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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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These people who are pleading innosence are the rapist who raped Kashmiri Hindus because of their religion. Kashmir is go no where and none has the guts to take it by force.
sir u r over estimating each n every thing.army can easily handle this,more politics is involved in this.j&k opposite parties just want to rule,so they dont want the peace ,specially omar abdulla.and cong cant remove him.so the real motive is to call army in. and also 4 bjp this is necessary to have an political influence.
there is nthing which makes u to think that kashmir will be in the hands of pak.
Once you do that, you will have a major uprising and even New Delhi will be pelted with stones.

Moreover you will force Pakistan's hands to step in and protect Kashmiris and hopefully if the rest of the world has any moral conscience they will join us as well.

Its nothing but joke. If Pakistan army had the will and ability they wud already have come (for such a just and pious cause they keep shouting)

They can just use these kids for there gain. If Kashmir is separated (thats never gonna happen, bet all my pennies) Pakistan will come for the party else they will not go beyond what they are doing now. They have put a stop loss.
Just replace Omar Abdullah with his father, reduce the corruption in valley that sucks the benefits and money send by Delhi, arrest rioters, shoot financiers & facilitators of riots and terrorism.
Start a media and diplomatic campaign about terrorism, pak admin Kashmir, Baluchistan.
These people who are pleading innosence are the rapist who raped Kashmiri Hindus because of their religion. Kashmir is go no where and none has the guts to take it by force.

kashmiri hindus are being raped by their own soldiers ...
india has taken it by force and is sittin on it by force and that shows only force is the only policy take it back
yeah u mean take back our army so that u can quietly send urs and take control of kashmir. grow up dude.never gonna happen

I m not saying what Indian army is doing in kashmir is absolutely right but these militants have to realize that they cannot get kashmir from india by force, the only solution is sit and talk. if an acceptable solution can be reached,good otherwise idk
Well not bad, it will make our government do some thinking and come with some better steps. I support reducing troops to start with, we have too much of them then needed.
i dont know what they talk.india will not compromise on integrity.pak dont accept this.then what can be the soln if india dont accept pak in indian kashmir and even they know that they cant get this by force.
They can just use these kids for there gain. If Kashmir is separated (thats never gonna happen, bet all my pennies) Pakistan will come for the party else they will not go beyond what they are doing now. They have put a stop loss.
save ur pennies coz if kashmir will not get separated it will cost u alot u can use them then ....... and pakistan army has enough guts to get it back ...... by the way we can use our talibans too .... u know they love jihad
kashmiri hindus are being raped by their own soldiers ...
india has taken it by force and is sittin on it by force and that shows only force is the only policy take it back

kashmiri hindus are being raped by their own soldiers ...

another ahmed quereshi,not intersted in replying.
india has taken it by force and is sittin on it by force and that shows only force is the only policy take it back

it was given to us.i dont know what ur generals taught u.
save ur pennies coz if kashmir will not get separated it will cost u alot u can use them then ....... and pakistan army has enough guts to get it back ...... by the way we can use our talibans too .... u know they love jihad

Thats true. Ask those families who lost there kids in Lahore, Swat and GHQ attacks.
Cruelty let loose in Kashmir unlikely to subdue popular resistance - South Asia Citizens Web

It needs no expertise to assess how New Delhi is looking at what all has been happening in Kashmir over the past about three months. The arrival of planeloads of ‘additional’ contingents of central para-military forces in Srinagar, following chief minister Omar Abdullah’s recent visit to the union capital, tells it all. Central government’s approach in this case continues to be influenced by the entrenched militaristic mindset of the intelligence-bureaucratic establishment. There is no sign at all of any worthwhile political input into New Delhi’s decision making apparatus. Obviously no one over there feels any need for such an approach. Looking from here, it is clear beyond doubt that the central government, now in effective control of the situation in Jammu and Kashmir, is on course to sharpen its coercive tools in dealing with ‘obstinate’ people of Kashmir. Various definitions are being trotted out to justify this stance. By now it is obvious beyond question that the present situation is an outright revolt against gross injustices being perpetrated upon the people of this state in general and those in the Valley in particular. This line has always suited the partisan political interests of whosoever happens to be at the helm in Delhi. Kashmir bashing is not only a fair game in the domestic politics of India but it also helps the incumbent beneficiary to extract that extra bit of mileage against rivals in the field. The greater the degree of repression in Kashmir better are its dividends in terms of domestic political calculus. This is also a familiar pattern of centre-state ‘relationship’ dating back to 1950s. It has been practised over and over again.

