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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Actually only Delhi high court legalised the homosexuality marriages..so its unlawfull only in Delhi I think ..no other states :)

No ,its legalised all over india now after the Delhi high court judgement.

State High court judgements binding every where in india unless its quashed by supreme court of india .
Yasin Malik heckled by protestors in Delhi
Updated on Monday, January 11, 2010, 12:54 IST

New Delhi: The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) chairman Yasin Malik was heckled by a group of protestors on Monday during the two-day India-Pakistan peace conference being held at India International Center (IIC) here.

According to reports, the separatist leader was delivering a key-note speech on the road map towards peace between the two hostile nations, when he was interrupted by some unidentified youths.

What started as a normal interaction with the JKLF leader soon turned out to be an altercation where in Malik was accused of supporting anti-India activities, misguiding people and politicising sensational issues just in the name of building peace.

The protestors then raised slogans against Malik. In the full glare of media, Malik was accused of raping a nurse and escaping justice due to his political influence.

However, the Delhi Police later arrested two protestors, they are now being interrogated. The police also had to resort to mild lathi charge to disperse the agitating crowd.

India-Pak Conference: A Road Map towards Peace’ is being organized by a number of organizations and eminent people in India at the India International Center (IIC) from 10-12 January 2010.

Eminent speakers like Aitzaz Ahsan, Asma Jehangir, Ayesha Siddiqua, IA Rehman from Pakistan and Kuldip Nayar, Salman Haider, Admiral Ramdas, Mahesh Bhatt, Muchkund Dubey are participating in the conference.


Police manhandled Kashmiri Pandit Youth


China taking over our land, Ladakh tells home ministry

China has occupied large swathes of Indian territory in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir over the years, says a note from the Leh district administration to the home ministry.

This is mainly due to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) that separates India and China in this area not being clearly demarcated, the note adds.

The note was prepared after a meeting of the district administration with representatives of the army and the Indo-Tibetan Border Police.

In December 2008, shepherds in the Chumur area of Ladakh were shooed away by Chinese troops, who uprooted their tents and warned them not to return.

The note says India has lost substantial amount of land in the last two decades. Sources said that China is taking advantage of the “ disputed territory” status of 150 km of 646 km long LAC in Ladakh sector and increasing its presence closer and closer to the Indian side.

The report has highlighted the intimidatory tactics of the Chinese troops which follows a pattern of pushing the nomads from one place to another — starting with Nang Tsang in 1987, Na Kangai in 1991, Lugba Serding in 1994 and so on. This stretch in 350 Km of Leh itself explains how 12 km long stretch was lost in seven years.

“The fact is Chinese are pushing us back from our own territory,” said Chering Dorjay, Chief Executive Councillor of Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council.
People's Democratic Party leader Mehbooba Mufti has alleged the recent Srinagar attack was an attempt by "some government agency" to sabotage the efforts to withdraw troops from the state.

"There are some vested interests who are trying to sabotage troop withdrawal in J&K. Serious thought should be given to whether it's militants who don't want the troops to be withdrawn from the state or it's some government agency who also have a hand in sabotaging any move for troops withdrawal," she said, a few hours after security forces killed the two militants who were holed up in a Srinagar hotel.

Mufti is not alone in her belief about "government agency" sabotaging positive movement in Kashmir. SM Mushrif, former Maharashtra police chief who knows a lot more about how power works in India than any casual observer, says it is not Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh or Rahul Gandhi but the IB and RAW that really have much more power to manipulate what happens. One example is the blasts in Samjhauta Express, which the IB said was carried out by Pakistan’s ISI. Mushrif quotes a report in The Times of India that said, “the Centre had blamed the ISI on the basis of the IB’s findings.” However, during a narco-analysis test under Karkare, Lt. Col. Purohit had admitted having supplied the RDX used in the blast. The IB, which draws its power from its proximity to the Prime Minister (its director briefs the PM every morning for half an hour), did not want Karkare’s investigation that blew the cover off the IB’s shenanigans, to continue.

We will probably never know who killed Karkare and why. It'll remain a mystery, because it serves the interests of Hindutva-dominated Indian establishment.

