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Karzai orders US forces out of Afghan regions in two weeks

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Karzai orders US forces out of Afghan regions in two weeks
AFP | Feb 24, 2013
KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai demanded on Sunday the withdrawal of US special forces from Wardak and Logar within two weeks, accusing them of fuelling "insecurity and instability" in the volatile provinces neighbouring the capital Kabul.

"In today's national security council meeting ... President Karzai ordered the ministry of defence to kick out the US special forces from Wardak and Logar provinces within two weeks," said presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi.

"The US special forces and illegal armed groups created by them are causing insecurity, instability, and harass local people in these provinces," he told a press conference.

The announcement would be another blow to the prestige of US-led forces as they prepare to withdraw combat troops from the war against Taliban Islamist insurgents by the end of next year.

The bulk of Nato's 100,000 troops are due to leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

A US Forces Afghanistan ( USFOR-A) spokesman said he was aware of the reported comments by Faizi.

"We take all allegations of misconduct seriously and go to great lengths to determine the facts surrounding them," he said.

"Until we have had a chance to speak with senior (Afghan) officials about this issue we are not in a position to comment further. This is an important issue that we intend to fully discuss with our Afghan counterparts."

More than 3,200 Nato troops, mostly Americans, have died in support of Karzai's government in the war since the Taliban were ousted by a US invasion in 2001, but relations between the president and the US are often prickly.
Your story does not reflect, the real story behind... so far, i have read few accounts, but does any one insider have the real story?
I think he has told similar things to usa many times, without any gain.
Looks like Karzai days are numbered and another Taliban takeover of Kabul is coming. The allied negotiations with Talibans are suspicious anyways!
Karzai is trying to look like he is independent to his own people. The special forces working in Afghanistan are the most effective tool that the U.S. has.
I just read a similar article on TIME and it stated the main reason was that Afghan troops working with U.S. Special Forces were the ones torturing not the US forces. Stupid karzai.
I just read a similar article on TIME and it stated the main reason was that Afghan troops working with U.S. Special Forces were the ones torturing not the US forces. Stupid karzai.

You should have known who would they supported!

I told you guys many times that we have enough faith in our forces and they themselves proved it and Karzai has taken the right step everyone supports him on his decision!

He said no air-support from NATO last week and it's implemented!! and you guys will see US special forces leaving wardak in two weeks!

If US leaves in two weeks, Karzai will be out in the third...:lol:

Karzai has kept screwing the Americans since 2009 they actually need Karzai!
Karzai has kept screwing the Americans since 2009 they actually need Karzai!

In a hastily convened news conference, a presidential spokesman suggested many of the allegations centred on Afghan citizens he alleged were working with US special forces.

"There are some individuals, some Afghans, who are working within these cells, within these [US] special forces groups" in Wardak province, said spokesman Aimal Faizi.

BBC News - Karzai orders US special forces out of Afghan province

So its Afghans that are alleged to work for the US but Karzai blames the yanks because he hopes being anti US will help him avoid a bullet 30 seconds after they leave.

How long does it take to get from Wardak to Kabul 2hours? The Yanks are doing counter insurgency work there its Karzai that should be worried if they go.
BBC News - Karzai orders US special forces out of Afghan province

So its Afghans that are alleged to work for the US but Karzai blames the yanks because he hopes being anti US will help him avoid a bullet 30 seconds after they leave.

How long does it take to get from Wardak to Kabul 2hours? The Yanks are doing counter insurgency work there its Karzai that should be worried if they go.

Justice would be done on them first and as you know foreign troops have 100% immunity all Karzai can do is to order them leaving the region and people have complained this many times directly to Karzai but this time he has taken the issue seriously.... and if we deploy our own forces and they commit any crime we can punish them but we can't do that with the US forces so better if billions are being spent on our own forces why not use them? we are thankful of the US forces for all these years but now the transition is taking place and they should leave the regions...
You should have known who would they supported!

I told you guys many times that we have enough faith in our forces and they themselves proved it and Karzai has taken the right step everyone supports him on his decision!

He said no air-support from NATO last week and it's implemented!! and you guys will see US special forces leaving wardak in two weeks!

Karzai has kept screwing the Americans since 2009 they actually need Karzai!

I agree with you...I beleive with the passage of time Karzai is getting more matured and shrewd as a politican....He seems be more confident and taking bold moves in his policy initaitive...And above all it is the intrest of USA too so that Karzai becomes independent and takes care of Afganistan by his own people from Afganistan....
So, Karzai will make sure that US withdraw in 2014 with only trainers will be left? That's good
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