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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

LOL. When 130,000 US troops. 10,000 Britsh troops and another 10,000 from other NATO countries could not defeat the taliban, a few thousand leftover troops will be mince meat for the taliban. Bring it on. I am sure the remaining US troops will be s.hitting their pants when they find out they are remaining behind. LOL even they dont know if their Afghan allies are friends or foe.

130000 + 10000 + 10000 = 150000 troops

Now Afghanistan has as on today, 200000 strong well trained, well equipped force apart from another 200000 highly motivated police force. It's number is just bound to increase. This is in addition to the remaining US troops.
Oye mereii Bhai ke khilaaaf na boleiiin warnaa junnng ho jaiii giii ! :angry:

lol, to kya abhi tak thanks giving ceremony mein perey baant rahy thy janab, ajeeb tamasha laga rakha hai aap log bhi araam naal baithein or in talibanio ko ko bhi bolo ki bhai bass. halla macha ke rakha hua hai 12 saal se :P :cool:
130000 + 10000 + 10000 = 150000 troops

Now Afghanistan has as on today, 200000 strong well trained, well equipped force apart from another 200000 highly motivated police force. It's number is just bound to increase. This is in addition to the remaining US troops.

Are you talking about the same highly motivated Afghan forces who keep killing their NATO allies, today only two US soldiers were killed by an Afghan well-trained, well equipped soldier.
Hmmm! Yes I can see how much danger the taliban are from these kind of soldiers. LOL.

Are you talking about the same highly motivated Afghan forces who keep killing their NATO allies, today only two US soldiers were killed by an Afghan well-trained, well equipped soldier.
Hmmm! Yes I can see how much danger the taliban are from these kind of soldiers. LOL.

It is a war torn country and incidents like these do happen which in due course of time will eventually die down. You cannot generalize complete ANA coz of actions of few. It is a 2 lakh strong force and these are just isolated incidents.
LOL. When 130,000 US troops. 10,000 Britsh troops and another 10,000 from other NATO countries could not defeat the taliban, a few thousand leftover troops will be mince meat for the taliban. Bring it on. I am sure the remaining US troops will be s.hitting their pants when they find out they are remaining behind. LOL even they dont know if their Afghan allies are friends or foe.


There is no need to completely annihilate Taliban. the only thing is to keep them on the run using air-cavalry.

US+NATO should have kept the total number of troops at the level of 5000-15000. That's it.

President Obama made a mistake of serge in Afghanistan when he tried to copy Bush's serge in Iraq.

It is a war torn country and incidents like these do happen which in due course of time will eventually die down. You cannot generalize complete ANA coz of actions of few. It is a 2 lakh strong force and these are just isolated incidents.

Commie Russians tried to do the same thing by raising 200,000+ Afghan troops.

Russian organized the Afghan troops in much more cohesive way.

But the whole thing flopped quickly when Russians left.

the issue is the utter lack of national character among Afghan army.

Folks there are more loyal to the warlord than to Karazai. The country comes even much lower in loyalty.

So they all join ANA to get new weapons and money, and then in their first chance run away.

In pretty much every encounter with Taliban in the recent month, ANA showed poor morale and zero discipline.

Mix that with poor concept of Border control among Afghanistanis, the issue will remain festering for a long time unfortunately.

The sovereign inherited the full and definite border with Afghanistan from the British crown with whom your Amir signed the agreement and later ratified it . So the sovereign nation's issue was already settled in the past , case closed . The tribal only fought the dreaming Afghans who thought they could take Bajaur somehow . The same tribal later asked the RPAF to bomb the hell out of those invaders .

I do not see you protesting against coalition who has deliberately killed Afghans in airstrikes however you are happy to point fingers at Pakistan , which is carrying out a difficult offensive in the North West and collateral damage sometimes happen .

The case is closed for pakistanis and this has been the official position of Pakistan for the past 60 years. For us afghans, the case is not closed. We do not recognize this imposed line as international border and we want this issue to be settled through a fair refrandum among pashtun and baloches.

As I know the coalition forces do not deliberately kill afghans, this is another cheap propagande by pakistani media. They are not in Afghanistan to kill afghans. Their object is to end of terrorism which is a big help for us afghanistan. Sure, they do some misstakes from time to time which is understandable giving scope of war and the terring of Afghanistan. The only nation which is happy that afghans loses their live it is unfortunately the pakistani nation and thats why Pakistan has always supported dark forces who wanted the destruction of Afghanistan.

There is not even slightest idea of joining Afghanistan neither any movement in KPK...Its true
Even pakhtun nationalists are working within scope of Pakistan....

How was the stance of pashtuns 35 years agao before the start of war in Afghanistan?
Some pakhtun nationalists in western countries, who themeselves are disconnected from ground realities, tell them on forums that lar pakhtuns are waiting to be freed and rescued from punjabis, majority of them hate Pakistan and want loy pakhtunistan or afghanistan......Afghans are influenced from such propaganda and believe it.
99% of supporters of loy afghanistan and related stuff on internet live in foriegn countries, very emotional but incorrect about most of the things....

