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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Mods please close the thread, it's a goddamn TOI. The thread is running nowhere.
You don't need to trust this cause this is not official stand of iranian goverment ;)

I have a question to all....

Whats better? Is it better to have overt support say from US that they consider Pakistan as a terrorist state or that they consider it so but wont say it publically.

Im no diplomat.But I feel that nothing beats open and vocal statement of position.If thats not forthcoming, it means one of the two parties involved has a public image internally or externally at variance with reality and therefore is in some ways a totalitarian regime or a country with identity issues.

My take is if Iran as an example comes and tells Indians in private that their position is different from the Khominei statement but doesnt openly say so...means its relationship mwith its own people has some amount propaganda built in....

Another example is Kargil where Pakistan Govt might tell its people one thing and in private might discuss things with other countries differently.Or Indian Govt saying that it has China's support for UNSC permanent seat based on 'overt' Chinese support which we all know is diplomatic speech.
Iranian leader asks Muslims to back Kashmir struggle

2010-11-19 13:50:00

Tehran, Nov 19 (IANS) Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has appealed to Muslims to back the separatist campaign in Jammu and Kashmir, equating the Indian state with the 'nations' of Afghanistan and Iraq.

'Today the major duties of the elite of the Islamic Ummah is to provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime,' Khamenei said in a message to Haj pilgrims.

IRNA news agency also quoted him as saying that Muslims should be united and 'spread awakening and a sense of responsibility and commitment among Muslim youth throughout Islamic communities'.

The Iranian leader, who wields enormous influence on the Iranian state, said 'the expanding wave of Islamic awakening in the world today is a reality that heralds a bright future for the Islamic Ummah'.

The thrust of his speech made this week was directed at Israel and the US. But he also made a veiled reference to Pakistan's nuclear programme.

'The US and the West are no more the unquestionable decision-makers of the Middle East they were two decades ago. Contrary to the situation 10 years ago, the nuclear know-how and other complex technologies are no longer considered inaccessible daydreams for Muslim nations of the region.'

He said the US was bogged down in Afghanistan and 'is hated more than ever before in disaster-stricken Pakistan'.

Referring to what he said was a 'hopeful and promising situation' for the Muslim world, Khamenei said that 'past lessons and experience should make us more vigilant than ever before'.

A former president of Iran (1981-89), Khamenei succeeded Ayatollah Khomeini as the spiritual head of the Iranian people.

A staunch supporter of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Khamenei is said to influence Iran's foreign policy.

According to Kashmir activist Ghulam Ali Gulzar, Khamenei visited Jammu and Kashmir in the early 1980s and delivered a sermon at Srinagar's Jama Masjid.

'At every Friday prayer in Tehran University, whenever there is talk about Palestine, Kashmir is also mentioned and prayers offered,' Gulzar said in published remarks.

Iranian leader asks Muslims to back Kashmir struggle
I have a question to all....

Whats better? Is it better to have overt support say from US that they consider Pakistan as a terrorist state or that they consider it so but wont say it publically.

Im no diplomat.But I feel that nothing beats open and vocal statement of position.If thats not forthcoming, it means one of the two parties involved has a public image internally or externally at variance with reality and therefore is in some ways a totalitarian regime or a country with identity issues.

My take is if Iran as an example comes and tells Indians in private that their position is different from the Khominei statement but doesnt openly say so...means its relationship mwith its own people has some amount propaganda built in....

Another example is Kargil where Pakistan Govt might tell its people one thing and in private might discuss things with other countries differently.Or Indian Govt saying that it has China's support for UNSC permanent seat based on 'overt' Chinese support which we all know is diplomatic speech.

So your point is.....??
Iranian leader asks Muslims to back Kashmir struggle

2010-11-19 13:50:00

Tehran, Nov 19 (IANS) Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has appealed to Muslims to back the separatist campaign in Jammu and Kashmir, equating the Indian state with the 'nations' of Afghanistan and Iraq.

'Today the major duties of the elite of the Islamic Ummah is to provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime,' Khamenei said in a message to Haj pilgrims.

