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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Mukherjee, Chidambaram part of all-party delegation to Kashmir - The Economic Times

NEW DELHI: Congress today decided to send senior ministers Pranab Mukherjee and P Chidambaram as part of an all-party delegation to Jammu and Kashmir next week, apparently to impart greater stature to the visit.

The decision was taken at a meeting held by Congress chief Sonia Gandhi with Mukherjee, Chidambaram and other senior leaders like A K Antony, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Prithviraj Chavan and Saifuddin Soz, party sources said.

The meeting took place a day after the party top brass including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Gandhi reviewed at the meeting of the Congress core group the situation in the state witnessing unrest for the last three months.

The delegation will visit the state on Monday. The decision to send the delegation was taken at an all-party meeting convened by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to discuss the situation in Jammu and Kashmir.

Sources said the delegation will be in the state for three days during which it will meet leaders of political parties and various other sections of society. The delegation will gather various shades of opinion on the current situation in the state and ways to deal with it.

"The feedback received from the all-party delegation would form an important input into the Government's evolving response on various issues relating to Jammu and Kashmir," a statement issued after the all-party meeting said.


Lets hope and pray that this actually results in some forward movement instead of acting in a state of paralysis the way GoI has been acting for the past few months.
Mukherjee is a good choice. He is a seasoned campaigner. Delegates should also have a meeting with Geelani and understand what exactly he wants (apart from Azaadi). They should also convey clearly the message that autonomy is not an option. If autonomy is granted, some small selfish group from some Indian state may ask for the same.
Hurriyat drops plans for September 21 protest march

Srinagar: The Syed Ali Shah Geelani-led hardline Hurriyat Conference has dropped plans to stage protest marches to army camps on September 21.

Ayaz Akbar, the spokesperson for Hurriyat (Geelani) told NDTV, "There will be no protest outside army camps. We will send a petition to the army through the internet, asking them to withdraw from Kashmir."

On Thursday, the Army has appealed to the people of Jammu and Kashmir to maintain calm and avoid confronting army garrisons at the instance of Hurriyat leaders.

In its public appeal, the Army said that it has always been a "People's Army," but that the Hurriyat is trying to create a wedge between the army and the people. It appealed to Kashmiris to avoid falling into the "trap" of Hurriyat leaders.

Hardline Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani had earlier announced a new protest calendar that included a plan to protest outside army camps on September 21.
A positive and welcome step from Hurriyat (G). Hopefully they will continue to appeal for non-violence including not burning buildings which afterall are payed by Kashmir taxes and not pelting stones. And security forces should reciprocate by not using lethal force and allowing space for peaceful protests
very good step indeed......First success after all party meeting:cheers:
A positive and welcome step from Hurriyat (G). Hopefully they will continue to appeal for non-violence including not burning buildings which afterall are payed by Kashmir taxes and not pelting stones. And security forces should reciprocate by not using lethal force and allowing space for peaceful protests

Really a good step ...
Excellent. First Step towards restoration of peace. There will be some good news after all party delegation visit to Kasmir on Monday. Normalcy will gradually return to Kashmir.
Dear Pakistani friends,

I'm a Kashmiri Pandit myself. Hindu and Kashmiri, roots in Baramulla. My father and my uncles all had to leave the valley and live in Pune because of the constant harassment and threats from militants and Hurriyat types. We still own land there and my ancestral house is still there.

If you want Kashmir to be part of Pakistan, then you will get people like me along with it. Give me some reasons -your sales pitch - as to why I should support Kashmir's accession to Pakistan. No airy fairy stuff. Real direct reasons as to how my life will be better as a Pakistani. What can you give me as a Kashmiri in terms of life, safety, opportunities etc.?

You have my attention. I am ready to be convinced. Go on.
Anti-India rally held in Kashmir

Don't worry. it will be put down soon.

First show one flag of that country which you are supporting.
Other wise in your every post I have to reply you with your post in which you admitted that you are a Indian.
I can understand what Impression you are trying to give by showing these flags. :police:
Even I didn't know about this. The sheer brilliance, calling it 'Azad Kashmir'.

Just brilliant !
Though you have used some derogatory words against the most respected institution of my motherland yet i will behave sane and will not reciprocate, so ignoring all the bull sh1t let me reply with maturity....

please elaborate.....even human rights groups in hindustan are rallying against the occupational forces (the sissies) demanding an end to their iron fist tactics against Kashmiris
Sure...May i ask if there is anything that human right activists saying about the Iron Hand that PA is using against TTP and causing collateral in your own backyard??? Also what about drone attacks that many in this forum say has the blessings of PA???

