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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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But you do agree that UN wants a vote on the issue.
Let democracy prosper.....what are you scared off.

UN wants a vote and in this day and age who gives crap to what UN says . The days of UN as an effective political institution is over.

Yup let democracy prosper .. why not Kashmiris here are voting so let it prosper better.

If according to your argument democracy should prosper then every Indian has a right to vote on the issue , its after all our backyard.

If india is that good and caring then surely the people of kashmir will be in favour of staying with india......wont they..?

When was the last time muslims were happy about being under someone( refer to asim's post)..

Okay whatever....but it disproves your point.

It disproves nothing , whether I can own land in Kashmir or not is immaterial , I have rights over it as equal as rights over Bihar or Andamans.

Go ahead....you have scared all the pandits out of kashmir.

Nope we dont do cultural genocide like China does . Hmm when did we scare the pandits out?

you go anytime you want.....just as long its not in a indian military uniform.

Yup I shall go anytime I will want.. Uniform? Not necessary there are plenty there already.

good....carry on spending

Sure , call me arrogant but we have the cash and we shall spend, no if's and but's about it.
Pakistans support will never end.....you can wish though

Its happening as we talk right now ... prove me other wise.

I just hope all your wishes come true....thats what they are airy fairy wishes...keeping fooling yourself into thinking that pakistan does not care for kashmir.

Pakistan will never risk a full blown war for your sake anymore . period.

Thats what you want......india keeps IOK and pakistan keeps AJK and LOC as a border.

Thats not what we want.......you want to keep the status quo we dont.

Err when was the last time anyone from both the side cared about what you want.

You had your chance to reach a settlement with mushy but your arrogance got the better of you.......taste the bitter friuts now.

BS anyone wishing that India will let go of IK lives in fools paradise.. war or negotiations it shall never happen, the price is simply too high ...

Bitter fruits? Yeah yeah whatever .. boolocks and rhetoric will never yeild any fruits in the first place ..
Illustrious family, I will say. Does the British police know of the activities of this Jehadi in their midst? As a law abiding citizen, you must inform them.?

There was bbc tv programme about one my friends....so yeah i would expect the british govt knew about it.
And my other two friend had newspaper articles about them in the national press

Did your friend come back safe an sound and in one piece and not as a handful of gravel?

One got caught by the NA and then was released after his brother flew from the UK with a BBC crew and paid a ransom.
The other two died fighting in afghanistan.
My two cousins wher killed in kashmir but others have returned safe and well.

I hope that stops your comments about me sending my own family/friends to the battlefeild first before asking others to join........
There was bbc tv programme about one my friends....so yeah i would expect the british govt knew about it.
And my other two friend had newspaper articles about them in the national press

Good show.

So are they in Gitmo now? ;)

One got caught by the NA and then was released after his brother flew from the UK with a BBC crew and paid a ransom.
The other two died fighting in afghanistan.
My two cousins wher killed in kashmir but others have returned safe and well.

I hope that stops your comments about me sending my own family/friends to the battlefeild first before asking others to join........

That was always a second choice. The first choice of course would be the person demanding continued violence and suffering for other human beings. So there...
One got caught by the NA and then was released after his brother flew from the UK with a BBC crew and paid a ransom.
The other two died fighting in afghanistan.
My two cousins wher killed in kashmir but others have returned safe and well.

I hope that stops your comments about me sending my own family/friends to the battlefeild first before asking others to join........

Holy moly....if all this is true, then you better watch what you type on open forums....
Do my friends,cousins and uncle count..?

My experience with the terrorist, including signal intercepts, is that the unemployed and those in jail and promised amnesty for a tour of J&K counts.
My two cousins wher killed in kashmir but others have returned safe and well.


Purely from the academic standpoint can we know the social, economic, religious background, the motivation and payment for sustenance of your relatives who were killed and who escaped?

Why did some die and why did some live?

What was the tenure?

And if you are fro such a jihadi family, why are you not there?

Purely academic since it fascinates that people are ready to be die for an abstract cause while other loll in the background merely to cheer and exhort in the name of religion!!
Purely academic since it fascinates that people are ready to be die for an abstract cause while other loll in the background merely to cheer and exhort in the name of religion!!

But thats the case in almost all freedom movements - and the "cheering" is over more than just religion Salim, you know that.
1) Northern Areas are not part of Kashmir. They are Pakistani areas

2) Azad Kashmir is part of Kashmir and is independent of Pakistan, so Pakistan doesn't really control any part of Kashmir.

