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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

You don't belive in Race?
Then what are pashtuns? Cats?
How can you have a discussion based on reality when you hate a people you don't even think exist?
This is the problem with you Afghans, you people are so hoped up on opium that you don't even know what reality is.

Pashtun is not a race, Pashtun is someone who belong to an ethnic group named pashtun thats all. I only propagate for eliminating of taliban and those who support and found taliban not all panjabis. I am sure that you can't find millions of people in panjab who hates taliban
I wish it was 35% but according to ISPR it is roughly 14%. Pakhtuns make around 14-15% of Pakistan's population, so its not bad. Punjabis are 80% of army. The remaining are mohajirs, kashmiris and baloch. So essentially it is Punjabi-Pashtun army.
FC is indeed mostly pashtun because eastern border of Pakistan upto quetta is mostly pakhtun and they are recruited from border areas....
Any how it is a fact that pakhtuns are economically, politically and socially integrated into Pakistan....and are emerging as second most powerful community after punjabis in terms of power structure....
Always remember that pakhtuns look for the direction where their interest lie. The reason lar pakhtuns have given up on Afghanistan is that their economical and political interests do not lie in that country.

Thank you. another good post with accurate analysis.

The issue with the likes of @Adamkhel is that they are ignorant of the following facts:

1. KPK and Punjab army are loyal to Pakistan and willing to spill blood and give ultimate sacrifices to protect our borders on the East, West, North and South. No KPK military officer will run away from his professional duties. No one. Period.

2. KPK and Punjab interests are totally and wholly linked. They do not share the $tupid anarchist view of many Kabulis.

3. KPK residents can come to Punjab anytime and buy properties and start business. No hate or prejudice and no restrictions on admission to schools or colleges.

But Afghanistanis continue to live in the past. Unfortunately.

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Pashtun is not a race, Pashtun is someone who belong to an ethnic group named pashtun thats all. I only propagate for eliminating of taliban and those who support and found taliban not all panjabis. I am sure that you can't find millions of people in panjab who hates taliban

so you don't belive in racism despite the fact that you are a raging racist... so how about bigot?
You are a freaking giant bigot. Happy?

Stop blaming others for your problems, it is not the Punjabis fault that you live in a sh!t country. It is your own fault, blame it on your own "ethnicity" or what ever but like I siad, take care of your own sh!t and stop acting like a girl on her period.

Because ?

because you blame others for your own problems.

Kindly stop doing and and I still stop calling you a retard. ;)
Agree, I would say that this feature is not limited only to pashtuns, this is in human nature to work for their interest so I compeletely understand that some pashtuns of Pakistan see that they have a better furture in Pakistan and they have better job opportunities in Pakistan or access to better services in Pakistan. And this something that not only me and you know, panjabis know this too thats why their ultimate goal is to keep Afghanistan especially the pashtuns areas and pashtuns of afganistan in darkness and poor, weak and destroyed so that the pashtuns of pakistan feel better about being citizen of Pakistan. However Pakistan wouldn't manage to stand in our way for ever or for long. During these past 12 years, despite the war and fightings we afghans have done lots of prograss in every aspect so if it continues like this I pormise you that in next five years we would much better economical and socially situation than Pakistan.

Exactly that should be the priority of Afghanistan...peace, stability and prosperity...you must have noticed that ten of thousands pakistani pakhtuns have poured into your country for job in the last decade...Even if Afghanistan is unable to make progress to the expected level...it should make extensive contacts and trade with border tribes of FATA and chaman, so that these tribes are never used against Afghanistan in any sense..
Rubbish - Pakistan are not looking forward to withdrawal, they fear it - What is important is what is left behind, this is complicated, both US and Pakistan want a scenario where there is stability, Mr. Karzai wants the same but on his terms, the Pakistanis can't be a party to those terms, and the US just wants it's SOFA -- so, it's a lot more complicated than just some silly noion that withdrawal is panacea
Hi Muse,

Can you please explain us what the intentions of each side are? What are Karzai's terms? What do you think should be Pakistan's terms? especially since Pakistani leaders are always eager to say, the dialogue will be between Afghans and Pakistan's job is only to facilitate?
1. KPK and Punjab army are loyal to Pakistan and willing to spill blood and give ultimate sacrifices to protect our borders on the East, West, North and South. No KPK military officer will run away from his professional duties. No one. Period.
Lots of people from KPK or Panjab served in the colonial army had also the same mentality to follow the order of their masters.
2. KPK and Punjab interests are totally and wholly linked. They do not share the $tupid anarchist view of many Kabulis.
Totally wrong, These two distanct people doesn't share anything exept religon which has been used by panjabis establishment as a factor of unity and by creating the tension in Kashmir the panjabis esablishment is feeding these false unity.

