with Pakistan

I personally didn't vote for the Tories....as I'm a Labour fan.....however what my goverment thinks of Pakistan is another matter.....as this thread is not about my goverement and its foreign policies.
When a country is formed of size lile India, it is expected that some people want to be seperate. The same happened is USA which was formed after huge war.
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