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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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sadly for the victims familes the invesitgation was suddenly halted when the bullets were found to be fired by the guns normally used by the security forces.
shame that when the news came up of the possible hand of the security foces in the killing of the Jewish victims it was all hushed up

Cmon...you are much more than posting fanboyish conspiracy theries just to score a brownie point.:agree:
I will let them only validate and invalidate this thing. BTW is J&K refered to as IOK in any of the UN documents. I dont think so. SO you cant use a slur against India but then expect to avoid a return slur.

The world cosiders J&K as occupied as AK and Northern areas. so hash that arguement..

IOK is a fact and isn't banned on this forum. What else can we say for an occupied territory except calling it occupied.
When the so called document of accession by illegitimate ruler green singh is also illegitimate so who is this karan singh to give his opinion about IOK.
What? Is Mumbai still a ploy to kill Karakare? :s
IOK is a fact and isn't banned on this forum. What else can we say for an occupied territory except calling it occupied.

Are you a pseudoname of either of the 2 gentlemen I mentioned? I think not. So if I am mistaken, let them or the Mod team clarify. People like you and me anyway cant decide what is allowed and what is not.
Are you a pseudoname of either of the 2 gentlemen I mentioned? I think not. So if I am mistaken, let them or the Mod team clarify. People like you and me anyway cant decide what is allowed and what is not.

Lolzzz. Genius it is very easy to decide let me write Indian occupied kashmir. Look. IOK IOK IOK. Now you right the the so called PO* without using zero in between. :D

Indians are too ..... ;)
I have not read them saying this about IoK.

As its Azad Kashmir with own PM, President, Flag, Constitution hence there is NO question of using word O for AJK.

On the other hand we and the world considers IOK as occupied territory with no such arrangement as AJK hence IOK is there.

whats more, there is no million storng army to suppress the protests and daily lives of the people in the Azad Kashmir

the only protests of the free Kashmir happening are in support of their brothers in Indian occupied Kashmir. a clear difference here
Arey bhai...by "Abu,Irfan" i meant Abu Zolfiqar and Irfan Baloch ,two of the regular posters in this thread. No offence meant.

I dont believe you pinoccio!!!
put your hand on your elongated lying nose (or heart) and say again that it was not meant to be a swipe at Arabian name that starts with Abu..

although I must say there is a comma in between but so is the email address in outlook.
damn you you just almost got me reported by pulling me off topic.

Azad Kashmir Zindabad
Indo Pak Sanity Zindabad
Q - Have most of your countrymen experienced democracy for most part of their lives?

A - No

Conclusion - There's no point debating on 'democracy' with a Pakistani or anyone else who has not experienced democracy and whatever challenges/compromises it entails for all the participants of it.

@ My Pakistani friends: Please try to understand our plight while debating with you. Most of you have not experienced a functioning democracy for most of your lives and hence whatever logic I or other Indians will present to you will seem superficial to you and hence is beyond your ken because, quite simply, you have not experienced what you're trying to discuss with us.

Another smart Arse
hello your royal stupidness.. that is the dilemma for you that you are unable to admit. That despite being a biggest democracy you cant digest the fact that the rights of democracy (people power) apply to Kasmiris as well. and the people from a country mostly ruled by dictators will have to come and teach you.

I must admit though that being a citizen of a dysfunction democracy it is really hard for me to understand that a “thing” like you is talking about democracy out of your mouth or out of your backside when you have an avatar of a biggest fascist and mass murderer. Are you planning to apply his 3rd Reich philosophy in India? and call it democracy? You are laughable and pathetic.

Request to all. I invite every able & willing member to mock this Buffoon who is proclaiming his superior Democratic wisdom & has declared it as a forbidden fruit for us while supporting Hitler’s picture as his avatar. A self defeating plonker springs to mind

Oh you sill got your democratic Hitler? I guess it is becase you havent been drilled by other members yet
I dont believe you pinoccio!!!
put your hand on your elongated lying nose (or heart) and say again that it was not meant to be a swipe at Arabian name that starts with Abu..

although I must say there is a comma in between but so is the email address in outlook.
damn you you just almost got me reported by pulling me off topic.

:lol::lol: I can keep my hand on anything and say so. ;)

Anyways I Dont know Arabic and whats the connotation of the name Abu In Arabic.Can you please clarify....Just for curiosity purpose.

Azad Kashmir Zindabad - :tongue:

Indo Pak Sanity Zindabad - :tup:
Lolzzz. Genius it is very easy to decide let me write Indian occupied kashmir. Look. IOK IOK IOK. Now you right the the so called PO* without using zero in between. :D

Indians are too ..... ;)

Dude, I am not talking about whether its banned from the system or not. I remember one of them making this statement that we should be using AK and J&K as they are the internationally accepted names. I am just waiting for one of them to clarify.

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir... Banned word.. No.. Acceptable.. No as well..

Dont get too stuck up in the system
whats more, there is no million storng army to suppress the protests and daily lives of the people in the Azad Kashmir

the only protests of the free Kashmir happening are in support of their brothers in Indian occupied Kashmir. a clear difference here

Same place the so called Azad Kashmir, where most independent observers find more violations of human rights and less freedom (ironical) than the Indian side..

Reference: Recent EU report on Kashmir (Pakistan tried its level best to prevent it from being tabled in the EU parliament. Didnt work)
Freedom of speech works both ways and even then there is a clear demarcation line between freedom of speech and open sedition:

Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code defines the offence of sedition as follows: “Sedition. Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards, the Government established by law in India, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, to which fine may be added, or with imprisonment which may extend to three years, to which fine may be added, or with fine”. But Explanation 3 says “Comments expressing disapprobation of the administrative or other action of the Government without exciting or attempting to excite hatred, contempt or disaffection, do not constitute an offence under this section”.


why isnt this applicable for our natas who talk on basis of religion, region, caste
Another smart Arse
hello your royal stupidness.. that is the dilemma for you that you are unable to admit. That despite being a biggest democracy you cant digest the fact that the rights of democracy (people power) apply to Kasmiris as well. and the people from a country mostly ruled by dictators will have to come and teach you.

Irfan.. I have a strong disagreement with this. I think democracy is being used in this arguement as a license for everyone to do whatever he/she wants. Thats not democracy. No democracy in the world allows a small set of people to decide on cutting off a part of the country. By definition, democracy refers to the rule of majority. And the denominator for majority here is all the citizens of the country of the age above the age of voting. The crux of democracy is the oneness of the nation. Else tomorrow the colony I live in can get together with all of its 2000 residents and vote for it becoming a seperate nation. I know the example is a little extreme, but boundary conditions help in establishing the validity of the arguement..
Perhaps it is time for our law enforcement agencies to act decisively on people like Geelani and Arundhuti Roy for inciting trouble and violence.The way it looks their sole objective seems to be using the guise of "human rights" and "freedom of speech" , to spread malice exclusively for Radicals and fundamentalists . Our covert agencies should aggressively retaliate with counter -propaganda . Our ideals of plurality and tolerance should be taken seriously.
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