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Karzai to visit India; Afghans look for enhanced defence ties

We cannot even satisfy our requirements, how are we supposed to export?

We have power deficiency in our country but we still export it to some friendly and needy countries to build a good goodwill…

We have current account deficit, we have poor people, but we still donate money/food to other poor and friendly countries..it is to keep our image as country having helping hands!

AF is taking the right decision at the right time; India cannot afford to say NO to AF for anything that it needs desperately… If India says NO, China is there to pitch in and grab the opportunity…

We have to think strategically and not practically when it comes to dealing with our and our enemies neighbours
why not some T-72??we are going to retire hundreds of them anyway..also,we can export them various kind of MPV,Bulletproof Vehicle,and various kinds of small arms and even Helos like Dhruv and Rudra..and none the less various kind of radars as well,like Battlefield surveillance one..There are a lot of possibilities.we even exported arms to Mayanmar,and it was lethal one..so,we can export them to Afghanistan as well,even sometimes export was country's own used weapons in nature..
What about leftovers of NATO hardwares ??Can't they leave behind some for ANA ?? I think India might be needed to supply some gunships and tanks.
I have some doubts on LCAs with Israeli and US parts on it and wouldn't necessarily provide them with LCH either. Weapons are not the issue for Afhganistan, but getting joining all parties under a government, building up infrastructure and an economy. Our limitary relation should be aimed on supporting the government forces to remain with control, not to build them up to be a major power.

But wouldnt we all prefer the democratically elected govt to speak to Taliban from a position of strength?
The factor is that they don fear ANA as of now.
But after providing training and weapons, whatever we can (I am sure NATO will provide big time too), it will just help them to talk to them boldly, knowing India is behind the democratically elected govt o Afghans.
We have power deficiency in our country but we still export it to some friendly and needy countries to build a good goodwill…

We have current account deficit, we have poor people, but we still donate money/food to other poor and friendly countries..it is to keep our image as country having helping hands!

AF is taking the right decision at the right time; India cannot afford to say NO to AF for anything that it needs desperately… If India says NO, China is there to pitch in and grab the opportunity…

We have to think strategically and not practically when it comes to dealing with our and our enemies neighbours

Valid points buddy, we would just be check mating Pak's influence in Afghanistan which will serve our strategic interest of encircling Pakistan from both sides and at the same time we will get access to the some of the largest iron ore mines.
What about leftovers of NATO hardwares ??Can't they leave behind some for ANA ?? I think India might be needed to supply some gunships and tanks.

I think they will left enough for ANA..but they will not leave tanks behind..most of it will be various kinds of armoured vehicles and small arms..
We have power deficiency in our country but we still export it to some friendly and needy countries to build a good goodwill…

We have current account deficit, we have poor people, but we still donate money/food to other poor and friendly countries..it is to keep our image as country having helping hands!

AF is taking the right decision at the right time; India cannot afford to say NO to AF for anything that it needs desperately… If India says NO, China is there to pitch in and grab the opportunity…

We have to think strategically and not practically when it comes to dealing with our and our enemies neighbours

The immediate national security comes above all.

And you cannot compare this to aid money we send. Those few hundred million USD we send are nothing compared to our GDP or the anti poverty programs.
And aiding BD with energy for instance was a decision taken by a state government (for money!).

But sending defence equipment from a defence industry which is still in its childhood with a pathetic production rate will have significant impacts in our country.. Especially considering the various shortages which our men are facing!

No one will put this on our jawans. Its the job of Salman Kurshid to improve strategic ties and it must and will not go at the expense of our jawans.

What about leftovers of NATO hardwares ??Can't they leave behind some for ANA ?? I think India might be needed to supply some gunships and tanks.

Gunships? LoL we have barely enough for ourselfs and we want to gift them? Ever heard that the IAF was so desperate to have them back that we brought them back from Congo last year?

Maybe we can gift some Dorniers or T55s with some decent equipment but nothing more.
The immediate national security comes above all.
What is immediate national security? and how will it impact if we extend the support to AF? Do you know what AF is asking for? Dont forget, we will always have the security issues but we still have find space for strategic things else will end up having only BD and SL around us!

And you cannot compare this to aid money we send. Those few hundred million USD we send are nothing compared to our GDP or the anti poverty programs.
If you can donate hundred million USD then why cant you donate arms worth the same price? no matter if you source it from foreign countries.....and keep this in your mind, AF's needs wont at all match what India's need is...so dont expect we are going to give them one of our scorepean or AC or ATV!

And aiding BD with energy for instance was a decision taken by a state government (for money!).
What abt Bhutan? what about our offering to Pakistan?

But sending defence equipment from a defence industry which is still in its childhood with a pathetic production rate will have significant impacts in our country.. Especially considering the various shortages which our men are facing!
again, what we are going to offer? is AF going to prepare itself to fight against US? their requirement must be bare minimal which we should be able to fulfill without any issue.

No one will put this on our jawans. Its the job of Salman Kurshid to improve strategic ties and it must and will not go at the expense of our jawans.
Lol...EAM dont take and make strategic decisions.he is just an ambassador...
What is immediate national security? and how will it impact if we extend the support to AF? Do you know what AF is asking for? Dont forget, we will always have the security issues but we still have find space for strategic things else will end up having only BD and SL around us!