Yes the special power act given to Army is causing collateral and thus acting counter-productive to some extent but when i look at our neighborhood and the role of Armies(read PA, Sri Lanka) i can easily say IA is doing a great job...Having said it i strongly condemn the human riots violations and would like to have a mid-way i.e. Army should have some special powers, however there should be more checks and balances to help curb the human riots violations...

I would warn you not to make the mistake of thinking Pakistanis (govt. or civilians) view the protestors as terrorists
Well i am not surprised, however saying all protestors are terrorist would be a lie since there are people with genuine grievances....

the issue here is more than just protestors exercising a democratic right; the issue is the more macro one --> india fails to adhere to the Kashmiri peoples right to self determination. It's a very artificial arrangement that can only be enforced using guns, teargas, laathi and rubber bullets.
I will let this one go...On another thread i have explained many times why sentiments of people in valley should not be looked at solo....If you are talking about J&K then you got to respect the sentiments of other parts as well(Jammu and Ladakh)....We should not be just opportunist if we are genuinely interested in solving the issue...If you are just taking shots at GOI then be my guest!!!

the more Kashmiris the security forces and police (sissies) kill in cold blood, the more people will mobilize and engage in protest and civil disobedience
I would request you to increase your knowledge a bit on this subject....False propaganda has caused lot of issues already so the minimum we can do is not to be part of it.....No one is being killed in cold-blood...There is curfew and when crowds get unruly to this level you will have to use lethal means to get control of the situation...This is a phenomenon used across the world inclusing Pakistan....and we all know how shoot at sight order were issued in our neighbourhood on various occassions....So let's not spread false allegations which can be debunked by simple logic that can be applied by a 5 year old....

the youth are the future generation. They arent robots. They deplore hindustany occupation and are openly expressing their resentment.
You are right...however what you are conveniently ignoring for obvious reasons is that there are many youths with exactly opposite sentiments....That is where dialogue is important....GOI is working on it however rioters have to understand they have to shed violance....Protestors have already fulfilled their agenda i.e. seek attention and force GOI to come to talking table....There is no need to carry on with it if they want to have asolution in peaceful manner...

what more can you do than what you are already doing? The sissies are already using live ammunition into large crowds. :rolleyes:
This explains your level of understanding about the issue...so no comments...

SWAT is not disputed territory. The conflict was over masses (and Armed Forces) eradicating miscreants who had captured the valley and tried to impose their will. The problem is largely solved, and Swat is back to normalcy.

Nice :) .....Swat is back to normalcy is a good information, i hope it's true....However disputed or not disputed the fact is there will be collateral whenever Iron hand is used....That is why Pak tried to negotiate and had a peace deal in the first place...In other words you also tried to talk to so called "miscreants" to avoid Iron hand....When they did not listen you bombed their A$$ apart....Now we are dealing with our "miscreants" in the best way we can because we know there are genuine concerns also...That is why People of Kashmir have to shed violence and come to Talking table....

Kashmir is a disputed territory. There is no foreign meddling in ioK --as many residents there have proclaimed. Purely a local, Kashmiri phenomenon.
Hahahah....why i am not surprised at this.....

the Kashmiri locals are demanding an end to hindustany occupationto them, the occupational forces (the sissies) are like the local taleban......using the AFSPA they can even enter peoples' homes without search warrant, they can detain youth, in fact they even are intimidating journalists and facebook users....
And PA is seeking for Search warrants when operating against TTP....PAF takes permission from Judiciary before trasforimg houses to ghost place....Right??? Whenever there is insurgency there will be collateral......No one can help it...

very democratic behaviour :rofl:
It is democracy that is why separatists are still able to spit out their venom in valley....Anyways since you have never seen light of democracy for long i can understand your lack of knowledge about it....

it'll come back to bite you; the more you kill, the more enemies you will (are) creating
Thanks for the suggestion...Perhaps you should explain this to your Army as well because it seems they have killed many people in their own backyard and they are already biting you....
why blame ordinary pakistanis!!!
hypocracy is official pakistani policy!!
AT THE MOMENT AJ&K is an autonomous region, thus the oath carries the line highlighted above. Should IHK be declared independent today, the line highlighted above shall be removed.
That is why it is called an Interim constitution..................
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why blame ordinary pakistanis!!!
hypocracy is official pakistani policy!!

I would appreciate details about this "Claim" of yours...............

That is self-criticism based on a single person's personal view. I would like a report based on facts not personal beliefs. Thank You...............
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