I agree with you. I have to also admit that I was shocked when I for the first time talked to pashtun who said that he was proud Pakistani and after a while I noticed that the majority of pakistani pashtuns are indeed proud about being pakistani which is understandable giving how the situation has been in Afghanistan in the past 35 years. The Pakistani government has been very successful in replacing the sense of nationalism of pashtuns with islamism and thats why today the pashtun areas of pakistan are the most islamised or radicalized area in the whole islamic world. The pakistan instituation and social structure are designed so that the only way for a pashtun to be successful is to accept Pakistan, otherwise he and lose everything and wouldn't have access to anything not mention being killed or jailed.
I doubt that so many pashtun would call themselves pakistani if they had some real alternatives of living if they had some real back up to fight for their couse.

I think we afghans need a closure for this problem and this can be achived in two ways
number one through a fair refrandum under UN supervision
number two the so called leaders of pashtun nationalists like Mahmud khan Achikzai, Esfandyar wali and etc in a join conference declare that they are being a pakistani and that they don't have any kind of intension of joining Afghanistan thats all so that we afghans know that you are happy and we for sure will respect your decision and would recognize the border. As you know you leaders when they came to Afghanistan they are giving long speaches about the miserbale life of pashtuns in pakistan and express their wish of one unified afghan nation. When we afghans hear all this then ofcourse we feel responsible to help our pashtun brothers and sisters.
The case is closed for pakistanis and this has been the official position of Pakistan for the past 60 years. For us afghans, the case is not closed. We do not recognize this imposed line as international border and we want this issue to be settled through a fair refrandum among pashtun and baloches.

As I know the coalition forces do not deliberately kill afghans, this is another cheap propagande by pakistani media. They are not in Afghanistan to kill afghans. Their object is to end of terrorism which is a big help for us afghanistan. Sure, they do some misstakes from time to time which is understandable giving scope of war and the terring of Afghanistan. The only nation which is happy that afghans loses their live it is unfortunately the pakistani nation and thats why Pakistan has always supported dark forces who wanted the destruction of Afghanistan.

Seriously? US soldier admits killing unarmed Afghans for sport | World news | The Guardian
bring it on..

i might not be very good at writing in pashto but reading is not a big job

and yes i do admit that afghans might be good at pashto than us and agreed almost all of the school dont have pashto subjects but look into punjab as well..do they read punjabi in schools?i am sure they dont.i mean the subject is not compulsory

urdu is being made the most common language

So you admit that you can read in pashto but are not able to write and you are totally fine with this because panjabis have also the same situation. How do you think the status of pashto would be in Pakistan in the next 40-50 years? Are you sure that you children or grand children would be able to speak their mother tongue?

These kind of sick exists and you should see the diffirence between a sick individual and the overal policy and goal of international forces in Afghanistan. Contrary to your state's policy, the coalation want Afghanistan to be an idnenpendet, peaceful, prosper and secure country.
Are you fcking kidding me?
Stop playing dumb.

Abe, namak haram.

He is simply saying, 'go kill Pakistanis instead'.
What kind of sick bastard is he?

SO you admit that the plot against the prosperity of afghans and Afghanistan is made in Pakistan?
Karzai doesn't mention any name he just say to fight those who sends you to kill afghans. The only bastard are those who give themselves the right to train/fund/aide/shelter to terrorist and send them to afghanistan for killiong afghans but they don't like the victim country to point finger on them. This simple fact shows that you are far away from humanity and that the concept of Junnaism damaged you all for ever.
Why the hell wouldn't I be pissed off?
And don't blame us for ethnic battles in your own country, naturally we choose what is in our interests.

Ofcourse you do and the day will come that we will pay you with the same coin.
But throughout the 80's, we went out of our way to bail your ungrateful *****, despite the massive cost to us.

This is another typical stupid argument by pakistani. you idiots always stick and talk about consequence and never try to found out the real causes of the issues. Thats why you bring the issue of Majahers but you don't know why they become mahajer in first place and which country is responsible for this.
That made no sense.
yes, we are against TTP.

Nothing to do with taliban?
What the hell do you think has been going on in our North West?
TTP pests are there, they have killed tens of thousands civilians and thousands security.

So don't you dare try to pull that kind of ****.

Ofcouse you are against the TTP which are operating mainly inside Pakistan but you support/train and even created taliban which are idealogically not diffrent from TTP because they operate in Afghanistan. Doesn't only this is not enough for those so called stupid westerners to see the dubble standard and moral of Pakistanis
The case is closed for pakistanis and this has been the official position of Pakistan for the past 60 years. For us afghans, the case is not closed. We do not recognize this imposed line as international border and we want this issue to be settled through a fair refrandum among pashtun and baloches.

You recognized it & reaffirmed it over & over again ! Only when you saw that whereas you couldn't defeat the Brits but just might try to take pot shots at a newly created State right next door did you think to raise this issue up again !

And so as far as the International Community is concerned, the Brits are concerned, the Pakistanis are concerned & more so the Lar Pashtuns are concerned - Its Pakistani Land & the case is indeed closed !

