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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Cool down folks. Pakistan just underwent a trying time and it isn't proper for Indian members here to mock claims of Indian involvement or to question Pakistan's ability to handle terrorism by comparing this incident to the 26/11 incident. The reality is that the TTP has claimed responsibility and they have stated their reasons for doing so. The reality is that some young kids were sent to their horrendous deaths by some real ugly mofos whom I pray will be captured and tried by the Pak establishment. The reality is that many innocent people died in this tragedy, including those young kids whom I am certain were coerced into partaking in this crime. May God give Pakistan the strength to deal with this tragedy. The reality is that most of India thinks the way I do.
Mind you we were really annoyed hard last night by a bunch of Indians bouncing in asking retarded questions like did India do it...why is the hanger not protected (all while the op was still going on) level of insensitivity...you can read all in the first 50 pages of this thread!
I have been reading this thread since last nite.

There was a security lapse despite being warned by the intelligence is what I have gleaned.So you should have expected those questions not just from Indians but your own countrymen too...
Infact Pakistan will have to answer back to such questions from all over the world now.

Express News screengrab of the weapons recovered from the airport.

Express News screengrab of Rangers personnel moving the body of one of the victims before burial.
there will never be shariah in pakistan mr.
people like you and these terrorists have made us so numb after this fighting. the only thing we want is to finish you people off.
i just hope we get those russian gunships so we can do a big operation and inshallah kill 10,000-20,000 more of mujahideens.
If Shariah will not be here than only war will continue with no end Mr Shariah will be and enemies of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and those who oppose the shariah brought by him will be taken out and made history really very soon
I have been reading this thread since last nite.

There was a security lapse despite being warned by the intelligence is what I have gleaned.So you should have expected that questions not just from Indians but your own coutrymen too.
Sorry madam but we were busy being worried sick about an airport, about the passengers, about our security personal and maybe the whole siege didnt get the chance to even breathe properly to think to attack people like Indians were doing!
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