3) The water supply to the Indus is only partly through Kashmir. The Kabul River is the source of some of the Indus as it enters Pakistan, as is the Swat River and Gilgit. Even if for some reason water supplies were turned off from Kashmir (and the Tibetans or Chinese could simply divert the supply away from Kashmir if they wanted to, as a favour to Pakistan), there'd be enough of a water supply from the other river flowing through the Indus Valley.
Nobody is "turning off" the water supply to anywhere. India would be foolish to think that there is any benefit in turning Pakistani agricultural areas inert by diverting the water supply. This would cause a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions which will only spill over the border. Likewise, China has far too much stake in a good economic relationship with India to do the same. Each party will build dams to establish reservoirs and ensure a steady flow of water to desired areas in both nations.
But thats the case in almost all freedom movements - and the "cheering" is over more than just religion Salim, you know that.

I know it and I pity the people who die and nothing happens!

Only the fat cats back home in air conditioned comfort profit!!
1) Northern Areas are not part of Kashmir. They are Pakistani areas

2) Azad Kashmir is part of Kashmir and is independent of Pakistan, so Pakistan doesn't really control any part of Kashmir.

3) The water supply to the Indus is only partly through Kashmir. The Kabul River is the source of some of the Indus as it enters Pakistan, as is the Swat River and Gilgit. Even if for some reason water supplies were turned off from Kashmir (and the Tibetans or Chinese could simply divert the supply away from Kashmir if they wanted to, as a favour to Pakistan), there'd be enough of a water supply from the other river flowing through the Indus Valley.

Absolutely right!

Howver, one has to check the cusecs of water that flows!
The first question to the solution of Kashmir problem should be about the political will of the two countries political leadership. This problem shall not be solved unless the two countries leadership rise above stated policies and tackle the issue on humanitarian basis. The question is does the two countries have that leadership that can rise above their countries stated policies. I know Mr. Musharaf put forward a lot of proposals and according to a lot of observers this damaged Pakistan's cause. However these were not reciprocated by Indian Leadership. Here lies the problem. Unless and untill India produces a leader with such chrisma and ability to rise to the occassion of addressing the issue on political and more importantly humanitarian basis the issue won't be resolved.
In the near future I don't see that happening.
Nobody is "turning off" the water supply to anywhere. India would be foolish to think that there is any benefit in turning Pakistani agricultural areas inert by diverting the water supply. This would cause a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions which will only spill over the border. Likewise, China has far too much stake in a good economic relationship with India to do the same. Each party will build dams to establish reservoirs and ensure a steady flow of water to desired areas in both nations.

Building dams over the water in kashmir is in itself a violation of the indus water treaty. If india can violate one thing what makes you so sure that it wont violate another?
And besides its not about running pakistan dry, its about the leverage that india will get over pakistan, a leverage that india could bring at any time on the negotiating table to force its will on pakistan.
One has to be pragmatic addressing these issues and that is exactly what pakistan is doing at the moment.
Building dams over the water in kashmir is in itself a violation of the indus water treaty. If india can violate one thing what makes you so sure that it wont violate another?
And besides its not about running pakistan dry, its about the leverage that india will get over pakistan, a leverage that india could bring at any time on the negotiating table to force its will on pakistan.
One has to be pragmatic addressing these issues and that is exactly what pakistan is doing at the moment.

Nope it is not. Pakistan "thought" that it was a violation, but the judge "decided" it was not.
The judge was agreed to by both the countries.
So what violation are you are talking about?

Please dont give some abstract and from your thoughts answers, give me the clause and subclause of the IWT which we violated and where?, then let us discuss. If you need, get yourselves some lawyers.

Pakistan's objections relate to the deign of the dam, not the dam itself, and apparently Pakistan has not objected to several other dams that have been constructed.

From Wiki, a brief overview:
After construction began in 1999, Pakistan claimed some design parameters of Baglihar project violated the Indus Water Treaty (full text) of 1960. Indus Water Treaty had provided India with exclusive control to three eastern rivers while Pakistan with exclusive control to three western rivers, including Chenab River. However it contained provisions for India to establish river-run power projects with limited reservoir capacity and flow control needed for feasible power generation. Availing the provision India established several run-of-the-river projects most of which were not objected by Pakistan. However in case of Baglihar and Kishan-Ganga projects, Pakistan claimed that some design parameters were too lax than needed for feasible power generation and provide India with excessive ability to accelerate, decelerate or block flow of river, thus may give India a strategic leverage in times of tension or war.
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