Haq's Musings: Terror in India--Who Killed Karkare?
Mehbooba Mufti wary of militant activity following troop cut initiatives

Jammu, Jan 8 (ANI): People’s Democratic Party (PDP) President Mehbooba Muftihas expressed apprehension over rise in militant activity whenever there is an announcement of troop withdrawal from the restive region.

Talking to reporters here on Thursday, Mufti said: “I just want to know, why there is always some kind of attack as soon as there is an intention of troop withdrawal. So do we take that the militants want the troops to stay, that is why they attack as soon as there is an announcement.”

Mufti said the troops cut was a corollary to the remarkable 65 percent turnout during the 2008 Assembly elections.

“Maybe some militant groups don’t want the troop withdrawal, maybe somebody in the agencies don’t want the troop withdrawal. So I think for their interests, they become one at this point of time. But I would say that the withdrawal of troops is the best compliment that you can pay to the people of Jammu and Kashmir, who have voted in huge numbers,” she added.

Defence Minister A. K. Antony last month announced that 30,000 troops had been withdrawn from the State in the wake of improving security situation. (ANI)


See how what Mehbooba Mufti said looks quite different when you quote her correctly and fully.
Reunite JK: Sajad Lone | Greater Kashmir Daily English Newspaper from Kashmir Online News Channel - Daily News - Live Updates

New Delhi, Jan 11: Chairman of the Peoples Conference, Sajad Gani Lone, on Monday urged India and Pakistan to give up their extreme positions and reunite the divided Jammu and Kashmir.
Speaking on the second day of the 3-day Pak-India Conference on peace, Lone said it was not possible for India and Pakistan to give up “even an inch of land.” “But we can still reunite the divided Jammu and Kashmir without sticking to our extreme positions? Yes, we can if we have a political will on all the three sides- India, Pakistan and Kashmir. Let economy do that. Let trade do that.”
“Let’s have a power sharing evolution. A new set of arrangements which rises above the monotony of sovereignty,” said Lone, the only separatist leader who has drafted a resolution “Achievable Nationhood” on the Kashmir issue.
Lone said it was easy to contain violence “but difficult to beat it”. “You cannot defeat it without delivering on your promises.”
He said that in Jammu and Kashmir sentiments varied even as a majority was for independence. “The problem is too complex more than it appears to be,” Lone said.
“Pakistan speaks about United Nation resolutions but only when it comes to Jammu and Kashmir. What about the other regions under its occupation and the part it has gifted to China,” he said, while referring to territory, including the northern areas of Gilgit-Baltistan.
“Can we arrive at an affordable position where all these solution converge? There may be a point definitely,” he added.
He said the agony of being a Kashmiri outside Kashmir was tough to bear. “My political grammar has to be politically correct for six months before I seek Pakistan visa to meet my kids there,” said Lone, who is married to the daughter of the JKLF leader, Ammanullah Khan. “And if my words are not palatable to India then my wife and kids are denied visa,” he rued.
Sajad was at his humorous best – but a tongue in cheek. He said his entry to politics was an “orphaned one”.
“I never wanted to but after my father’s assassination I had to (join the politics),” he said.
“And you know it’s never good to have an orphaned entry. And the first thing you have to face is your uncles. Until the other day who were my uncles, I mean the people I used to call uncles, began giving me a tough time. They really gave me a tough time,” he said.
These relationships he said should be “interlocking, interdependent, irreversible, and complimentary”.

Sajjad Lone was one of the sepratists leader who contested Lok Sabha polls. His father was also allegedly shot dead by Al Omar militant group, priamry suspect being Rafiq Ahmad Ledri according to him.
More troops to be reduced in Kashmir
Tue, Jan 12 08:25 PM

Jammu, Jan 12 (IANS) Defence Minister A.K. Antony Tuesday hinted at a further reduction of troops in Jammu and Kashmir in the light of the 'improved situation' in the state, which is battling terrorist violence for the past 20 years.

This would be in addition to the 30,000 troops that have been moved out of Jammu and Kashmir in the past two years.

These indications became known when Antony told a meeting at the unified headquarters here that the state police would have to take over the responsibility of the security of cities and major towns of the state.

