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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Jana sister, you seems to have preconceived notion. I asked for 2009 data since we have to take some sample and it is recent in memory for everyone.

You could list only one case in 2009 even that is debatable since it is just allegation. Last I heard the Kashmiri doctor told CBI that she under public pressure declared both as rape victims while one of the girl was found virgin (I do not want to debate on this, if you dispute I can take your version for discussion).

Now with just 1 case you give sweeping statement's that Kashmiri's are being raped indicating that being a daily routine.

I am OK with people's stand on Kashmir that it can be considered dispute, but lets not twist facts. India might be controlling Kashmir but the armed forces conduct is been very good (minus few gray areas).

There was a photo I saw where a Kashmiri boy was pelting stone at CRPF men and he was been defensive, if India armed forces have been suppressor, he would have been dead or wounded.

The armed forces are always under pressure in Kashmir, no one likes to get suspended even when nothing is proved.

Let me come up with other news after sometime.

But shying away from Indian army attrocities by just accepting what happend in only 2009 is just more than hypocratic,

My brother atleast accept that your army had done alot of killings of innocent Kashmriis which is why you still face hate from Kashmiris and you still need thousands of forces there.

And i wonder Indians failed to see that by continuing these activities they are only adding to hatered not winning hearts
that's quiet a failure on your part you've completely failed in satisfying and proving your points..you claim Kashmiris don't want to be part of Pakistan yet you don't want to prove it to me infact to this thread..building castle in the sky can satisfy you in dreams reality is different.

you care about their privacy now you say you'll give me their information in PM? contradictions contradiction make up your mind. read your own posts prior to this post.

"Btw, I personally know many Kashmiris and none, repeat NONE of them want to be part of Pakistan!!!"

so do Kashamirs don't want to be part of Pakistan or they don't want Pakistan in kashmir?? what are you trying to explain? or you're under harsh scrutiny lol. you seem frustrated..

you said "As to passing comments without knowing people of the region is very stupid to say the least."

I replied to your posts not just pass comments mare in the dark..and your own comments goes towards you ; you have to know Kashmiris in person or in depth other-wise you'll portray you're self as jackass without any clue. So what do you mean by knowing people of the region referring to you hindus or Kashmiris?
Just calling a place "Azad" does not make it azad...its just semantics..

I think we should rename our part

"Really Azad Kashmir" or RAK for short...double the azadi..100% guaranteed...

If so why dont you delcare Indian Occupied Kashmir as Azad Kashmir and also why dont you give them status of a free country with own President, Parliament, Flag, Prime Minister.
To all respected indian members and a reply to the accusations of all indians on this thread>>>
Sir ata ka bohran etc still ITS OUR BAD GOVT POLICIES STILL PEOPLE ARE SURVING UNLIKE HOMELESS PEOPLE IN MILLION IN INDIA we are on track FOR JUST AN EXAMPLE WHEN U THOUGHT PAK WILL FAIL WITHIN A FEW MONTHS OR YEARS 1947 when we didnt even get our share of finance or weapons or equipment where as u had 18 ordinance factories and we had none and we recieved old third class planes from burma(not even the number decieded by british or govt)out of which HALF didnt even reach pak as they were crashed those who reached were repaired with tin sheets etc..
Now comming to AZAD KASHMIR sir they have there own govt does IOK have ONE???? YEAH A PUPPET govt.Jails REAL LEADERS LIKE MR FAROOQ,GILLANI ETC TORTURING MR YASEEN MALIK WHO IS NOW ALMOST A CRIPPLE THANKS TO KIND INDIANS AND THERE LOVE TOWARDS KASHMIR MUSLIMS ??? no visas to go out of india.NO REFRENDUM ACCORDING TO UN resolutions 700000 MILITARY PRESENCE more then 15000 youths killed several thousand women raped.Hundreds of protests INDIAN FLAG BURNINGS PAKISTANI FLAG RAISINGS EVEN IN ASSAM.SCORES OF YOUTH MISSING VIOLENCE against women children even elderly people.
NOW Pakistan no massive military presence.No Anti PAKISTAN protest.Active govt,ANTI INDIA PROTESTS...Kashmiri people in PAK ARMY my thousands i personally know many kashmiri pakistan army officiers,i have lots of kashmiri origin students or class fellow who look like us as there is no BIG DIFFERENCE UNLIKE.IN INDIA ask any kashmiri if he is indian or kashmiri????
CARE?yes sir pakistani people care about kashmiris remember 2005 EARTH QUAKE???????
KSHMIRIS GOING TO ENGLAND???? yes they are living in UK ...As well as almost 1 MILLION PAKISTANIS so does that mean PAKISTANIS HATE PAKISTAN SO THEY ARE LEAVING TO UK??????????
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that's quiet a failure on your part you've completely failed in satisfying and proving your points..you claim Kashmiris don't want to be part of Pakistan yet you don't want to prove it to me infact to this thread..building castle in the sky can satisfy you in dreams reality is different.

you care about their privacy now you say you'll give me their information in PM? contradictions contradiction make up your mind. read your own posts prior to this post.