What, however, is new is the fact that this kind of narrow mindedness is accompanied by colour blindness. Repression is nothing new for the people of Kashmir. But their determination to resist it and fight it with whatever they have is certainly something which others are yet to come to terms with. What one sees happening across every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley today is unprecedented. It is a full blown resistance movement against injustices, against suppression and against tyranny. It is inconceivable that in a similar situation in any other state of India voices of reason would disappear as blatantly as they have in the case of zulm in Kashmir. Daily dance of death and destruction does not seem to be pinching anyone’s conscience. Innocent children, boys and girls, are being cruelly gunned down. It is shame on the society that calls itself civilised and expects to be recognised as such. The huge casualty toll resulting from resort to naked repression upon unarmed people seeking justice and voicing their basic rights is staggering. Lack of compassion and sensitivity is starkly evident in the authoritarian statements coming out of New Delhi. There is a grudging reference to colossal loss of precious human lives while so much energy is wasted in ‘our determination to crush anti-national and anti-social forces’. Sonia Gandhi’s statement that the present popular movement in Kashmir is ‘instigated by vested interests’, union home minister P Chidambaram’s oft repeat version that ‘elements from across the border’ have a hand in it and the Congress party’s position that the ‘trouble makers should be dealt with firmly echo the UPA government’s line of thinking. Despatch of additional para-military forces to the already over-militarised Valley caps the paranoid afflicting the central establishment.

The disastrous results of this myopic approach are mind boggling. The people of Kashmir who were till recently being hailed as ‘patriots’ are now sought to be subjugated at gunpoint. Their grievances are being seen as a great threat to the Indian nation. They were being praised for their courage in defying grave threat to life posed by militancy and making recent elections a success for the benefit of Indian democracy and Indian diplomacy. But suddenly the same lot is now targeted for worst kind of atrocities and excesses. The only change between then and now, which brought about such a radical shift in centre’s thinking, is that the genuine grievances resulting from gross failure of the system of governance have found the only available outlet. The entire population is being treated as hostile and dealt with as an enemy. Licence to kill with impunity and wanton destruction of private property is being made use of liberally by the growing number of police and para-military forces. How these forces have developed a sixth sense for manufacturing situations for indulging in wanton killing and destruction is no more a secret. Numerous instances of fake encounters have been unearthed but has anyone been held to account? The system is impotent in this case because Kashmir is a fair game for excesses and atrocities so long as it is a profitable bargain in the Indian political market. But, for once, Kashmiris seem to have had enough of it. They have shown their determination to do whatever it takes to resist and fight this tyranny. Human spirit has never been vanquished by these tactics. This awareness seems to be the driving force behind the present phase of popular struggle in Kashmir, irrespective of who is spearheading it.

Gone are the days of Indian restraint, there is full on terror tactics being employed upon the Kashmiris to subdue their protests.
Cruelty let loose in Kashmir unlikely to subdue popular resistance - South Asia Citizens Web

It needs no expertise to assess how New Delhi is looking at what all has been happening in Kashmir over the past about three months. The arrival of planeloads of ‘additional’ contingents of central para-military forces in Srinagar, following chief minister Omar Abdullah’s recent visit to the union capital, tells it all. Central government’s approach in this case continues to be influenced by the entrenched militaristic mindset of the intelligence-bureaucratic establishment. There is no sign at all of any worthwhile political input into New Delhi’s decision making apparatus. Obviously no one over there feels any need for such an approach. Looking from here, it is clear beyond doubt that the central government, now in effective control of the situation in Jammu and Kashmir, is on course to sharpen its coercive tools in dealing with ‘obstinate’ people of Kashmir. Various definitions are being trotted out to justify this stance. By now it is obvious beyond question that the present situation is an outright revolt against gross injustices being perpetrated upon the people of this state in general and those in the Valley in particular. This line has always suited the partisan political interests of whosoever happens to be at the helm in Delhi. Kashmir bashing is not only a fair game in the domestic politics of India but it also helps the incumbent beneficiary to extract that extra bit of mileage against rivals in the field. The greater the degree of repression in Kashmir better are its dividends in terms of domestic political calculus. This is also a familiar pattern of centre-state ‘relationship’ dating back to 1950s. It has been practised over and over again.

