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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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comon guys chill out!... cant we all get along? we have other important matters to worry about (IRAN)
comon guys chill out!... cant we all get along? we have other important matters to worry about (IRAN)

LOL. Amusingly, IRAN is a non-issue vis-a-vis Indo-Pak relations (or lack thereof). Its US's, EU's, Israle's and Sunni majority gulf monarchies' headache.

On topic: Not Happening. US will NOT/cannot interfere in Kashmir, especially NOT on Pakistan's behalf.
The recent violence in Kashmir has made sure nobody will care for them. No one wants to side with people of Jehadi mentality.
US will not interfere in Kashmir, as Kashmir is clearly become and issue of religious fanatism. No one will like to encourage fanatics, while stone pelting was going in favor of Kashmir, excessive stone pelting is going against. Since people than see them as violent people. We should also try to make world believe that people of Kashmir should be controlled otherwise it will
become SWAT. That's all and no one will care what happens there, if some people because of their violent behavior cannot adjust then so be it.

NEW YORK — Pakistan on Tuesday urged the United States to pressure India over Kashmir, saying recent unrest showed that New Delhi and not Islamabad was to blame for trouble in the Himalayan territory.

On a visit to New York for a UN session on Pakistan's devastating floods, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi insisted his government wanted peace with India but tore into its rule of Kashmir which he called "oppression."

"The occupation cannot continue. The rights of the Kashmiri people cannot continue to be denied," Qureshi said at the Council on Foreign Relations, a think-tank.

"We call upon the United States particularly, which is pressing so responsibly for peace in the Middle East, to also invest its political capital in trying to help seek an accommodation on Kashmir," he said.

"Such an accommodation would not only be just for the people of Kashmir but would be critical for peace in the region," he said, warning that "terrorism... has fueled and thrived on blatant examples of social and political injustice."

President Barack Obama's administration is seeking a broader relationship with India but also friendlier ties with Pakistan, a key battleground in the fight against Islamic extremism.

India considers Kashmir a domestic issue and rejects any foreign involvement. The Obama administration has steered clear of Kashmir after early statements triggered a backlash in India.

Kashmir, a Himalayan territory with a Muslim majority but a sizeable Hindu minority, has been disputed between India and Pakistan since independence and triggered two full-fledged wars between them.

An insurgency erupted on the Indian side in 1989 but had subsided in recent years. Indian authorities, along with some outside experts, say that Pakistan actively supported Islamic guerrillas who sneaked across the frontier.

But in recent weeks, waves of protesters have turned to the streets to rally against Indian rule in Kashmir. Security forces have shot dead more than 100 demonstrators.

"At times it's easy for the Indians to look toward Pakistan and blame Pakistan for everything that's going wrong in Indian-occupied Kashmir," Qureshi said.

But he said "no one any longer can seriously believe this."

"Can Pakistan orchestrate thousands of people? Can Pakistan plan, sitting in Islamabad, a shutdown all over Kashmir?" he said

Bro U.S is playing its role in sorting out the Kashmir issue once and for all.This is the opportune time for us to settle it according to the whims of kashmiris, if failed,this issue will remain unsettled until doomsday..Also,solving kashmir issue is in favor of all of us(pakistan,india and Us) thus sincere efforts gonna start for its resolution

Qureshi and Krishna likely to meet in NY

By Baqir Sajjad Syed
Wednesday, 22 Sep, 2010

ISLAMABAD: The frosty Indo-Pakistan ties may experience a thaw in the cool autumn of New York.

Nine weeks after their talks for rebuilding trust hit a wall, the foreign ministers of the two countries are likely to meet next week on the sidelines of the ongoing United Nations General Assembly session.

The offer for renewing contacts has come from India whose delegation led by External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna was accused of scuttling the July 15 foreign ministers’ meeting in Islamabad.

Indian High Commissioner Sharat Sabharwal conveyed the offer at a recent meeting with Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir.