The defence minister also made it clear that the paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) would take over the responsibility of the road opening parties and security of National Highway 1-A, the 294-km-long Jammu-Srinagar highway that is lifeline of the Valley and also for the troops stationed in the Kashmir and Ladakh divisions.

Antony said with the improvement in the security situation, the time had come for the state police to be given far greater responsibilities, particularly in major towns, in tackling terrorism in the state.

However, 'the handing over of the responsibility must be meticulously planned and undertaken in a gradual and phased manner', a defence ministry statement quoted Antony as saying.

He said on the request of the defence ministry, the home ministry had issued instructions to the CRPF to take over the entire responsibility of opening of roads on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway 1-A from January 15.

'This has been done to reduce the visibility of the army, without in any way diluting our counter-terrorist grid,' Antony said.

He said the synergy and hard work put in by the various security agencies, as also the local people, has considerably brought down the 'level of violence' in Kashmir, though the infiltration attempts had increased.

'The year 2010 may prove to be a crucial one as forces inimical to stability and peace in J&K would make all-out efforts to neutralise the gains of 2008 and 2009, when the state witnessed considerable improvement in the security situation.

'The incidents of the first week of January in the Valley are indicative of the shape of things to come,' the defence minister said, referring to the terrorist siege in Srinagar's Lal Chowk area that lasted some 23 hours before the security forces gunned down the two fidayeen attackers.
Indian rabit and uchihaCG.

from your point I see that their will never be peace between India and Pakistan, As we the Pakistanis think that india took over forcibaly many states just after the partition. I am not going to repeat here what has been repeated million times.

All Inda has to do is to prove beyond the shadow of doubt what u guys tell me that kashmiris have no problem staying with Indian, THAN HOLD THE PELBICITE BE DONE WITH IT.

After all India call itself the biggest Democracy of the wolrd, than what is the problem in holding free and fair plebicite. Once it is done as per U.N. mandate, it will help the continant and the killing of innocent people will stop.

Read and learn the truth.



Or stop calling yourselfs the biggest Democracy of the world.
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Here is Arundhati Roy is the celebrated author of “The God of Small Things' one the most celebrated Indian author says "F**K INDIA " when it comes to Kashmir.

I humbly present the article for the reading pleasure of my Pakistani Muslim friends.

Arundhati Roy is the celebrated author of “The God of Small Things” and winner of the prestigious Booker Prize. “The New York Times” calls her, "India's most impassioned critic of globalization and American influence." She is the winner of the Lannan Award for Cultural Freedom. Her latest books are “The Checkbook & the Cruise Missile,” with David Barsamian, and “An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire.”

David Barsamian: You’ve been spending at lot of time in Kashmir and you were just there again. There has been a series of elections over the last couple of months, and these elections have been heralded, at least by the mainstream press here in India, as a great referendum for freedom and democracy and a rebuke for the separatists. What is your understanding of what exactly happened in terms of the elections?

Arundhati Roy: Really, the difficulty about it, the thing I worry most about, is losing the language with which to describe what’s happening there. Because it’s almost as though you need a deep knowledge of what’s going on there to be able to understand what happened. In August, even then I was there, and all over the world it has been reported, there was an incredible spontaneous uprising, and there were hundreds of thousands of people on the streets. This time I was there in the silence, and still I could hear that noise in my head, “Azadi, azadi, azadi.” The fruit sellers were weighing their fruit chanting “Azadi, azadi.” The people on the buses, the children on the streets. It was as if the sky was chanting that.

David Barsamian: Azadi means freedom.

Arundhati Roy: Azadi means freedom. Azadi means a lot of things: freedom in a very nuanced way, because that in itself is a very contested term in Kashmir. And then that nonviolent uprising—and that uprising was actually presented to the leaders, the, quote, unquote, leaders of the separatist movement by the people. It wasn’t that the leaders led the movement, but the people really came and dusted off the mothballs and pulled the leaders out onto the street and presented them with a kind of revolution.

