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Kashmir| Dal Khalsa| Maoists,Observe Indian independence day as 'Black Day'

Takes time.... the hit back always came after few months, mostly 1-2, but am pretty sure they will....they cant hit back when their side of LOC is alert.... Am talking with facts taken from history of the Indian army...

We'll see!
Sir TTP doesn't represent a separatist movement and Pakistan is not a democracy, we are an autocratic/Majoritist state.

By the way, what do you mean by "Majoritist"? what kind of majority is it? religious, ethnic, sectarian? Will any one who's not muslim-Punjabi-sunni be considered a minority?
TTP wants their form of government

No they don't, their only purpose is to kill as many people as they can.

so do Maoists.

What do Maoists want, autonomy or secession ?

BLA wants a separate state

Sir, BLA's public support is next to zero. Their leaders live in luxury in Zurich, London, Dubai, Kabul, Delhi and Moscow. They collect funds from their financiers, to keep money flowing to the mercenaries, most of whom are tribal outcasts or wanted criminals on the run who have joined them for money and booty. Balochistan has always had 5% more share in the Budget than all other provinces, only to be squandered by the tribal sardars, who prefer buying booze and babes in Dubai than building schools in Dera Bugti. [Akbar Bugti lead the operation against BLA in the 70s HIMSELF]

Not to forget that BLA/BRA/BLA and all other 'B's' are Marxists [atheists] in a conservative Muslim province, of Baloch people who pride themselves on being Muslims, which is why they are hated by the people. If there was a demand for a state, we would be facing a popular uprising in Balochistan, not a bunch of thugs burning a museum down out of desperation.

and so does a group in Kashmir.

Wrong, Kashmiris don't want a separate state, they want the 'Right to self determination' of which they can either choose to stay with India, Join Pakistan or become independent. There is a great deal of flexibility in the APHC and in Pakistan these days, if India is serious about everlasting peace, it should be taken on board. Out of all of India's insurgency movements, Kashmir is the only one which can see a logical solution on the table.

Pakistan is technically a democracy I guess?

We are a majoritist state with an autocratic political setting. If you want to call that democracy, thats fine with me.
By the way, what do you mean by "Majoritist"? what kind of majority is it? religious, ethnic, sectarian? Will any one who's not muslim-Punjabi-sunni be considered a minority?

Religious majority, as being Muslims. We are not a secular state remember? - Majoritist means that Pakistani Muslims decide who wins and who loses, we don't have big enough minorities so they can be kingmakers, even though they all have voting and electoral rights.
Kashmiris observes 15th August Indian Independence Day as Black Day

August 14, 2016
Published in Global


MIRPUR: Like all previous years since 1947, people of Jammu & Kashmir state dwelling either side of the Line of Control and rest of the world, is observing India’s Independence Day on August 15 as ''Black Day''.

The purpose of observing the black day is to condemn India for constantly denying Kashmiris their birth right to self determination besides apprising the external world of the continued Indian atrocities unleashed against the people in occupied Jammu & Kashmir fighting for liberation of the state from the Indian rule.

The observance of the scheduled Indian Independence day as black day is also aimed at to express extreme indignation and hatred against the Indian imperialism for forcibly keeping bulk part of the State in her unlawful and forcible occupation since last 69 years, organizers said.

“Anti-India rallies followed by protest demonstrations in all small and major cities and towns at both sides of the LoC, will be hall mark of the day”, Chairman National Events Organizing Committee Mirpur District Ch. Amjad Iqbal told APP here late Saturday. –APP

You cannot fix grievances of the people who hate minorities... these people in Kashmir have attacked every minority group possible.Chased every Minority group out . I know you think these are "innocent people" , they are not , they are extremists ..
two years ago when i went to Kashmir, i had gone inside a restaurant, they told me straight up i was not allowed in because i was a "Hindu". Every year when its time for Hindu Pilgrims to visit Kashmir's holiest temples they always start some thing or the other to stop that.I have met these people straight up , you support them because it suits you, not because their rights are justified...
Why go where you are not welcome!.
Why go where you are not welcome!.

IF we were not welcome, your 1965 and Kargil operation would have succeeded. Half the terrorists are killed by Village defense units. Local armed Kashmiris. It was a VDN unit that gave out information of Burhan Wani. It only some numbsculls in the valley who has an fixation with ISIS doctrine that come out. The same type of folks who showered flower petals on Qadri.
IF we were not welcome, your 1965 and Kargil operation would have succeeded. Half the terrorists are killed by Village defense units. Local armed Kashmiris. It was a VDN unit that gave out information of Burhan Wani. It only some numbsculls in the valley who has an fixation with ISIS doctrine that come out. The same type of folks who showered flower petals on Qadri.

Do you think they know this

The start making comments on Kashmiri sitting over in Pakistan watching internet
I'm also celebrating the BLACK DAY as the Black Day in solidarity with our Kashmiri brothers.
IF we were not welcome, your 1965 and Kargil operation would have succeeded. Half the terrorists are killed by Village defense units. Local armed Kashmiris. It was a VDN unit that gave out information of Burhan Wani. It only some numbsculls in the valley who has an fixation with ISIS doctrine that come out. The same type of folks who showered flower petals on Qadri.
Believe your propaganda, if IOK really is Shangrila why the freedom struggle, is something similar happening in Azad Kashmir, hell no! I am here in Azad, their is no insurgency despite what ridiculous clowns marrof raza and gobswami state.
Sympathies for Khalsa/ Khaliatanis/ Sikhs living under tyrannical Hindu rule.

The fact is, Kashmir celebrates Pakistani Independence Day, celebrates Eid on the same day as Pakistan (not India), has an insurgency against India, and has mass protests at an alarming rate. The Kashmir movement is alive and well. Kashmirs Freedom is not far away from the Indian oppressive regime.
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