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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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asim bhai,world dont see india as they used to c.example like british pm.in whole world kashmir is seen as an problem with pakistan.and 4 pakistan world looks 4 laden,ttp,afgh-pak etc.india is showing dollars etc.so jiski laathi uski bhains.
asim bhai,world dont see india as they used to c.example like british pm.in whole world kashmir is seen as an problem with pakistan.and 4 pakistan world looks 4 laden,ttp,afgh-pak etc.india is showing dollars etc.so jiski laathi uski bhains.

The unfortunate truth .. When we tire of talking .. we might get together as a country and get it back on track .. and then maybe we might not be heard as people who forgot to take their medication.
..........think, why the world is silent on Kashmir.......they know the truth and they know that India is a multi cultural, secular, free democracy society...and Pakistan does not have any of these virtues. Western media is also not brain washed and fed lies 24X7X365 days. They know what a nursery kid is taught in Pakistan and which country is a cancer to the world.....As an Indian I have always found western media going too sof on Pakistan. It should have been bracketed with N. Korea / Sudan.........long back.
Where I am saying about transfer of Indian Muslims. I am just asking to him that why transfer of kashmiri population on the basis of religion. If religion is the basis then why it is not applicable for whole population.

Because Pakistan is a state based on religion...NOT India...Our country and position in the world becomes stronger in our current state and Muslims only add to our strenghth....

But maybe Im unclear on your POV....are you saying that Pak should accept all Kashmiris...whether Hindus or Muslims?
Can you explain wat u mean please?
From a personal blog:

Kashtastrophe | Asim Aquil – Defence.pk blogger

The pictures of Indian security forces (local police, border patrol and even the Army regulars) are all being slapped around by locals; there are scores of pictures of old grandmas whacking away at the Indians in protest.

This line in your blog is exactly the reason why your claim of blanket atrocities committed by Indian security forces falls flat in front of the world and why the likes of publications that you mentioned dont buy into the BS being paddled by Kashmiri separatists and Pakistan. Think about it...Which tyrannical occupation force in the history has allowed this to happen to their occupying soldiers..??
Where I am saying about transfer of Indian Muslims. I am just asking to him that why transfer of kashmiri population on the basis of religion. If religion is the basis then why it is not applicable for whole population.

It is not applicable for any part of Indian population.. Kashmir included...:tup:
son of a .... watch ur mouth... world media is just b.s... does it support kashmir?no iraq? no palastine ? no...

B.S...more then 47 have been killed by indian occupiers in recent weeks nd indians here r lyin even encouraging more use of force nd violence..shamefully pathetic.
Because Pakistan is a state based on religion...NOT India...Our country and position in the world becomes stronger in our current state and Muslims only add to our strenghth....

But maybe Im unclear on your POV....are you saying that Pak should accept all Kashmiris...whether Hindus or Muslims?
Can you explain wat u mean please?

I am saying that why pakistanis acts like hypocrites. They demand kashmir on the basis of religion and talk about population transfer but they will not be ready to apply same for entire population.
And Thats right. If some misguided minority in India or on this forum terms all Kashmiris as terrorists, then they are idiots. However, terrorist or not, if a citizen during curfew comes out and tries to throw rocks at the sec officers, he should plan for the worst. If he doesnt get killed in this foolish endevour, its good and nice, but he cant feel entitled to get away with it.

''why'' ???

seriously, WHY?

Oh I will have much more nerve than that. I will say its an integral part of India and openly challenge anyone to try and take it away..

its disputed territory

The current hot topic in Pakistan seems to be Sindh (Karachi) where more than double the number of people have died in 3 days than what have died in Kashmir in over 3 weeks...But thats your problem not India's and we have no business interjecting in your internal affair..

off topic; Karachi isnt disputed territory. Those are political conflicts. Embarassing to say the least, that it is going down in our nation's financial capital!!! It brings me and others great shame and grief.

At the same time, I (we) arent discussing violence and rapes that are going on right now in your country.

We are talking about Kashmir. And it is very much so our business. You know we wont remain silent on the issue, so why not cooperate and treat it as disputed territory and an outstanding issue
I am saying that why pakistanis acts like hypocrites. They demand kashmir on the basis of religion and talk about population transfer but they will not be ready to apply same for entire population.

Well maybe that stems from the shock they received when they realized that the concept of a 2 nation theory based on religious segregation fell flat when a significant population of Muslims decided to stay back in India....followed by a failed operation Gibraltar that was the final nail on the coffin....Never could they imagine that nationalism and patriotism in India (whether for Hindus or Muslims) is more powerful than religious affinity!!

