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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Some more "peaceful" protests by kashmiri rioters

Police vehicles and posts being attacked








If you are killing people who are protesting for more rights, or want an Independent State due to negligence by the goveremnt, then you have no right to call your self a democratic State.

Asking for a separate country is not a right that can be negotiated under the democratic setup anywhere in the world. If these people want more jobs, more roads etc then they are justified but certainly calls for separate country will not be entertained and due action will be taken. We don't need certificate from you to declare ourselves a democratic state or not.
That would mean ethnic cleansing in a way of the local Muslims - by that yardstick you would also find the massacring of those 'millions of Hindus and Buddhists' by those defending their homeland to be completely acceptable.

Ethnic Cleansing sand ppl moving in are two very different things. please educate yourself. Thanks..
....I am sure this is what Britain follows but since we are a third world country we are yet to learn such noble ideas....

If you are a third world country that has not leaned such noble idea's, as you claim.......then don't call your self a democratic State.
We don't need certificate from you to declare ourselves a democratic state or not.

I think you need to take a chill pill.....frustration is getting to you.
Why should the Kashmiris have to give up the land the own and their ancestors lived on? Your argument is rather similar to that of made in favor of demographic engineering by the Indian State by moving in millions of Hindus and Buddhists, except you want to forcibly remove millions first.

It is their land and they have a right to it. The UNSC resolutions and the promises made them by the Indian leadership at partition assured them that.

No offence.....but that argument does not hold true in modern civilization.....people of all nations have made compromises and learnt to live as assimilated members of nations where they are not a majority, where the rulers were not originally from the land...etc etc...

Millions of Hindus had to leave their ancestral homes and lands in Pakistan thanks to partition.....including my Grandmother...
The Tibetians are NOT Chinese....and are fast becoming a minority in their own country
Native Amricans are a minority in their own lands.....
Just to name a few.....

Comparitively Kashmiris have remained homogenous thanks to India's special status to Kashmir and Kashmiris....

Kashmiris will have to learn to live.....
Nobody is taking away their freedom....they have the right to form their govenrnment, make state laws and practice religion freely without being diluted by cultures from accross various parts of India....

And lastly, the broken record that is the UNSC resolutions is nothing more than a failed attempt by Pakistanis to ignite a lost cause.....

Please note that there was something called the Shimla agreement that was signed by both parties and violated by Pakistan on a multitude of occasions.....if you cant keep up to your end of the bargain......what makes you think UNSC NON-BINDING resolutions hold any merit for India?
But these rioters wear masks and then proceed further and start attacking the security forces, burning police vehicles, kicking the police etc. I think in that case security forces are justified in firing for their own self-defence and people die as a result

If that was the case, then where was your police during the Gujarat riots......were they sleeping and daydreaming when the Hindues were mudering the Muslims.....how convienent that the Indian Security force only comes into to action when it suits them.

---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

Naah.. I just stated the facts.

You got emotional......that is not stating facts.......thats just you losing the plot.
You got emotional......that is not stating facts.......thats just you losing the plot.

well clearly you did by killing 45 people.....

Getting emotional???. I just posted many pictures to back up what I have been trying to say. Howz that firing at the miscreants to uphold law and order makes India undemocratic??. You must be living in an imaginary utopian world where getting beaten and threatened by miscreants is democratic.:rolleyes:
I just posted many pictures to back up what I have been trying to say

The only thing I see is a bunch of youth's who are tired of Indian rule, and are desperate to have a independent State. By the way there are ways to disperse riots without killing anyone, it'a not the rioters fault if the Indian Security forces are inadequately trained.
Howz that firing at the miscreants to uphold law and order makes India undemocratic

Well you call yourself Democratic, yet you kill those who are oppose to your unjust rule. In Democracy people are allowed to voice there opinion, but it seems the Indian goverment does not allow this, others 45 people would not have died.

fact is if Kashmir wanted to be with india then
The only thing I see is a bunch of youth's who are tired of Indian rule, and are desperate to have a independent State. By the way there are ways to disperse riots without killing anyone, it'a not the rioters fault if the Indian Security forces are inadequately trained.

Well you need to remove the blinkers to see that these bunch of youths are paid agents to create ruckus and trouble in Kashmir.

Of course it is not rioters fault :lol::lol:, they are just doing their paid job :lol::lol: like here



You must be living in an imaginary utopian world where getting beaten and threatened by miscreants is democratic

And you should be ashmed of your pathetic goverment, who preaches democracy, yet kills to maintain control over a area, in which clearly people are oppose to your style of rule. Futhermore you proclaim to be democratic when you still have not arrested Modi, who was the instigator of the Gujarat riots, where is the justice of muslims there....why has nothing been solved, its been 6 years.......is your judiciary system taking a nap.
Well you call yourself Democratic, yet you kill those who are oppose to your unjust rule. In Democracy people are allowed to voice there opinion, but it seems the Indian goverment does not allow this, others 45 people would not have died.

fact is if Kashmir wanted to be with india then

Go to Indian news websites, you will see both pro-separatist and anti-separatist articles. There is no gag on any of the news publications coming out of Kashmir. Their voices of separatism are heard but they are of no use because India is not going to give a separate country to Kashmiris. It is an inalienable part of India just as Delhi is. Period.

Separatists and their backers can shout till the cows come home but nothing is going to change at the ground level. India has the resources, patience and time on its side. Everyone will toe the line one day or the other.

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