The Indian government’s response to that was the harshest curfew that has ever been imposed in Kashmir. Days and days and days together, razor wire, steel walls that were put in, people were prevented from moving between the districts, between villages. A lot of Kashmiris were killed in the firings. I don’t know if I need to keep on saying this because everyone knows it now, but still, for the record—more than half a million soldiers in the valley of Kashmir, which somebody in America wrote saying it was the equivalent of the entire U.S. Army and the entire Marine Corps deployed in Minnesota, sort of like that; 165,000 American soldiers in Iraq. Between 500,000 and 700,000 Indian security personnel in the valley of Kashmir. So the way the army is deployed there, I think it would take them less than half an hour to just be everywhere in Kashmir, because they are spread out and they are patrolling all the time. So to put down this uprising wasn’t hard for them in a military sense. So that was August.

Then there was a big debate about whether or not to call elections, because everybody feared that there would be a complete boycott of the elections, which have been more or less boycotted in past. The separatists called for a boycott. And to everybody’s shock and surprise, there was a huge turnout in the elections. I think nobody could understand exactly what had happened. Where had that sentiment gone? Where was that outburst of a desire for freedom that was being expressed from the street? How did it suddenly disappear? And it was quite interesting that I started getting calls from people.

The other thing is that it was very interesting in the way in which the election was called. A couple of districts in Jammu are Hindu-dominated, the BJP has not ever been in power there, but still there was a sort of political divide between these districts in Jammu and the Kashmir valley. Then there is Ladakh, there is Doda and Kishtwari.

David Barsamian: The BJP being the Bharatiya Janata Party, the right-wing Hindu nationalist party.

Arundhati Roy: And there are some parts of the Kashmir valley which are under the boot of the army. If you travel in Kashmir, you see that there the army controls the inhalation and the exhalation. It controls everything. So it was pretty brilliant, if you look at it from the Indian government’s point of view, the way the elections were called. These places where traditionally the Army’s fiat rules went to the polls first and so on. Without wanting to get into too much detail to an audience that’s not familiar with this, the point is that there was a big turnout. Except in the cities. In almost all the cities and towns the turnout was low, but in the villages the turnout was very high.

So I went back to Kashmir just now just to understand for myself what it was all about. Of course, the first thing that happened was that the last stage of the polling in Srinagar was due to happen, and so the police put me under house arrest, which revealed more than it hid, because if you can imagine, they’re so frightened of anybody who has a point of view different from that of the Indian state seeing anything. Before the polls happened, they did a massive round of arrests. They arrested not just the leaders of the Hurriyat, which is the separatist groups, but all the workers, all the activists, all the young people who were seen to have led these protests. Hundreds of people were put into jail.

A lot of even liberal Indians say that the polls were free and fair. First of all, the first question you have to ask yourself is, when you have that kind of a densely deployed army, can you have free and fair elections? Is it at all possible? Election observers and liberal Indians went there and they didn’t see people being pushed to the polling booths on the end of a bayonet, so they said there was no coercion. But the thing is, now the people of Kashmir have internalized, what it means to live in an occupation and how to deal with it. And they do have a long-term view, because they do have to survive. So one of the things that happened was that the main party, the National Conference, that is now coming into power campaigned very openly saying that these elections have nothing to do with azadi; they’re just about bread and butter issues. That was one thing that happened.

David Barsamian: Sarak, pani and—what was the slogan?

Arundhati Roy: Sarak, pani, bijli. It means roads, water, and electricity. So I think that quite explains the fact that in urban areas, where people are more secure, they didn’t feel the need to come out and vote, whereas in rural areas people—it’s not actually sarak, pani, and bijli so much as a thin layer of protection from this occupation. For example, when the SOG, which is the dreaded Special Operations Group, goes and picks up somebody, you have to have somebody to appeal to. And that somebody is the politician. So, for example, to give you an example, some people were telling me of how there is one particular member of the legislative assembly who keeps getting voted back to power. His modus operandi is, just before the elections he organizes for the army to pick up five or six people, young men, from that area. Then the people go and petition him. Then he goes and gets them released and earns their eternal gratitude. These are all sort of invisible things that happen.

