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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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well -- fair enough. But do remember that in Kashmir you don't have brainwashed suicide bombers targetting the "Security" forces.....mostly just stone throwing teenagers who are simply angry at the presence of sissy forces trying to artificially "placate" them

LOL @ "his holy highness"

you seem to have highlighted your inferiority complex after having ''bestowed'' this title on he who is not even indigenous to your country

then again, no new phenomenon i suppose......indians (at least the ones here) tend to be quite.........self-hating!
well -- fair enough. But do remember that in Kashmir you don't have brainwashed suicide bombers targetting the "Security" forces.....mostly just stone throwing teenagers who are simply angry at the presence of sissy forces trying to artificially "placate" them

And this thread is not about the stone throwing teenagers, but the likes of the brainwashed suicide bombers of NWFP, who instead of blowing themselves up in towns like Peshawar, travel to the Indian side of Kashmir to attack and be terminated by the Indian armed forces..
well -- fair enough. But do remember that in Kashmir you don't have brainwashed suicide bombers targetting the "Security" forces.....mostly just stone throwing teenagers who are simply angry at the presence of sissy forces trying to artificially "placate" them

They dont have suicide bombings because there is no reason for that.Simple.

As for the "stone-throwing-kids", "Sissies" , "Artificially placate"....Well hold onto your straws.

LOL @ "his holy highness"

you seem to have highlighted your inferiority complex after having ''bestowed'' this title on he who is not even indigenous to your country

then again, no new phenomenon i suppose......indians (at least the ones here) tend to be quite.........self-hating!

He is the top religious figure to about 30 million Buddhists in India,the same status you guys attach to the Prophet.

So isnt the answer self-evident.?
I will any day take getting shouted at as against getting droned.. If you know what I mean

BTW not very heartning to see 2 think tanks getting together and indulging in off topic rants.

The topic is Kashmir and not call centers of Banglore..

sir I totally agree. its something to do with the air of the Indian subcontinent that in order to deflate the opponent some "tactical” moves are made by both sides.
Now on the serious side. Do you honestly believe that the whole Kashmiri uprising and dissent against the Indian state is not indigenous?

Tell me all those people, men women and children shouting in the streets, being shot at dragged and beaten by Indian soldiers are not local Kashmiris?

Do you think these all demonstrations and demand for freedom are isolated cases?
For your comfort I will bring Bangladesh, people who know the history know that India facilitated, trained and funded the whole movement but was it not also indigenous? Were the East Pakistani Bengalis not genuinely upset with the attitude of west Pakistan?

For the sake of the Name of biggest Democracy, India has the chance to do better and show the world that the resolution of Kashmir can be better & more democratic than the creation of Bangladesh. UN resolutions don’t become irrelevant and old just for the sake of conveniences. Indian state has to wake up and make some bold decisions for the sake of over a billion population of this region. Rather we do it together than someone else coming and doing it for us.
Really...??? I mean really....? Dailymailnews again?


your PM is not laughing at all
poor man is requesting meetings and conferences with the Kashmiri leadership
Indian administration is loosing sleep over this new wave of protests and now there is no ISI bogeyman to blame
thats tragic for mister Sigh because he is visibly shocked.
your PM is not laughing at all
poor man is requesting meetings and conferences with the Kashmiri leadership

And thats his role as the prime minister to address valid issues of every group of citizens. Better late than never.

Indian administration is loosing sleep over this new wave of protests and now there is no ISI bogeyman to blame
Like it loses sleep over poverty erradication, meeting the commonwealth timelines and winning the next elections. Life goes on. Loosing sleep is part of being the administration.

thats tragic for mister Sigh because he is visibly shocked.

huh? Do you think its the first and last time a leader of country is shocked.. examples.. what does this indicate if anything..?

Pak president Asif Ali Zardari shocked over fixing allegations

Pakistani President, PM shocked over air crash in capital - People's Daily Online

Pakistani president shocked at China earthquake losses - People's Daily Online

???? : Pakistan shocked over Polish president''s death - ?????? ???????? - 10/04/2010
sir I totally agree. its something to do with the air of the Indian subcontinent that in order to deflate the opponent some "tactical” moves are made by both sides.
Now on the serious side. Do you honestly believe that the whole Kashmiri uprising and dissent against the Indian state is not indigenous?

Tell me all those people, men women and children shouting in the streets, being shot at dragged and beaten by Indian soldiers are not local Kashmiris?

Do you think these all demonstrations and demand for freedom are isolated cases?
For your comfort I will bring Bangladesh, people who know the history know that India facilitated, trained and funded the whole movement but was it not also indigenous? Were the East Pakistani Bengalis not genuinely upset with the attitude of west Pakistan?