"Btw, I personally know many Kashmiris and none, repeat NONE of them want to be part of Pakistan!!!"

so do Kashamirs don't want to be part of Pakistan or they don't want Pakistan in kashmir?? what are you trying to explain? or you're under harsh scrutiny lol. you seem frustrated..

you said "As to passing comments without knowing people of the region is very stupid to say the least."

I replied to your posts not just pass comments mare in the dark..and your own comments goes towards you ; you have to know Kashmiris in person or in depth other-wise you'll portray you're self as jackass without any clue. So what do you mean by knowing people of the region referring to you hindus or Kashmiris?

I said Kashmiris do not want Pakistan in Kashmir - neither as an occupying force nor as the federal govt. The message should be quite clear.

I said, I will ask their permission to PM you their mail id. Rest of your post doesn't deserve a comment, its categorized as "ranting".

Btw, considering the state Pakistan is in now, do you really think Kashmiris want to be part of Pakistan? Include the religious pov and the different sect of Islam followed by Kashmiris.
@SSG Viper

Calm down mate...relax...

How about a Jadoo ki Jhappi and forget about everything...

Itna gussa acha nahin hai?

Oh i forgot to reply to that silly post of yours atta ka bohran and so on.

You tell me why would Kashmiris want to be part of poverty-striken India, where millions go to bed empty stomach.

Why would they want to join Hindu dominated country where stinking cast system is still depriving millions of low cast own Hindus, how would Indian be able to treat Kashmiris mostly Muslims, well.

Why would they want to join a country where own one of the biggest miniority the Indian Muslims are still treated like outsiders,

where Gujrat, Orissa, Golden Temple, Babri Mosque etc kinds of incidents of barbarism are still continued.
I said Kashmiris do not want Pakistan in Kashmir - neither as an occupying force nor as the federal govt. The message should be quite clear.

Btw, considering the state Pakistan is in now, do you really think Kashmiris want to be part of Pakistan? Include the religious pov and the different sect of Islam followed by Kashmiris.

It does not matter what an Indian says or what we think or what one on forums thinks.

If you want to know would Kashmiri like to join Pakistan in the current state/situation or would it join India or want to be remain, for that the only way is to condut a free fair referendum under UN and neutral parties both in Indian Held Kashmir and Azad Kashmir.

Only then we will come to know what Kashmiris want.
Btw, considering the state Pakistan is in now, do you really think Kashmiris want to be part of Pakistan? Include the religious pov and the different sect of Islam followed by Kashmiris.

Blah blah blah - It's a poor Indian bluff and Pakistanis always call it by saying, 'fine, Kashmiris hate/dislike Pakistan compared to India' - then India should have no problems implementing her commitments to the UNSC resolutions and allowing a UN held plebiscite in Azad Kashmir + IoK Valley.

And on that point all manners of lame Indian excuses are trotted out, exposing the Indian claims for what they are.

A UN held plebsicite is really the only way to settle the claims of 'who do the Kashmiris owe allegiance to' - and on that count we know precisely which side loses their tatay on holding a referendum to back up their position.:cheers:
Blah blah blah - It's a poor Indian bluff and Pakistanis always call it by saying, 'fine, Kashmiris hate/dislike Pakistan compared to India' - then India should have no problems implementing her commitments to the UNSC resolutions and allowing a UN held plebiscite in Azad Kashmir + IoK Valley.

And on that point all manners of lame Indian excuses are trotted out, exposing the Indian claims for what they are.

A UN held plebsicite is really the only way to settle the claims of 'who do the Kashmiris owe allegiance to' - and on that count we know precisely which side loses their tatay on holding a referendum to back up their position.:cheers:

Ireland wanted to be a part of the UK?

Do you think Philippines and Virgin Islands want to join the united states?

Of course UN will say it's maintaining peace. They have nothing to loose. They only speak when they want to. They never spoke about US and Europe because they CONTROL the UN. It's only Asia, Africa that has all the human rights violations ^^.

What are we doing wrong by administrating what is RIGHTFULLY ours. After the partition. OUR government didn't want Kashmir. KASHMIR wanted US!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read up on Lord Mountbatten and why he accepted the Maharaja's request to join India.---Because they need India's military support from PAKISTANI Tribals.

Ofcourse that's history. Now India seems to be the bad guys because "oh no" we're forcing your Muslim "brothers" against their will and not giving up Kashmir.