If you can donate hundred million USD then why cant you donate arms worth the same price? no matter if you source it from foreign countries.....and keep this in your mind, AF's needs wont at all match what India's need is...so dont expect we are going to give them one of our scorepean or AC or ATV!

What abt Bhutan? what about our offering to Pakistan?

again, what we are going to offer? is AF going to prepare itself to fight against US? their requirement must be bare minimal which we should be able to fulfill without any issue.

Lol...EAM dont take and make strategic decisions.he is just an ambassador...

1.)Concerns for our immediate national security include lack of modern equipment like new helmets, arty guns etc etc etc... out defence budget is around 40 billion USD. The military wont be happy to lose some hundred million USD just like that.

They have already announced their concerns about the marginal rise in this FYs defence budget.

Even basic things like modern BPJs or helmets are lacking while IA soldiers run around with weapons designed during WW2

2.) When did we offer free energy to Pakistan`?

3.) If we donate them some Dorniers, surplus ARs or old T55 tanks, I dont see a problem. But seriously, the US will gift them their "outdated" equipment which would be considered as more or less high end for our Army.

4.) Yeah maybe Salman Kurshid is not really the man who makes the decisions, but its not the militarys call either to get involved in foreign affairs.
@Koovie don't you worry any defence exports to Afanistan will have zero real impact on Indian forces. Either the products will come from Indian pvt companies or from retired Indian military equipment like old arty or T-55s and the like.

@Topic I wonder how much of this is motivated by ensuring Afghanistna doesn't revert to pre-2001 pro-Paksitan stance and how much is due this sort of thing:

Afghanistan claims mineral wealth is worth $3trillion - Telegraph

India and China are already bidding for many of these projects.
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It could be the Gold Rush of the 21st century - and India is leading the pack of investors lining up for a chunk of the treasure in the mountains of Afghanistan.

For India, the new law will open up untold opportunities. It will pave the way for a consortium led by Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) to sign an $8-10 billion deal to develop four iron ore blocks and build a steel plant in Hajigak, 130 km west of Kabul in the central highlands of Bamiyan province. The Hajigak project has an estimated 1.8 billion tonnes of high grade ore. "The negotiations have been concluded and we are waiting for the new mining law, and with the approval of the new mining law, that contract is going to be awarded," Shahrani said. "It will be the largest ever economic project in the history of the country, which will involve the construction of the first ever steel plant in the country, and a railroad from the iron ore mine to the steel plant."

The scale of the projects being bankrolled by New Delhi and Beijing hints at the long-term strategic objectives of the rival powers, tussling for influence in the country at the region's crossroads as it emerges from decades of war, poverty, aid dependence and, since 2001, Taliban insurgency and Western military presence. "India looks at Afghanistan as a strategic partner for its regional perspective, and building railways and other infrastructure through Afghanistan is probably something they want to do anyway," says Richard Williams, CEO of Afghan Gold and Minerals.
Afghan mining law will throw open a bonanza of opportunities for India - Business Today

It is certainly looking like India's investments into Afghanistan are going to be paid back with serious interest!

Win-win fr all sides- Afghans get local devlopment courtesy of Indian firms, India gets it's hands on materials and resources it desperately needs as well as some serious revenue.
1.)Concerns for our immediate national security include lack of modern equipment like new helmets, arty guns etc etc etc... out defence budget is around 40 billion USD. The military wont be happy to lose some hundred million USD just like that.

They have already announced their concerns about the marginal rise in this FYs defence budget.

Even basic things like modern BPJs or helmets are lacking while IA soldiers run around with weapons designed during WW2

2.) When did we offer free energy to Pakistan`?

3.) If we donate them some Dorniers, surplus ARs or old T55 tanks, I dont see a problem. But seriously, the US will gift them their "outdated" equipment which would be considered as more or less high end for our Army.

4.) Yeah maybe Salman Kurshid is not really the man who makes the decisions, but its not the militarys call either to get involved in foreign affairs.

this is called as over analysis....

dont worry, India is too big enough to satisfy the basic needs of a newly re-born country like AF.
@Koovie bro- chill! Nothing of the sort will happen. There is easily enough capacity in the Indian defence industry for the needs of Indian and Afghan forces to be met. Is not like India will be giving them the next 4 SQDs of MKIs, first 2 SQDs of Rafales and first 10,000 units of F-INSAS equipment! It is all pretty low end stuff which India has plenty lieing around gathering dust or can be made by some pvt entity.
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Our radar/electronics related equipment are of not much use for afghans. What they need is arty, armored vehicles, tooling for producing ammunition. We should provide them as much as we can and provide them with a setup where we can facilitate funds for procurement of arty, transport, recon equipment from russia.
What they need is arty, armored vehicles, tooling for producing ammunition.

These are things we lack as well....

We can send vintage tanks, surplus ARs, etc etc but not arty guns when India has not inducted arty guns for almost 3 decades!

We even had to import ammunition for rifles more than once in the past years.

And besides, why waste money and resources by sending weapons to them? The NATO is handing over to them what they leave behind...

India should rather concentrate on training which is the best India can do as of now.. just watched this documentary:

The bulk of the ANA is a bunch of incompetent morons. The second the NATO leaves, those weapons will fall into the hand of the Taliban:

These guys have no clue or tradition of soldiering, no dicipline or seriousness

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