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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Oh Please carry on this Noble work....

Instead of talking about those thousands of reports and articles you all indians are trying to post trolls all the way in these 8 pages so far. This shows clearly that you guyz are not able to answer or perhaps trying to find some way out.. :yahoo:
Instead of talking about those thousands of reports and articles you all indians are trying to post trolls all the way in these 8 pages so far. This shows clearly that you guyz are not able to answer or perhaps trying to find some way out.. :yahoo:

In what way did I troll??? And I would defenetly give you answers, But I have Few questions for which non of You can get me a reasonable answer, So Iam not interested In The threads where People Try to Spoil others Integrity to cover there Mistakes and Divert the attention some where else, isnt That what You are doing???

Indian Army is Killing kashmiris which you call freedom fighters and we know them as terrorists as they are training with Banned organizations Like al Queda, LET etc.... If You call them freedom fighter and Innocent then Yeah Indian Army is doing atrocities
No independent Kashmir. If this happens India will push them around and then Pakistan will have to defend them and this whole trouble will start again.
Atleast Indian army never did any ethnicity based killings...even talking about that gets you banned here
For all ye ignorant ppl, the user Indian Army , is a retired Indian Army Personnel. So kindly give the proper respect when dealing with him

I am here to earn it not snatch it Dear..... Everyone likes me, Atleast most of them do, or Some would I guess... Anyone??:undecided:
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Instead of talking about those thousands of reports and articles you all indians are trying to post trolls all the way in these 8 pages so far. This shows clearly that you guyz are not able to answer or perhaps trying to find some way out.. :yahoo:

soldiers and doctors are butchers....this applies to every nation and class...look what US army did in Iraq and Afganistan...Guantanamoo and Abu Gharib....and no society is completely violent or brutal...be it Pakistani or Indian....
This is a thread where attrocities committed by Indian army and security forces in IHK are posted. These could be in the form of news reports, reports prepared by human rights groups and personal experiences.

Despite of all that only 2% of kashmiri's is willing to join pakistan
and If u are more concerned about the rape and crime against the muslim women in Kashmir Where have u hidden ur A$$ when American army raped 100's of Iraqi muslim women
Chinese Muslims are not on internationally recognized disputed territory or a conflict that Pakistan is a party to - completely off topic.

why pakistan is completely of topic ?????

u cry on muslims in GAZA ............ u cry on muslim situation in INDIA

and u dont have daring to talk about muslims in china???
great ...we can expect only this from u ... :no:
why pakistan is completely of topic ?????

u cry on muslims in GAZA ............ u cry on muslim situation in INDIA

and u dont have daring to talk about muslims in china???
great ...we can expect only this form u ... :no:

Ever heard of a phrase "looking in the telescope thorugh the blind eye"

Pakistan has relenquished all rights to demand implementation of 1948 UN resolutions for Kashmir Plebicite after initiating operation Gibrater in 1965 to force a military resolution in its favor. After 1965 they have tried every trick in the book to snatch Kashmir, but failed in all counts. After everything else they tried has failed, now they want to go back to 62 years old UN resolutions. Why should India oblige them now?
Why are we discussing compromise. It is India's clear position that we are willing to accept LoC as IB.

Nothing more needs to be given or taken. India is dominant in all positions regarding Kashmir. Right from military,to economy, to international opinion. Everything is going India's way since the 90 onwards. Pakistan can not take Kashmir in any manner via force or influence, and their government has increasingly started recognizing that 2000 onwards.

If its taken 60 years to reduce the kashmiri opinion of joining Pak by 10%, then spend another 60 years and reduce it by 20% more.

Its just a question of the valley. Ladakh and Jammu would join India in any case-plebiscite or not.

If its Pakistan's wish that relations cannot move forward without discussing the 'core problem' then so be it. Let them not move forward. India will.

20 years down the line, when India has progressed massively in Economy and Military, the same thing will be repeated and other countries including Pakistan will have further mellowed down regarding Kashmir as they have now over the years.
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The UNSC would not argue against a decision by both India and Pakistan to adjust the manner of holding the plebiscite from one single one to multiple ones.

It would likely issue a new resolution overruling the previous ones and delineating the process of dispute resolution in this manner.

So now Pakistan is moving from plebiscite under "existing" UN resolutions knowing that there is no possibility of ascension of J&K as a whole to Pakistan to plebiscite under "Future" UN resolutions where atleast it would get a chunk of Jammu n Kashmir namely the Valley..?

Under Nehru we already once burnt our fingers by going to UN which in those days we could have easily solved militarily.
Never ever will we be doing that same mistake again.:disagree:
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