Anyways....I dont think you should bring up the highlighted my friend....Its an insult to Indian Muslims thats all....
heheheh ya alaka dwee kho plar hum badal karo khpal


aao aghe khpal plar badal ko azaka che da agha dupara asaan wo...saba, agha ba khpla mor ''naxal'' k badala ki!

B.S...more then 47 have been killed by indian occupiers in recent weeks nd indians here r lyin even encouraging more use of force nd violence..shamefully pathetic.

Almost double than this number have been killed in Karachi in 3 days. That doesnt make the whole Karachi city as pathetic or all political parties as criminals. Dont over generalize.

We all know the reason behind the uproar due to the events in Kashmir, but thats not gonna work.. It is a law and order issue and will get handled as such. All of us can wear out our keyboards here, but hey, this is not 1971.. Dont expect it to turn out that way.
''why'' ???

seriously, WHY?
Because he cant. The LEO is authorised to use deadly force when threatened and its same anywhere in the world.

its disputed territory

off topic; Karachi isnt disputed territory. Those are political conflicts. Embarassing to say the least, that it is going down in our nation's financial capital!!! It brings me and others great shame and grief.

At the same time, I (we) arent discussing violence and rapes that are going on right now in your country.

We are talking about Kashmir. And it is very much so our business. You know we wont remain silent on the issue, so why not cooperate and treat it as disputed territory and an outstanding issue

Absolutely your issue just like Nagaland is ours.. Dont even want to sermonize on why and how of that..

Kashmir is not your business till the time you can force India to make it your business. It's a part of our country, managed (not very well at this time) by a govt elected by its residents thru the constitutional process of India, governed by the laws of IPC of India and unless that changes, you can chose not to stay silent, but thats not gonna change anything.

I understand that you consider it your business and disputed territory and so on, but hey, that doesnt change anything on the ground. Just like we consider ISI as a supporter of terrorists , but that doesnt make any difference to Pakistan.

And just like you rubbish all statements that implicate Pakistan on terrorism, we rubbish all resolutions that call Kashmir as disputed.

At the end of the day, anyone can say anything about a country, but unless that anyone has the means and might to enforce that, its just words..

Remember the adage about sticks and stones..and words.??
Because he cant. The LEO is authorised to use deadly force when threatened and its same anywhere in the world.


--> why deny the roots and cause of anger



Kashmir is not your business till the time you can force India to make it your business.

it's like telling a Palestinian --- mind your own business until you can militarily confront israilys

i think Pakistan needs to do a better job of bringing the issue to the worlds attention, since it seems that is the only language you people understand

at least don't disservice me or yourselves by saying ''worlds largest democracy'' and other bullcrap like that

It's a part of our country, managed (not very well at this time) by a govt elected by its residents thru the constitutional process of India, governed by the laws of IPC of India and unless that changes, you can chose not to stay silent, but thats not gonna change anything.

yes, writ of state very established there i see


I understand that you consider it your business and disputed territory and so on, but hey, that doesnt change anything on the ground.

nothing has changed.....Kashmiris in ioK have no affinity to hindustan (the occupying force)

Just like we consider ISI as a supporter of terrorists , but that doesnt make any difference to Pakistan.

yeah but hindustanys just say it blindly.....it isnt your fault, your media can tell you anything and you'll believe it.

top military and intel officials worldwide commend our intelligence agencies for being invaluable in the fight against terrorism

to me, that's all that matters. Many politicians worldwide are in favour of putting pressure on all stakeholders to solve Kashmir crisis. Some prefer to remain mute.

You cant change my opinion; I cant change yours. But I do suggest you look at ground realities, at least one day when you are grown up and ready to accept them.

And just like you rubbish all statements that implicate Pakistan on terrorism, we rubbish all resolutions that call Kashmir as disputed.

i rubbish all statements that implicate Pakistan with exporting terrorism....i dont disagree that there are elements inside Pakistan (yes, non-state actors) who are willing to engage in terrorist activity. But when we do have the intel, we act on them.

our establishment even covertly allows drone hits on terror targets.....is that not enough proof to rubbish your claim?

lets not deviate too far now from truth and reality vs. dreams and media created fiction :cheers:

At the end of the day, anyone can say anything about a country, but unless that anyone has the means and might to enforce that, its just words..

yes. Pakistan does not have the needs (forget means for a second) to support stone-throwing ''terrorists'' in Kashmir....

the uprising there is a purely Kashmiri phenomenon..

Remember the adage about sticks and stones..and words.??

Sticks and stones may break some bones, whilst latest indiscriminate
firing by CPRF has just rendered 2 more shabab lifeless....


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