What, however, is new is the fact that this kind of narrow mindedness is accompanied by colour blindness. Repression is nothing new for the people of Kashmir. But their determination to resist it and fight it with whatever they have is certainly something which others are yet to come to terms with. What one sees happening across every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley today is unprecedented. It is a full blown resistance movement against injustices, against suppression and against tyranny. It is inconceivable that in a similar situation in any other state of India voices of reason would disappear as blatantly as they have in the case of zulm in Kashmir. Daily dance of death and destruction does not seem to be pinching anyone’s conscience. Innocent children, boys and girls, are being cruelly gunned down. It is shame on the society that calls itself civilised and expects to be recognised as such. The huge casualty toll resulting from resort to naked repression upon unarmed people seeking justice and voicing their basic rights is staggering. Lack of compassion and sensitivity is starkly evident in the authoritarian statements coming out of New Delhi. There is a grudging reference to colossal loss of precious human lives while so much energy is wasted in ‘our determination to crush anti-national and anti-social forces’. Sonia Gandhi’s statement that the present popular movement in Kashmir is ‘instigated by vested interests’, union home minister P Chidambaram’s oft repeat version that ‘elements from across the border’ have a hand in it and the Congress party’s position that the ‘trouble makers should be dealt with firmly echo the UPA government’s line of thinking. Despatch of additional para-military forces to the already over-militarised Valley caps the paranoid afflicting the central establishment.

The disastrous results of this myopic approach are mind boggling. The people of Kashmir who were till recently being hailed as ‘patriots’ are now sought to be subjugated at gunpoint. Their grievances are being seen as a great threat to the Indian nation. They were being praised for their courage in defying grave threat to life posed by militancy and making recent elections a success for the benefit of Indian democracy and Indian diplomacy. But suddenly the same lot is now targeted for worst kind of atrocities and excesses. The only change between then and now, which brought about such a radical shift in centre’s thinking, is that the genuine grievances resulting from gross failure of the system of governance have found the only available outlet. The entire population is being treated as hostile and dealt with as an enemy. Licence to kill with impunity and wanton destruction of private property is being made use of liberally by the growing number of police and para-military forces. How these forces have developed a sixth sense for manufacturing situations for indulging in wanton killing and destruction is no more a secret. Numerous instances of fake encounters have been unearthed but has anyone been held to account? The system is impotent in this case because Kashmir is a fair game for excesses and atrocities so long as it is a profitable bargain in the Indian political market. But, for once, Kashmiris seem to have had enough of it. They have shown their determination to do whatever it takes to resist and fight this tyranny. Human spirit has never been vanquished by these tactics. This awareness seems to be the driving force behind the present phase of popular struggle in Kashmir, irrespective of who is spearheading it.

Gone are the days of Indian restraint, there is full on terror tactics being employed upon the Kashmiris to subdue their protests.
Desicritics.org: Let go, India

Kashmir is not simmering anymore. It is boiling and spilling over. In the last two months 40 people were killed by Indian security forces. These are young boys of Kashmir, less than 20 years of age, some of them as young as 8 years, and they are challenging the might of Indian armed forces by coming out onto streets violating the curfew orders imposed onto them. Look at the news headlines from THE HINDU in the last 4 days.

