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Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

Those are T-37 tweets not K-8s.

my bad.....
Its cute.
we recently inducted this craft in our inventory . :-)
at IDEAS-2014, the PAC for the 1st time displayed a fully armed K-8 for the delegates.
at IDEAS-2014, the PAC for the 1st time displayed a fully armed K-8 for the delegates.

Any pic's of it ?
Any pic's of it ?

been looking for them, no luck so far....
K-8 crash of an un-identified AF.
View attachment 175159 K-8 crash of an un-identified AF.

Venezuelan Air Force's K8. Video below. Notice how the chutes hadn't even fully deployed when the pilots hit the ground, hence Pakistani K-8s come with a Martin Baker zero-zero ejection seat.

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K-8 AT IDEAS 2014

Why they don't use k-8 against terrorists instead of f-16?
Why they don't use k-8 against terrorists instead of f-16?

needs armour protection.....
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