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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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looking like cricket team coming after defeat
The ones that you are able to buy... ?? Yes...

How about Pakistanis that you claim are blowing up other Pakistanis on behest of India ?? Are they sell outs??
Yes, Absolutely and there is religious factor in the sense that they're brainwashed but Kashmiris are secular..?
If enough Indians told their government to stop ruthlessly suppressing Kashmiri sentiments of freedom and independence, I assure you there would also be a reduction of VS threads.

That's just it. It's not political parties fault. They are just doing it because of fear of not getting elected next time around if anything changes.

If only terrorist attacks from Pakistan subsides for at least 5 years, then tempers will calm down, people will be more open to a solution. Which is why, it is important for LET to not operate anti india operations for the sake of kashmiris.
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Well I have a feeling few Indian soldiers will depart the world for good in the upcoming days.RIP in advance.
And I have feeling a lot of Pak sponsored and/or based terrorisrts..will depart this world and join their virgins.

Mind your language here kid. There are adults here. Baray lohg baht karyhein, have some respect.

---------- Post added at 07:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 PM ----------

Well I have a feeling few Indian soldiers will depart the world for good in the upcoming days.RIP in advance.

Yaar such comments will instigate them further.
Wait till the west economic stagnation continues and their industrial cost comes down to same level of India. Then the Indian growth will follow reverse gear as Made in USA will cost same as Made in India and people obviously trust the US quality. Therefore India will be left to seek markets in much improvished Africa and other poor countries. The Chinese already sense this and on fast track to shift their economic focus away from west. They are rapidly investing in overseas infrastructure to market their goods and services.

The kashmiris are as much Indians as Gazans are israeli. Both boast their claim to sovergien land and enforce their citizenship on people.

It too early to presume anyone economy. Every rise has a fall and FDI always tend to favour small efficient countries with less red tape. Worst case scenerio has to be kept in mind always. Even the mighty USA today is suffering from economic crisis so saying India is immune is far fetched reality. One should question what will be the opinion of kashmiris on the face of stagnating Indian economic growth and that of Indian union as a whole?

India should take advantage of its good releations with west and rapidly build a base of high tech products and services because they are the future, outsourcing is not! :cheers:

Globalization is an irreversible phenomenon. We are developing based on internal consumption not from exports. India is expected to become third largest economy by 2030. It was envisaged by many a financial institutions, which is why they are investing heavily on India. So I don't see why India wouldn't develop.

It seems like a wishful thinking that India would stagnate somehow so Pakistan could get some levy time to stir up kashmir. While you are struggling with war on terror, India is moving ahead with many reforms. By 2015, India's nominal GDP would be more than 2 trillion dollars and in PPP close to $7 trillion. So, Pakistan should persuade US to settle kashmir issue while they are here. For when they leave, Pakistan won't be able to convince world to take up their cause.
Mind your language here kid. There are adults here. Baray lohg baht karyhein, have some respect.

---------- Post added at 07:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 PM ----------

Yaar such comments will instigate them further.

dude talk sense...if "adults"..don't have the basic courtesy to respect another country's soldiers ..and want to flame ..then thats the kind of reply they are longing for...by the way...how old are you?? ..calling me a kid..it seems!!
dude talk sense...if "adults"..don't have the courtesy to respect another country's soldiers ..and want to flame ..then thats the kind of reply they looking for...by the way...how old are you ..calling me a kid..it seems??

You are a kid for talking mess like that. How can a self respecting man talk like that about someone's religion, and disrespecting someone's soldiers in a place he is sitting as a guest. You don't belong on a military forum.
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