Diplomatic sources said the government was considering the Indian proposal and a decision was expected in a couple of days.

Positive vibes from Delhi have encouraged the foreign policy managers who appear optimistic about the likelihood of the meeting.

“There is a very strong possibility of a meeting of the foreign ministers in New York,” an official said.

A diplomat told this correspondent there was evidence to suggest that India was moving towards accommodating Pakistan’s concerns.

The optimism stems from Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupuma Rao’s statement at Harvard University in which she said: “India was determined to persevere in its dialogue with Pakistan to resolve outstanding issues so that our region will be stable and so that the rationale of economic development in an atmosphere of peace, for all of South Asia, remains our steadfast goal.”

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said his government had decided to engage with Pakistan.

At the centre of this opportunity for resumption of contacts is a $25 million Indian aid for flood-affected people. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani sent five crates of mangoes to Mr Singh last month as a token of gratitude.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi will be in New York till Sept 30th, while Mr Krishna is scheduled to return to Delhi on Sept 29. Therefore, the meeting will most likely take place before next Tuesday.

The foreign ministers’ talks in July ended in a deadlock because of Indian insistence on not discussing Jammu and Kashmir, Siachen and issues pertaining to peace and security, particularly the strategic restraint regime.

The Indian side, sources say, wanted to keep talks on the three subjects open ended. The Indians reportedly told their Pakistani counterparts that these issues would be taken up at ‘appropriate time’.

An official said Pakistan could agree to return to the talks if the Indians were willing to commit to a roadmap covering Jammu and Kashmir, Siachen and peace and security, in addition to issues on which both countries had agreed, like commerce and trade, culture, Sir Creek, terrorism and confidence-building measures on Kashmir.

Chances of a meeting have been brightened up by Ms Rao’s statement that India is ready to “discuss all the outstanding issues, including Jammu and Kashmir”.
The first sentence pretty much sums your post up. We can say the same about you.

When members discuss they must separate the legal stand from what is happening on the ground. India has hold over entire J&K State on LEGAL grounds, as far my legal readings go based on all sorts of agreements signed between India and Pakistan.
I cant comment on people's aspirations and all that because I dont get that part. There is no one in America trying to project any views on Kashmir. Even the Palestinians are more active. Kashmiris need to put up some picture exhibitions here on Indian atrocities if that's what it really is. I tell you that's a good way to get our sympathies.

Another way Kashmir could be popularized is by creating a mock referendum on the Internet and taking it around to people's houses in Kashmir valley and getting their votes and publishing it on FaceBook, let's say. There are so many ways to get this internationalized and get so much global support. "Stone Pelting" is definitely showing Kashmiris in bad color. They need to learn from Tibetans.

The best solution for Kashmir valley, after doing some research, is a HK or Macau SAR type solution. Complete autonomy with nominal Indian control. Then trade and commerce can be highly encouraged and people can get on with it. This is the way it is going, looks like it.
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US will not interfere in Kashmir, as Kashmir is clearly become and issue of religious fanatism. No one will like to encourage fanatics, while stone pelting was going in favor of Kashmir, excessive stone pelting is going against. Since people than see them as violent people. We should also try to make world believe that people of Kashmir should be controlled otherwise it will
become SWAT. That's all and no one will care what happens there, if some people because of their violent behavior cannot adjust then so be it.

Is this child a fanatic?


Indian police shot dead a Kashmiri child in a fire on thousands of people protesting against Indian rule in the Himalayan region.

India soldiers kill Kashmiri child in protests [ WORLD BULLETIN- TURKEY NEWS, WORLD NEWS ]
US will not interfere in Kashmir, as Kashmir is clearly become and issue of religious fanatism.