IRNA news agency also quoted him as saying that Muslims should be united and 'spread awakening and a sense of responsibility and commitment among Muslim youth throughout Islamic communities'.

The Iranian leader, who wields enormous influence on the Iranian state, said 'the expanding wave of Islamic awakening in the world today is a reality that heralds a bright future for the Islamic Ummah'.

The thrust of his speech made this week was directed at Israel and the US. But he also made a veiled reference to Pakistan's nuclear programme.

'The US and the West are no more the unquestionable decision-makers of the Middle East they were two decades ago. Contrary to the situation 10 years ago, the nuclear know-how and other complex technologies are no longer considered inaccessible daydreams for Muslim nations of the region.'

He said the US was bogged down in Afghanistan and 'is hated more than ever before in disaster-stricken Pakistan'.

Referring to what he said was a 'hopeful and promising situation' for the Muslim world, Khamenei said that 'past lessons and experience should make us more vigilant than ever before'.

A former president of Iran (1981-89), Khamenei succeeded Ayatollah Khomeini as the spiritual head of the Iranian people.

A staunch supporter of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Khamenei is said to influence Iran's foreign policy.

According to Kashmir activist Ghulam Ali Gulzar, Khamenei visited Jammu and Kashmir in the early 1980s and delivered a sermon at Srinagar's Jama Masjid.

'At every Friday prayer in Tehran University, whenever there is talk about Palestine, Kashmir is also mentioned and prayers offered,' Gulzar said in published remarks.

Iranian leader asks Muslims to back Kashmir struggle

Errrrrrr, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is not official spokes person of there goverment neither he is external affairs minister of iran. So, he can;t talk on behalf of Gov or there foriegn policy.


Even if iran comes out openly supporting the sepratists, even then it dosen't matter ,they will just give a "nice" excuse to goverment of india for supporting the Sanctions on iran which india did'nt support till now..;)

Other then this.... nothing is important.:no:
Clear statement on Indian invasion of country of Kashmir coming from a popular public leader of Iran is welcomed and a good sign.
China will not turn its back on Iran.

China needs Iran for oil and gas, and Iran needs China.

China will not jeopardize its relations with Iran for the west.

China needs oil. period. There is nothing special about "Irani oil".
Additionally, China would rather not get it's oil from Iran. Just like the rest of the world.

Gas should be kept separate from oil. The medium term trend of gas prices is downwards. There is going to be excess supply upto 2020 and more is going to come online. Nobody is planning to buy oil-price linked gas from the middle-east, except Pakistan.
Have people noticed that the Imam of Kaaba didnt mentioned Kashmir in his Sermon, He only pledeged help for the people in Iraq,Palestine and Afghanistan. And now Iranians are supporting the Kashmir cause.

Can we call it a Realignment of Pakistan...!!
Iran may be close to India for commerce and material gains but that doesn't make the supreme leaders blind..India is the part of Zionist anti-Muslim alliance especially since Indians have given in to Israeli pressure of boycotting Iran which exposes their true face.

Iran and Pakistan may have tensions but in the long term it is only viable partnership due to closer religious and cultural links!
Iran may be close to India for commerce and material gains but that doesn't make the supreme leaders blind..India is the part of Zionist anti-Muslim alliance especially since Indians have given in to Israeli pressure of boycotting Iran which exposes their true face.

Iran and Pakistan may have tensions but in the long term it is only viable partnership due to closer religious and cultural links!

Anti muslim alliance..lol.It is spineless tactic of some pakistanis to term anything anti pakistani as anti muslim so that they can gain more support.China also supported sanctions to iran and agreed to block tech transfer.Will you call china anti muslim for that?No..you guys wont even condemn that decision.But when india does,it will become anti muslim.In the thread which was discussing about ughuir children in china not allowed to enter mosques your reply was ughuirs are not real muslims!This attitude of selectively bringing religion wherever it suits you is disgusting.India have good relation with arabs, iranians(although arabs and iranians have supported pakistan in almost every war with us) and israel as per our national interests and unlike you,we dont selectively bring religion in foreign relations.
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