There are many other reasons. For example, just now the stories are emerging that in this election, more than in any other election, there were hundreds, hundreds of candidates who were fielded. Each of them, in a slightly feudal area, has a certain number of relatives and friends who come and vote for them. Because the main thing in these elections was the government was very keen to have a turnout, regardless of what happened, to show that this is a democracy. In fact, the day I left Kashmir all these defeated independent candidates were having a press conference in this restaurant called Ahdoo’s talking about how they had all been paid by the Intelligence Bureau sums of money to stand for election, and then some of them weren’t given that money, so now they are disgruntled.

Then there are other issues. For example, there is this group of renegades known as Ikhwanis, former militants who turned into very dreaded killers working for the government. Some Ikhwanis and sometimes Ikhwanis’ sons were standing for election. And people went out to vote against them so that they would not be represented by them.

So there are a number of factors. But it’s true that even without these factors, people did come out and vote. For me, the way I see it is that people realize that they’re lying on a bed of nails, and these elections are like a little, thin layer of sponge over the bed of nails, a way of getting by, a way of continuing to live. They are not in any way going to permanently solve the problem of Kashmir. What the Indian government has done over and over again over the decades is to do this kind of crisis management, sweep things under the carpet, and then hope that it will go away. Then it resurfaces in a different way, in a different form. So I was there when the sort of free and fair press of the mighty government of India arrived there to gloat over these elections, people who knew nothing about Kashmir, who were coming there to give the commentary, saying the most absurd things about how this was the end of the freedom movement.

To me, the saddest thing was that I felt all the Kashmiris, I spoke to, without exception said, “We’ve done this to ourselves.” And I felt that this sort of psychological war on them, this lowering of their self-esteem, this forcing them to participate in tactics of survival which eventually make them despise themselves was really the deepest form of colonialism. Someone said, “We feel like Shi’as at Muharram (a religious holiday marking the martyrdom of Imam Hussein). We whip ourselves and then we draw our own blood and then the Indian propaganda machine comes and puts salt in our wounds.” That’s how a lot of people said they felt.

It’s very difficult to understand the full extent of this, except that what people really want is being thwarted again and again and again. Everybody is speaking on behalf of people. As a citizen of India, I feel uncomfortable with that. I feel that we can’t gloat about doing this to somebody. Of course you can manage it. Of course India will always be able to manage it, because it’s a small valley. But, then again, I don’t think that it will always be possible to manage it, because eventually I do think that the price of holding down the Kashmir valley, which was being paid mostly by Indian soldiers, who are mostly poor people from India who don’t count, was suddenly being paid by the Indian elite in five-star hotels in Bombay. That puts a totally different spin on things.

David Barsamian: You write that the Indian military occupation of Kashmir “makes monsters of us all.” What do you mean by that?

Arundhati Roy: It makes us complicit in the holding down by military force of a people, it makes us complicit in the propaganda, it makes us complicit in the lies. And eventually it makes us people who are unable to look things in the eye.

David Barsamian: You say that it allows Hindu chauvinists to target and victimize Muslims in other parts of the country.

Arundhati Roy: One of the things that happened in the early 1990s in Kashmir was that when the elections were rigged in 1987, which led to the movement in Kashmir which existed beforehand, suddenly it had become a militant movement, and there were young men rising up with arms, young men crossing the border to Pakistan to train and come back. One of the fallouts of that was the exodus of the small community of Kashmiri Pandits, or Kashmiri Hindus, from the valley. Because the king who signed the accession document was a Hindu ruler over Muslim subjects, and therefore this small minority of Hindu Kashmiris was a powerful minority. But because they feared for their safety, rightly so, and because the governor, Jagmohan, quite unforgivably said that the government couldn’t protect them, they sort of facilitated the exit of these Hindu Pandits from the valley. The poor among them ended up living in refugee camps in Jammu. They still live in refugee campus in Jammu.