Please don't lie. The Kashmir issue has been alive since 1947 and has nothing to do with fanaticism. It is about people having the right to self-determination and about following the principles by which the partition of India was carried out.
Bro U.S is playing its role in sorting out the Kashmir issue once and for all.This is the opportune time for us to settle it according to the whims of kashmiris, if failed,this issue will remain unsettled until doomsday..Also,solving kashmir issue is in favor of all of us(pakistan,india and US) thus sincere efforts gonna start for its resolution

May not be in favour of US though. After all if Kashmir issue is solved, India and Pakistan can have peaceful times and border, which means no arms race. If this happens, there won't be an arms race between the two nations and import of arms may reduce, something which won't sit well with US. ;)

Why is Sarkozy laughing in the background? :what:

Probably thinking, 'What a moron Obama is :no: '
Please don't lie. The Kashmir issue has been alive since 1947 and has nothing to do with fanaticism.
The green flags being waved at every rally, driving out pundits form the valley and targeting minorities speaks otherwise.
It is about people having the right to self-determination and about following the principles by which the partition of India was carried out.
Differing principles. A nation born on the basis of religion vs a nation carved remaining secular.
Anyway, Kashmir was free, so to speak, before the Mughals. After that it was always a part of India, again except for a very short period of 73 days in 1947, before being acceded to India again. So why do "they" - the Kashmiris, demand special privileges?
Is this child a fanatic?


Indian police shot dead a Kashmiri child in a fire on thousands of people protesting against Indian rule in the Himalayan region.

India soldiers kill Kashmiri child in protests [ WORLD BULLETIN- TURKEY NEWS, WORLD NEWS ]

It is ridiculous that people keep on portraying that they have active US support when they dont. America has zero policy on Kashmir. Most of us dont know what Kashmir is and what can be done about it. Get it popularized here first before claiming our support. No point being delusional about the state of affairs. Everyone knows about Tibetan independence movement and no one knows about Kashmir movement. Organize and show these images to American folks and then you'll be getting somewhere, instead of pushing your agenda on an Internet forum.
The Kashmir issue will not be resolved by opening threads referencing questionable articles from questionable blogs. The entire premise of this thread is ludicrous. At the time of partition the population of the entire *state* of Kashmir which included Laddakh, Jammu etc. was majority muslim. The accession was illegally accomplished not just for the Kashmir valley, but for the entire state. This geographical reorganization in the mind of the blogger is bunkum.

Also, what do you think will happen with this thread? Multiple choice:

a) This will degenerate into a full-on India vs. Pakistan battle with all the usual ugliness.
b) This will degenerate into a full-on India vs. Pakistan battle with all the usual ugliness.
c) This will degenerate into a full-on India vs. Pakistan battle with all the usual ugliness.

No extra credit for guessing right.

Each one of our Indian friends knows and understands that on the issue of Kashmir there is complete unity within Pakistan. Why start this nonsense here other than if you just enjoy threads full of flames?
The best solution for Kashmir valley, after doing some research, is a HK or Macau SAR type solution. Complete autonomy with nominal Indian control. Then trade and commerce can be highly encouraged and people can get on with it. This is the way it is going, looks like it.

Agree with the above, with one exception. "nominal Indian control" needs to read, "nominal joint control ". And then you can add, "with complete demilitarization"
Please don't lie. The Kashmir issue has been alive since 1947 and has nothing to do with fanaticism. It is about people having the right to self-determination and about following the principles by which the partition of India was carried out.

It's not an issue since 1947. Also why did Pakistan invaded instead of asking the right of self determination. The part you have with you, have you asked them if they want to live?
Is this child a fanatic?


Indian police shot dead a Kashmiri child in a fire on thousands of people protesting against Indian rule in the Himalayan region.

India soldiers kill Kashmiri child in protests [ WORLD BULLETIN- TURKEY NEWS, WORLD NEWS ]

What u r doing is called twisting of facts. In violent situation collateral deaths happen. Those who take their kids to such protest are more responsible. The security force always try to avoid such casualties so not their fault. Tell me one single incidence where there was normal situation and something like this happened. Why nothing happened before 1989? If we were bad why something like this was abscent before? Simple there was no militancy.

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