If you care so much about Kashmir, why don't you support an INDEPENDENT KASHMIR. Why don't you stop training terrorists so they won't attack KASHMIR. They are killing your own brothers. Why did you start 3 wars with us if you cared so much about Kashmir?

Your government training militants and spreading Anti-India propaganda and inviting Kashmirs as brothers because they share the same religion is what's brainwashing Kashmiris. Indian government is now trying to recruit youth in Kashmir.---NOT start terrorist camps to bomb Azad Kashmir.

I am not saying the Indian government is all goody-goody. We do have many idiots within the government. But your opinion need not be said in a biased way to influence others. :no:

Long live India!!.
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India claims the entire former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir and presently administers approximately 43% of the region including most of Jammu, Kashmir Valley, Ladakh and the Siachen Glacier which is contested by Pakistan which controls approximately 37% of Kashmir, mainly Azad Kashmir and the northern areas of Gilgit and Baltistan. In addition, China controls 20% of Kashmir including Aksai Chin which it occupied following the brief Sino-Indian War of 1962 and the Trans-Karakoram Tract, also known as the Shaksam Valley, that was ceded to it by Pakistan in 1963.India's official position is that Kashmir is an "integral part" of India. Pakistan's official position is that Kashmir is a disputed territory whose final status must be determined by the people of Kashmir.

Before Independence from British in 1947 from 1820, Kashmir was governed by the Maharaja of Kashmir who was Hindu although the majority of the population were Muslim, except the Jammu region. On partition Pakistan expected Kashmir to be annexed to it.

In 1947, British rule in India ended with the creation of two new nations: the Union of India and the Dominion of Pakistan while British suzerainty over the 562 Indian princely states ended. According to the Indian Independence Act 1947, "the suzerainty of His Majesty over the Indian States lapses, and with it, all treaties and agreements in force at the date of the passing of this Act between His Majesty and the rulers of Indian States", so the states were left to choose whether to join India or Pakistan or to remain independent. Jammu and Kashmir had a predominantly Muslim population but a Hindu ruler and was the largest of the princely states. Its ruler was the Dogra King (or Maharaja) Hari Singh.

In October 1947, Pakistani tribals from Dir entered Kashmir intending to liberate it from Dogra rule. Unable to withstand the invasion, the Maharaja signed The Instrument of Accession that was accepted by the Government of India on October 27, 1947(wiki)

now all i want to say is that you control 37% of Kashmir and if u are so concerned about our muslim brother in kashmir why dont you conduct a free and impartial plebiscite under the support of United Nations all over in pakistan then maybe GOI will think of conducting one too:cool:.atleast it will be a start :yahoo:.come on guys set an example for stupid( hindu) india:rofl:.
Ireland wanted to be a part of the UK?

Do you think Philippines and Virgin Islands want to join the united states?

Of course UN will say it's maintaining peace. They have nothing to loose. They only speak when they want to. They never spoke about US and Europe because they CONTROL the UN. It's only Asia, Africa that has all the human rights violations ^^.

What are we doing wrong by administrating what is RIGHTFULLY ours. After the partition. OUR government didn't want Kashmir. KASHMIR wanted US!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read up on Lord Mountbatten and why he accepted the Maharaja's request to join India.---Because they need India's military support from PAKISTANI Tribals.

Ofcourse that's history. Now India seems to be the bad guys because "oh no" we're forcing your Muslim "brothers" against their will and not giving up Kashmir.

If you care so much about Kashmir, why don't you support an INDEPENDENT KASHMIR. Why don't you stop training terrorists so they won't attack KASHMIR. They are killing your own brothers. Why did you start 3 wars with us if you cared so much about Kashmir?

Your government training militants and spreading Anti-India propaganda and inviting Kashmirs as brothers because they share the same religion is what's brainwashing Kashmiris. Indian government is now trying to recruit youth in Kashmir.---NOT start terrorist camps to bomb Azad Kashmir.

I am not saying the Indian government is all goody-goody. We do have many idiots within the government. But your opinion need not be said in a biased way to influence others. :no:

Long live India!!.
Like I said, call the Indian bluff on 'Kashmiris hate Pakistan and want to be with India', by asking for an implementation of India's commitment to the UNSC resolutions calling for a UN held plebsicite, and the excuses spew forth and tatay vanish.
I have objections on any discussions based on a blog entry without any reference to the concerns made within.

But as this issue can not be ignore on the merits and as a part and parcel of the Issue of J&K. Different schools of thought must be entertained to make this issue well discussed and Ideal.
I am pasting a link to very interesting letter which twinkles light on some problems of people of AK.
Rest i will leave on readers to defend or exaggerate :) issues highlighted.
As in statistics we infer to a sample, so i wont mind suggesting my Pro-opinion on such claims that AK is not sterilized form the misadventures of some out side forces effecting its very native population.
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