Aug 04: 5 more die as violence continues in Kashmir
Aug 03: Thousands defy curfew; 7 more civilians killed
Aug 02: 8 killed as violence escalates in Kashmir Valley
Aug 01: 2 die in police firing as protesters defy curfew

The new generation of Kashmiri Davids takes on the Goliath machinery of India. These young boys risk their lives to defy all the restrictions imposed on them by Indian security forces. India is at a loss. It does not know how to deal with this situation. There are no AK-47s, there are no hand grenades or rocket launchers so that India can claim these protestors are terrorists. All these young boys have is bunch of easily available stones to take on the sophisticated Indian armed forces.

Indians don't know how to respond to this outcry from Kashmir Valley. Indians are still contemplating half measures. They talk of development, better political representation, tackling corruption and so on. These Indians still believe that we can turn this around. They believe that that these young Kashmiris will one day embrace India and love this country as we do.

<Asim's input: Damn, that hits it perfectly. Delusions of Kashmiri love for India helps no one. It's more like the saying goes, a drowning man, clutches the straw>

There comes a time in the political histories where there is no turning back. Kashmiri youth have crossed that Rubicon. They don't want to turn back. That's why they throw themselves against the Indian armed forced and are ready to die. When freedom is more important to them than their precious lives, we need to concede that we are losing ground and losing our place on their lives.

Its time India concedes that it cannot win back people who don't want to be won back. This happens with many political movements where the ideas have been infused so strongly amongst the population that there is no need for instigators or leaders anymore. Siddharth Varadarajan writes in THE HINDU:

This admission has been difficult for the authorities to make because its implications are unpleasant, perhaps even frightening. In security terms, the absence of a central nervous system means the expanding body of protest cannot be controlled by arresting individual leaders. And in political terms, the spectre of leaderless revolt makes the offer of 'dialogue' or the naming of a 'special envoy' for Kashmir — proposals which might have made sense last year or even last month — seem completely and utterly pointless today.

Initially when Indians wanted their freedoms from the British they thought they could get them within the British Empire under the aegis of the Crown. However, over a period of time, it became clear that they needed purna swaraj - complete independence from British. Once that idea got matured and got instilled into the masses, it didn't matter if Gandhi was around or Nehru around. By then it got its own momentum. We would have got Independence irrespective of the leaders because the idea is now grown so big that it is bigger than any leader.

Something similar is happening in Telangana now. Many outsiders ridicule people of Telangana for their struggle and believe that it is a fight sponsored by some political parties. When I was describing one of the agitations to an outsider he asked how much each participant was paid. These Indians refused to believe that people of Telangana come out of their volition to participate in the struggle just because they believe in the idea. They don't need incentives from leaders anymore. The idea has become bigger than the leaders. Siddharth Varadarajan continues.

Ever since the current phase of disturbances began, intelligence officials have been wasting precious time convincing the leadership and public of India that the protests are solely or mostly the handiwork of agent provocateurs. So we have been told of the role of the Lashkar-e-Taiba and ISI, of the 'daily wage of Rs. 200' — and even narcotics — being given to stone pelters.

In the context of Kashmir, many Indians refuse to believe that the idea of azadi has now become a universal idea shared by most of Kashmiris living in the valley. These Kashmiris don't need incentives anymore to come out and fight to give up their lives.

Siddharth continues:

A few weeks back, an audio recording of a supposedly incriminating telephone call was leaked to the media along with a misleading transcript suggesting the Geelani faction of the Hurriyat was behind the upsurge. Now, our TV channels have "learned" from their "sources" that the protests will continue till President Obama's visit in November.

We Indians will do everything in our capacity to discredit a genuine people's aspirations. We will say that the leaders are corrupt, and then say that the people participated in an agitation for the lure of 200 rupees, and that some foreign elements are involved and so on, but never admit that there could be a genuine people's movement going on there.

One Indian, E. Krishnan of Palakkad writes in THE HINDU:

The present unrest and continued defiance of the orders of the administration can only be termed as last ditch attempts from across the border...Only a minuscule section of the people, at the behest of the enemy, is fomenting trouble in Jammu and Kashmir. This has to be contained firmly.