You must remember that it was exactly at the time that a lot of things were happening geographically in this area. It was the Taliban coming to power in Afghanistan, the BJP with L. K. Advani leading this rath yatra towards the demolition of the Babri Masjid and the rise of Hindu chauvinism. So these Kashmiri Pandits were wielded like a club by Hindu chauvinists in India and used to whip up this anti-Muslim sentiment. Of course, that orgy of hatred, that whole manifesto of hatred of the BJP, eventually led to the destruction of the Babri Masjid, the coming to power of the BJP, the genocide against Muslims in Gujarat, the bombings in Bombay in retaliation for the Babri Masjid, and the genocide in Bombay against Muslims by the Shiv Sena
(a Maharashtra-based Marathi nationalist group), and the whole rise of this kind of ugly, divisive politics.

So if you were to question the average Indian, the only thing they know is that there are terrorists in Kashmir. They wouldn’t be able to tell you that 60,000 or 70,000 people have died in this war. They wouldn’t be able to tell you about the dubious morality of India holding on to this place. They say Kashmir is an atut ang, which means an inseparable limb of India.

David Barsamian: And there are also close to 10,000 people are missing.

Arundhati Roy: That have disappeared. The point is that it doesn’t seem to occur to anyone that Kashmir was never a part of India. It was an independent kingdom. So even today, when they gloat about elections, if you say, "Why don’t you have a referendum?" as was promised by the U.N., they say, "Oh, that’s an old cliché. How can you ask that? Things have moved on from then."

David Barsamian: Tell me, the people that you spoke to there, what do they think of Pakistan?

Arundhati Roy: When I was there in August—I’ve written about it in this piece that you referred to—along with “Hum Kya Chatey? Azadi,” which means, “What do we want? We want freedom,” there was an equal amount of “Jeeve, Jeeve, Pakistan!” meaning “Long live Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan.”

Yet I think that if you question people, there were many reasons for that. One was that what they think of Pakistan is, to put it in some crude way, if there was some referendum where people were given the option of India, Pakistan, or azadi, I imagine that an overwhelming majority would say azadi. If they were given only an option between India and Pakistan, I think—I’m no one to say this, but I’m just saying my gut feeling is that Pakistan would win hands down. But what India says is Pakistan is fueling terrorism in Kashmir. I think people see Pakistan as somewhat self-serving yet very important support for the freedom movement in Kashmir. People understand that it’s self-serving, but people still see it as support for what they see as a freedom movement.

David Barsamian: And there is awareness also that the state there is not only exploding but imploding.

Arundhati Roy: I think that there is awareness of that. Yet, the real question is that what people have experienced is the brutality of the Indian state, so at this point that is foregrounded for people in Kashmir. It’s a bit theoretical to say, but maybe it will be worse for them. They say, “Then that’s our problem. Why are you worried about our problems?” The Kashmiris, even when they are not being political, if you go around Kashmir, they ask you, “Have you come from India?” They don’t consider themselves Indians.

It’s been a very difficult time for Muslims in India. So to imagine that Muslims would be longing to be a part of India when they don’t have to be is a hallucination. Indian Muslims have a completely different problem from Kashmiris. Indian Muslims have a different issue here, because they have to live here and they have to find peace in this almost fascist atmosphere. But Kashmiris see themselves as people who have a choice. They don’t have to put their heads down and kiss ***. You have to find a different way of saying that.

David Barsamian: You conclude that article that “India needs azadi from Kashmir just as much if not more than Kashmir needs azadi from India”.

Arundhati Roy: I think there was something almost prescient there. I wrote this—I don’t remember when it was published—in late August or September. And I did sense that there wasn’t any possibility of the Indian state—and it’s wrong for me to just say the Indian state, because Indian society in places like Gujarat and Maharashtra or even in Bombay—to continue to marginalize such a vast majority—only in India can 150 million people be a minority, 150 million Muslims in India—and to continue to bulldoze this population in Kashmir. Eventually all that can come out of it is destruction. All that come out of it is people wanting to take you down with them. If you push them to a stage where there is no possibility of any access to justice, even if 99% of them decide to put their heads down and suffer, 1% is enough to destroy life as you knew it.

Conversation on Kashmir with Arundhati Roy and David Barsamian
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A lot of what she says makes sense. For somebody who has seen first hand the brutality in Punjab during the 80's I can understand what it feels like to live in a terrorized and control state 24 hours.

I hope the Kashmir issue gets resolved soon.

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