3. KPK residents can come to Punjab anytime and buy properties and start business. No hate or prejudice and no restrictions on admission to schools or colleges. ]
Exactly but in order to buy something you have to have money that for some reasons pashtuns are poorer than others despite working harder than anybody esle and for getting addision in colleges and universites one needs to be done with schools that for some reason panjabis establishment think that is not need in pashtun areas so much so they are investing in Madrassa or quran schools instead


Exactly that should be the priority of Afghanistan...peace, stability and prosperity...you must have noticed that ten of thousands pakistani pakhtuns have poured into your country for job in the last decade...Even if Afghanistan is unable to make progress to the expected level...it should make extensive contacts and trade with border tribes of FATA and chaman, so that these tribes are never used against Afghanistan in any sense..

Of course we will definately bind all kind of ties with our pashtun brothers and sisters on other side of the imposed durrand line
Lots of people from KPK or Panjab served in the colonial army had also the same mentality to follow the order of their masters.

Totally wrong, These two distanct people doesn't share anything exept religon which has been used by panjabis establishment as a factor of unity and by creating the tension in Kashmir the panjabis esablishment is feeding these false unity.

Exactly but in order to buy something you have to have money that for some reasons pashtuns are poorer than others despite working harder than anybody esle and for getting addision in colleges and universites one needs to be done with schools that for some reason panjabis establishment think that is not need in pashtun areas so much so they are investing in Madrassa or quran schools instead


You wanna know something funny?
The people in Pakistan who hate Afghans the most are Pashtuns!
I have met so many Pashtuns who curse every Afghani.
So while you live in your delutions, the reality is that it is not punjabis who hate you people, it's your own pushtuns :lol:
I wish it was 35% but according to ISPR it is roughly 14%. Pakhtuns make around 14-15% of Pakistan's population, so its not bad. Punjabis are 80% of army. The remaining are mohajirs, kashmiris and baloch. So essentially it is Punjabi-Pashtun army.
FC is indeed mostly pashtun because eastern border of Pakistan upto quetta is mostly pakhtun and they are recruited from border areas....
How did you get the numbers?
so you don't belive in racism despite the fact that you are a raging racist... so how about bigot?
You are a freaking giant bigot. Happy?

Stop blaming others for your problems, it is not the Punjabis fault that you live in a sh!t country. It is your own fault, blame it on your own "ethnicity" or what ever but like I siad, take care of your own sh!t and stop acting like a girl on her period.

because you blame others for your own problems.

Kindly stop doing and and I still stop calling you a retard. ;)

You seemed to be a nasty moron trying hard to pose as smart man
I don't hate any ethnicity based on their race, language, color of their skin and etc, So the reason that I dislike panjab is not because of some of their features but it is because these people are the enemy of my nation. Panjabis are standing on the way of the unity between pashtuns and the **** situation that you are talking about has been created because of panjabis and by panjabis and the panjabis who are beneficting from it.
I know thats the reason that the taliban are still around. Karzai doesn't know that you can never negotite with a islamist, a good islamis is a dead islamist and thats why all of them should be elimitaed or sent back to pakistan where they belong and where they call home. I don't care if deobandism has something to do with panjab or not, the fact is that these forces are used as cheap soldiers by ISI and panjab establishment and only this fact is enough to elimiate them