So what will it take for India to admit that the majority of the people in Kashmir Valley sympathize with the protestors and that they are as committed as the protestors for their azadi from India? When will we accept the ground realities? Should Indian security forces end up in killing and maiming everyone in the Valley to be able to say, 'now, everyone wants to be with India'?

Siddharth Varadarajan writes:

Central to this delusional narrative of manipulated protest is the idea that the disturbances are confined to just a few pockets in the valley ...

...but one of the reasons the protests spread was popular frustration over the way in which the authenticity of mass sentiment was being dismissed by the government. For the women who came on to the streets with their pots and pans and even stones, or the youths who set up spontaneous blood donation camps to help those injured in the demonstrations, this attempt to strip their protest of both legitimacy and agency was yet another provocation.

The current generation of Kashmiris is not fighting their battles with AK-47s but ordinary stones to combat the second biggest army on the planet. One cannot help but compare it with Palestinians kids throwing stones at the oncoming Israeli tanks.

My dream of India

I am a proud Indian. Not because we are the second biggest army in the world or because we possess nuclear weapons, but because I believe that we are creating a nation based on certain lofty ideals to create a harmonious society, an equitable system, and a fair country, where people will have their freedoms and dignity no matter what. I want my India to be mature than what it is right now so that it can deal with practical problems with practical solutions.

Time for introspection

What has become of us Indians? How did we end up being an imperialist and a colonizer? When did we turn from being a champion of freedoms to suppressor of freedoms? What happened to those lofty goals that we preached when we got our freedoms? In Kashmir, people are dying every day. Our hands are bloody. We are killing innocent people. For what? To satisfy our egos?

Can we save ourselves from this ignominy of ruthlessly ruling 10 million people with one-million armies? How many guns do we need to rule this population? And for what? For the sadistic pleasure that we can beat our enemy in Pakistan? So that we teach a humiliating lesson to the new generation of Kashmiri Muslims for what their fathers did to Kashmiri Hindus? Is this all for holding onto a map?

Either it is Telangana or Kashmir, the problem is the same. Indians don't want to admit that someone is ready to get separated from us. We are not ready to concede that we might have done something wrong, that we have deprived the people of their aspirations, their access to opportunities, curtailed them of their freedoms.

'How can someone accuse us of suppressing someone's freedoms when we are the freest of the nations?' our arrogance asks. Take a look around you. We suppress our own people all the time. Andhras suppress Telanganas. Hindus suppress Muslims. Upper castes suppress Lower castes. Men suppress Women. When given a free rein, the majorities and the privileged suppress minorities and the underprivileged. The strong suppresses the weak.

Today we are suppressing peoples' freedoms with guns and tanks, forcing them to stay in their homes depriving them of basic freedoms to go out. We are so high on our growing economic and military power that we are not ready to concede an inch of our land even if it means killing everyone who aspires for it. Under the name of imposition of peace we have become the very masters we toppled. We have become the British. We have become the dictators and usurpers.

Let go

History tells us that no map is static. They are constantly redrawn. Countries emerge, divide, unite and evolve.

The solution to washing our sins is 'letting go'. Let go of Kashmiris. Let them decide their fates. We may think that they are not in the right mind when they seek separation. But it is better for them decide their fates than imposing our sense of right it onto them. It should not be our prerogative to decide what is good for them especially when we have to hold a gun against their head to make them say 'yes'.

Let go, India. Become mature. Some of us expect that from you. We expect India to be so confident that our pride and ego will not be hurt just because we admit 'we could not coerce you into loving us'. We want our India to be preoccupied with keepings its ideals intact rather than its maps. We want India to be a country where people feel they are free not because they are forced into admitting it but because they genuinely feel free to express their opinion however disagreeable it is to the rest of us.

Can we set aside our political agendas, our egos, our prides and our sanctities aside for a while and ask, how does it change our opinion of India if we actually took a step forward and told these 10 million people that we are ready to let them go. Will that not increase our stature in our own eyes? Will it not give us pride as a nation that we have become mature enough to let someone go after realizing that all this while we were suffocating them and forcing them to live with us?

Game changing admissions coming from Indians - Let go, Let go already.
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