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Karachi vs Mumbai

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True. What were us slumdogs thinking when we got around to responding to a thread started by a Pakistani to compare the financial and entertainment capital of south Asia with a most modern, safe, clean, tech advanced, public transport-enabled world class city like Karachi for no good reason? :nuts:
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How old are you 12? Can you not understand what I wrote? What has my fact got to do with my dreams?

My hindi isn't very good,so I might have misunderstood,what did that mean ?

train is travelling above & its a sea of poor below ?
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Do you have " China cutting" in Mumbai.... ?no ....we have in Karachi. You can not match us.

You picked the wrong city to compare to

Noida vs Karachi was better comparison







abay building chooor...koi street food dekhaa..
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Karachi generates a revenue 70% of the revenue for a country of 180 mil .. can mumbai compete here with us .. indian members enlighten us please

Karachi’s GDP is around 20% of the total GDP of Pakistan.

Just cause things get shipped out of Karachi port doesn't mean the revenue is being generated by Karachi :rofl:
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