You cant eliminate them, extensive radicalization/talibanization of pakhtuns has taken place on both sides of border. Pakhtuns started it from kandahar, ISI role was more of a catalyst than a puppeteer. Nowadays haqqani network has good relationships with ISI but they also have spirtual links with TTP. It is very complex issue...ISI consider Afghan taliban as their stretagic asset and through them they are hopeful to bring Pakistan friendly governament in Afghanistan. But taliban are not exactly following any orders, neither ISI is pulling their strings...they even can turn against Pakistan and provide sanctuaries to TTP against Pakistan...
You seemed to be a nasty moron trying hard to pose as smart man
I don't hate any ethnicity based on their race, language, color of their skin and etc, So the reason that I dislike panjab is not because of some of their features but it is because these people are the enemy of my nation. Panjabis are standing on the way of the unity between pashtuns and the **** situation that you are talking about has been created because of panjabis and by panjabis and the panjabis who are beneficting from it.

Call me what you want, but I can't stand fools like you.
I am just being honest with you and you don't like that because you have spent your whole life with a victem complex, blaming others for your problems.

All I am saying is that for once in your life stop acting like a chick and man up, take responsibility.
There is no magic evil Punjabi that is causing all your problems, its you, you people cause your own problems.
Fix yourself and no one else will dare to bother you.

I hope you understand what I am saying, but somehow I doubt it.

You wanna know something funny?
The people in Pakistan who hate Afghans the most are Pashtuns!
I have met so many Pashtuns who curse every Afghani.
So while you live in your delutions, the reality is that it is not punjabis who hate you people, it's your own pushtuns :lol:[/QUOTE]

Well, If you really think that pashtuns hates us and they like being pakistani, then lets set up a fair refurandum governed by united nation where the pashtuns of pakistan should take stance if they want to be part of pakistan, create an independate state or join Afghanistan. As an afghan nationalist we promise to respect the outcome of this poll and if pashtuns chose to side with pakistan then we would never bring up the durrand issue and will recognize the line is offical border and I would never blame panjabis for aggration or opperation of pashtun nation. So what is the problem why your government doesn't want to solve this issue this way? and are you Ok with this solution?

Call me what you want, but I can't stand fools like you.
I am just being honest with you and you don't like that because you have spent your whole life with a victem complex, blaming others for your problems.

All I am saying is that for once in your life stop acting like a chick and man up, take responsibility.
There is no magic evil Punjabi that is causing all your problems, its you, you people cause your own problems.
Fix yourself and no one else will dare to bother you.

I hope you understand what I am saying, but somehow I doubt it.

Yeah I never said that we are perfect people. I know that it is our own people are buring our schools and killing our children not a panjabi but in the same time I know that these criminals are reciving training/found/shelter by ISI and panjab establishment, If you deny this simple and well known fact that I feel ashmed to call you even a idiot because you in this case is worse than an idiot
You wanna know something funny?
The people in Pakistan who hate Afghans the most are Pashtuns!
I have met so many Pashtuns who curse every Afghani.
So while you live in your delutions, the reality is that it is not punjabis who hate you people, it's your own pushtuns :lol:

Not exactly good judgment. I can assure you that most of the lar pakhtuns have no problem with afghan refugees...afghan refugees are hard warking people and keep it to themeselves, do not interfere in any local issue...if a local hotel-wala has problem with success of kabuli hotel, then its jealousy...if burger family pathan is mocking simple and poor afghan selling chana then he is a messed up individual.
Also many settled pakhtuns hate wazir and mehsuds due to taliban factor, what do make of it? Both are pakistanis. Pakhtuns in jumat e islami hate pashtun nationalists of ANP, both are lar pakhtuns..
You cant eliminate them, extensive radicalization/talibanization of pakhtuns has taken place on both sides of border. Pakhtuns started it from kandahar, ISI role was more of a catalyst than a puppeteer. Nowadays haqqani network has good relationships with ISI but they also have spirtual links with TTP. It is very complex issue...ISI consider Afghan taliban as their stretagic asset and through them they are hopeful to bring Pakistan friendly governament in Afghanistan. But taliban are not exactly following any orders, neither ISI is pulling their strings...they even can turn against Pakistan and provide sanctuaries to TTP against Pakistan...

Exactly, you are the only pakistani who knows very deeply the situation and somehow you accepted the ISI involvment.
Other pakistanis who leave comments here either don't know the reality or they are trying to hide it.

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