For the sake of the Name of biggest Democracy, India has the chance to do better and show the world that the resolution of Kashmir can be better & more democratic than the creation of Bangladesh. UN resolutions don’t become irrelevant and old just for the sake of conveniences. Indian state has to wake up and make some bold decisions for the sake of over a billion population of this region. Rather we do it together than someone else coming and doing it for us.

There are some mistakes in your post -

Its not a uprising of entire Kashmiri ppl perse - only that of a section of the Valley Muslims.

Indian soldiers are not killing and dragging anyone on the streets - Only non-lethal crowd control measures are allowed and they are implemented strictly

And face it ppl - India is a democracy and any political party making any concessions to Pakistan on Kashmir can immediately kiss their power goodbye,dig a grave and jump into it.
There are certain redlines that no political party will ever dare cross and everybody should understand our limitation also.

So the only way acceptable to us,the general Indian population is to internationalise the LoC.If that's not possible,then nothing is possible.

Oh please stop... /blush

me respected? hahaha

I for one,like your views on many topics (this not being one)
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Strawman & Digressive- nothing related to the question I asked.

Let me ask the question again - When the F-16s of the PAF fires LGB on the mountains,how does it make sure all the people killed are TTP militants .?

Last time there was a discussion about an Air strike by PAF killed women and children in Pakistan opened by Karan ,the discussion get me suspended for one week and the entire thread was deleted ..IS this gave you some idea about what will be his answer?
There are some mistakes in your post -

Its not a uprising of entire Kashmiri ppl perse - only that of a section of the Valley Muslims.

Kashmir valley is more than 95% Muslim so the collective views expressed by the Valley Muslims are in fact of the overwhelming majority.

No matter how gently you portray the picture, the people in general are protesting in Kashmir Valley and Indian state is indeed brutalizing the people all the while it is protecting its agencies from investigation and trials regarding their brutal tactics which include r ape and killing of unarmed civilians.
Hardly any terrorist has been raped.
The r ape case of 2009 really highlighted this again.

These are not hardcore terrorists but ordinary folk who are in the streets now, even harsh police tactics and torture will breed the hatred to the point that there will a young generation which shall have no avenue but to turn to violence and eventually many shall turn to extreme and may even take up terror tactics.

This is what shall come to pass if Indian truly continues in this manner.
Indian soldiers are not killing and dragging anyone on the streets - Only non-lethal crowd control measures are allowed and they are implemented strictly

Sorry to see that you are so much in denial,
Be honest now… tell me, have you never ever seen even a single video or picture of Kashmiri women weeping on the slain/ tortured corpses of their relatives at the hands of the Indian military? Have you never ever seen wailing civilians being dragged out on the streets and their homes?
Have you never heard about the draconian law called DATA?
Is that how Indian democracy works in Kashmir? Where the soldiers can kill anyone without any proof or just on the basis of suspicions?
How have conveniently missed the burnt out houses and fake encounters by Indian military for the past 60 years?

Has a fact lost to you that Indian state has to station over a million soldiers in Kashmir to keep its occupation? Do you honestly think that India needs that many soldiers if the uprising is only inspired by ISI and some foreign fighters as claimed by your state?

Do I need to start posting videos & pictures of the mutilated bodies of men who were taken away by security forces during crackdown and then dumped on the side roads?
Come on and show some grit and have the heart to question the atrocities of Indian state that one would only see on an occupation.

It’s a pity that my Indian colleagues will continue to ignore the reality and the inevitable outcome. You can’t claim to be democratic and fair and then brutally suppress the people who don’t want you there.

Sooner or later India will have to let go of Kashmir. Better to do resolve it from the point of strength. The way the world geopolitical map is changing, the partnerships and alliances are being made and broken before the sun goes down. The Indian policy makers have to think for the future generations as well. a peaceful and amicable resolution will go a long way for this region. Given its size, India will be the biggest benefactor and it will find all its neighbours by it side to challenge the western monopoly on world politics.
And thats his role as the prime minister to address valid issues of every group of citizens. Better late than never.

sorry I missed the last part of your post. not sure why you wasted the time to copy paste those irrelevent links here

although the start was good no doubt. the point is, major part of India is living in denial that Kashmiris want freedom from India
thats why mostly all Indians try to laugh it off

manmohan Sign is taking it seriously and is an honourable and sincere in resolution, he just needs protection and backing against the Indian hardline right wingers on one hand and a credible and stong goverment in Pakistan

indeed its a big ask and given the current situation both wishes seem hard to get.
Didn't daily mail report that the flag incident of pak team was done by RAW?????
As per India this is engineered by ISI and PA.
They talk about being a super power and cant effectively combat a thorn ISI is planting in their bottom for 63 years!

che che..
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