If however there is to be a referendum than we'd want a similar choice given to every district in Afghanistan whether they conversely wish to secede to Pakistan, seeing that they're already here in the millions !
I agree with you. I have to also admit that I was shocked when I for the first time talked to pashtun who said that he was proud Pakistani and after a while I noticed that the majority of pakistani pashtuns are indeed proud about being pakistani which is understandable giving how the situation has been in Afghanistan in the past 35 years. The Pakistani government has been very successful in replacing the sense of nationalism of pashtuns with islamism and thats why today the pashtun areas of pakistan are the most islamised or radicalized area in the whole islamic world. The pakistan instituation and social structure are designed so that the only way for a pashtun to be successful is to accept Pakistan, otherwise he and lose everything and wouldn't have access to anything not mention being killed or jailed.
I doubt that so many pashtun would call themselves pakistani if they had some real alternatives of living if they had some real back up to fight for their couse.

The Pakistani Government hasn't done squat to squish Pashtun Nationalism or anything like it ! The Pashtuns have always been conservative Muslims & they will continue to be when compared with the rest of the country. They've got their own government in their Province which has in its own way preserved & protected their language & way of life as they see fit.

The only thing that the Pashtuns of Pakistan haven't got is your rabid sense of Nationalism that revolves around either hating the encroaching Tajiks & Uzbeks in the past to hating Pakistan & Punjabis.

The Lar Pukhtoons are nationalistic & are proud of their culture, their language & their values but they are not racist like you lot !

And the reason they continue to love Pakistan is not because of some conditioning by the Pakistani State but because of the sense of inclusivity they feel whilst being in Pakistan & how they've seen the ugly face of the Pashtun Wrorwali in Afghanistan where their so-called Brothers look down upon them as Punjabi slaves & what not whilst the Bars themselves continue to play second fiddle to Farsiwans for the past decade.

I think we afghans need a closure for this problem and this can be achived in two ways
number one through a fair refrandum under UN supervision
number two the so called leaders of pashtun nationalists like Mahmud khan Achikzai, Esfandyar wali and etc in a join conference declare that they are being a pakistani and that they don't have any kind of intension of joining Afghanistan thats all so that we afghans know that you are happy and we for sure will respect your decision and would recognize the border. As you know you leaders when they came to Afghanistan they are giving long speaches about the miserbale life of pashtuns in pakistan and express their wish of one unified afghan nation. When we afghans hear all this then ofcourse we feel responsible to help our pashtun brothers and sisters.

Neither Asfandaryar nor Mahmud have ever advocated breaking away from Pakistan....heck it was Asfandyar's Government in KP for the past 5 years that kept on advocating sending the Afghans back to Afghanistan !

So you admit that you can read in pashto but are not able to write and you are totally fine with this because panjabis have also the same situation. How do you think the status of pashto would be in Pakistan in the next 40-50 years? Are you sure that you children or grand children would be able to speak their mother tongue?

Pashto is taught at the school level in KP as compulsory in Pashto speaking districts so it'll endure & the last time I checked between Ameer Hamza Shinwari & Ghani Khan we're the ones who contributed to Pashto Literature not the Afghans !
SO you admit that the plot against the prosperity of afghans and Afghanistan is made in Pakistan?
Karzai doesn't mention any name he just say to fight those who sends you to kill afghans. The only bastard are those who give themselves the right to train/fund/aide/shelter to terrorist and send them to afghanistan for killiong afghans but they don't like the victim country to point finger on them. This simple fact shows that you are far away from humanity and that the concept of Junnaism damaged you all for ever.

I know literacy isn't a big thing in Afghanistan & rationality is as unknown to Afghans as the word Loyalty is but even an imbecile knows that there is no such thing as Junnaism & its Jinnah !

It were the Pukhtoons of the Tribal Areas & the Pukhtoons of KP who welcomed Jinnah, agreed with him on the notion of Islamic Brotherhood & joined Pakistan !

Ofcourse you do and the day will come that we will pay you with the same coin.

This is another typical stupid argument by pakistani. you idiots always stick and talk about consequence and never try to found out the real causes of the issues. Thats why you bring the issue of Majahers but you don't know why they become mahajer in first place and which country is responsible for this.

They were made Refugees because you thought of inviting the Soviets in & then went a step further by instigating Pashtunistan once more !

Its some miracle that Pakistan still has the good faith of housing millions of the same people that dream of cut the country up & abuse it 24/7 !
You recognized it & reaffirmed it over & over again ! Only when you saw that whereas you couldn't defeat the Brits but just might try to take pot shots at a newly created State right next door did you think to raise this issue up again !

And so as far as the International Community is concerned, the Brits are concerned, the Pakistanis are concerned & more so the Lar Pashtuns are concerned - Its Pakistani Land & the case is indeed closed !

If however there is to be a referendum than we'd want a similar choice given to every district in Afghanistan whether they conversely wish to secede to Pakistan, seeing that they're already here in the millions !

The land belongs to pashtuns, baloches and other people living there so it is up to them to determin where and how they want to live, this has been the offcial position of Afghanistan but as panjabis considers themseleves they illagimate child of Angrez they claimed of inheriting these land form their Angreez father and thats why they are against any peaceful way of solving this issue.

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