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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Whatever..but people are getting some relief...the same thing happened in Punjab..:what:.then then terrorism Died....:lazy::blink:

Indian Punjab did not have a competing ideology, a competing state vying for the hearts and minds of its people, its people split in half and the international community, through the UNSC resolutions, endorsing the position that the territory is disputed and that the people need to exercise self-determination.
Its only a matter of time when Kashmiris on the other side of the LOC start wanting the same.

Its only human.

Cheers, Doc

The thing is, the Kashmiris on the other side already have a great degree of autonomy and development. There is a huge Kashmir diaspora, both in Pakistan and abroad, and they are extremely wealthy, which means that you have a ton of money going back home and being invested, aside from the development carried out by the government and the military (in terms of infrastructure, schools, clinics etc.).
Stop wasting your life on blogs folks......they are nothing but some ones personal jerk off sessions...

Look for something worthwhile and invest your energies there....... this will help all of us grow into better human beings...

OK, thanks for making that clear.

I'll help you on your way from this 'jerk off session'.

Have fun trolling somewhere else.
. And that omission is that, instead of saying "internal disorder in Kashmir" the author should have referred it to as "Kashmiri invasion by Pakistani based militants supported covertly and not-so-covertly by Pakistani regular army.

The tribal invasion came later. What the author is referring to perhaps is the rebellion against the dictator Maharaja in the Poonch district by resident Kashmiris. There was no tribal invasion at that time.

The Maharajah responded to that rebellion with a brutal crackdown, which resulted in thousands of Kashmir refugees escaping into Pakistan, and that, along with the inflamed sentiment of partition, with trains full of massacred people arriving from India, was to be the catalyst for the Tribal invasion.

The author has not obfuscated anything here, but pointed out the events that were the true cause of the subsequent violence the Kashmiri rebellion against the Maharajah and his brutal crackdown.
So I throw it back to you....how can you prove to us that Pakistani Kashmiri's are actually "Kashmiri"...in fact I am going to go ahead and say that there is a good chance that the "Militant Mujahideen" fighting and infiltrating are not even Kashmiri....they could be Pushtun, Baloch, Punjabi......Do you have any proof except Pakistani propoganda reports to prove that the insurgency is actually "Kashmiri"?
Your challenge is a logical fallacy - argumentum ad ignorantiam, or proving a negative.

I cannot prove that which does not exist, which is why a court of law places the burden of proof on the accuser, to prove the crime, and not on the accused to prove their innocence.

So the burden of proof is on Indians, to show that all this massive 'ID card fraud' and settlers etc. have impacted the demographic balance.
Kashmir Watch :: In-depth coverage on Kashmir conflict

Srinagar, Sep 04-PBI: Nearly a dozen persons were injured in police action in Baramulla district in North Kashmir while as protests against the occupation of land by troops was held across the valley on Friday.

Hurriyat Conference led by incarcerated Syed Ali Shah Geelani had called for protests after Friday prayers against the “dangerous” occupation of land by troops in the state.

According to the reports reaching Press Bureau of India, hundreds of people took out a protest rally from Baitul Muqaram Masjid in Baramulla soon after the culmination of prayers.

As the protestors, shouting pro-freedom and pro-militant slogans, were proceeding towards the main Chowk, a contingent of police stopped them and resorted to baton charge. However, the protesters pelted stones, following which police fired teargas canisters to disperse them. In the dingdong battle that continued for several hours, nearly a dozen persons were injured.

Reports said that acting general secretary of Tehreek Hurriyat, ‘General Musa’ took out a rally in Rainawari area in old city while Mohammad Shafi Rishi led a demonstration in Abiguzar here. The protesters demanded removal of troops from the state.

Reports of protests were also received from Sopore, Kakapora Pulwama, Chiny Chowk Islamabad (south Kashmir) and Lawaypora in the outskirts of the Srinagar city.

“New Delhi in order to maintain its occupation in Jammu and Kashmir has occupied thousands of kanals of agriculture land and orchards and it has serious implication with regard to disputed nature of the territory. Besides, it has a serious affects on our economy, a spokesman quoting leaders as addressing the protesters, said in a statement.

He said that leaders expressed serious concern our ‘rigidity of India’ in resolving the Kashmir and held that such approach was threatening perpetual peace in entire south Asia.

Meanwhile, the spokesman of the amalgam condemned the use of force against the protesters which, he said, belies the claims of democracy in the state. (PBI)

It was a peaceful protest till India resorted to violence.
Its only a matter of time when Kashmiris on the other side of the LOC start wanting the same.

Its only human.

Cheers, Doc

Im Kashmiri from other side of the border,AM summed up well what i wanted to say.
Your challenge is a logical fallacy - argumentum ad ignorantiam, or proving a negative.

I cannot prove that which does not exist, which is why a court of law places the burden of proof on the accuser, to prove the crime, and not on the accused to prove their innocence.

So the burden of proof is on Indians, to show that all this massive 'ID card fraud' and settlers etc. have impacted the demographic balance.

Now see what you've done Agnostic? You've put the burden of proof on Indians, now they'll just scurry away and hide. :undecided:
The protesters weren't violent (and then too to the point of pelting the violent baton chargers with stones) till India again resorted to violence.

They have their rights to peacefully chant anti-Indian slogans all across the Kashmir valley.
I think no rallys in Kashmir remains peaceful, the emotions are always charged, especially after the Friday prayers, where they are fed a healthy dose of anti India hatred. And one single person can cause baton charge. Considering the scenario i don't think police would have charged a group of people chanting peaceful slogans.
Note that the Kashmiris are relishing the removal of the restrictions imposed by the Indians upon them. So whose violence has reduced, really?

I guess India will take the score wherever they can get it. Another freebie.

No Asim you are trying to twist it, aint ya ;). Restriction on movements due to militancy have been relaxed due to the REDUCTION in militancy..!!!

If you read the entire context, you surely could have made it out and i am sure you am aware of it too..!!!:D
Kashmir Watch :: In-depth coverage on Kashmir conflict

It was a peaceful protest till India resorted to violence.

Geelani group protesting? Pro-militant slogans? And kashmir-watch as your source? These 100-200 people don't represent the millions who live in J&K especially if they are shouting pro-militant slogans. I can personally vouch for you that even pro-Independence Kashmirs hate militants.

Let me assure you that these protests i led by Geelani or any pro-pakistani slogans have no popular support whatsoever. Its a fact. They are pro-independence. Its another story that Pakistani authorities don't allow pro-independence organizations to work freely in PaK so people in Pakistan are no aware of that. Geelani is close to zero in the valley as far as popularity is concerned.

JKLF (M) is far more popular and they are anti Pakistan as well.

I have attached a poll conducted by an Irish peace studies group done in 2008 about solution to J&K and what is unacceptable to them. And keep in mind that this was conducted right after the Amarnath row where tensions were really high. And the results even after that are interesting.

I suggest you read the actual report on Iak vs PaK to understand the reality. Suffice to say that not all people of J&K including muslims in the valley want to be part of Pakistan.
Peace polls, an effective approach in helping resolve conflict
Earlier thousands of Kashmiris protested peacfuly against their land transfer over that Amarnath shrine issue. It was peacful untill Indian forces killed innocent peacful protesters and fanatcis from Hindu fundamentalist organisations jumped into give it a communal color.

Ejaz : The participation of thousands of people in that protest clearly shows the stance of majority.
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