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kalu_miah's new world order, a road map for the future

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When EU actually fails, we can say that it failed, till then all such predictions are hot air.

I see that some people do not like the idea of Unions, may be its because they have a big country and they do not want others to have big unions of states like EU, it is only natural, because the bully's will then no longer be able to continue bullying.

The idea of unions is to stop migration, because when there is economic opportunity within country there is no need to migrate for jobs. And Bangladesh has much more land per capita than Singapore or Hong Kong to house its future population and set up the industries to employ them. Land shortage is not why people migrate, it is because of lack of economic opportunities.
the worse a country's situation is today , the more broadminded they are about integrating the world as one.
eg pakinstani says all muslim countries should be one. because they have nothing to offer, but they can draw on the resource and wealth of all other muslim nations.
BDesis go one step ahead, they live in a highly dense small land with low productivity, but they want the whole world to be thier playground so they can escape from there.
Very nice,

What about Akhand Bharat?? By your logic India has nothing to offer either. lol
What about Akhand Bharat?? By your logic India has nothing to offer either. lol

Nobody will go for a India dominated union except for too small nations around it and the land locked countries this side of Himalaya who has no other good options.

Pakistan is next to other Muslim countries, with which it has much in common and historic links, so it is natural that it will seek union with these countries. Human resource is one of the most valuable resource a country has, if it can be properly developed and utilized. So it is an asset for low population countries in Central Asia as well as others in this union.

The whole is always greater than the sum of the parts.

The union is also a good way to reduce harmful influence (resource exploitation, cultural manipulation etc.) of other big and powerful nations nearby or faraway, as mentioned many times before.
the worse a country's situation is today , the more broadminded they are about integrating the world as one.
eg pakinstani says all muslim countries should be one. because they have nothing to offer, but they can draw on the resource and wealth of all other muslim nations.
BDesis go one step ahead, they live in a highly dense small land with low productivity, but they want the whole world to be thier playground so they can escape from there.
Very nice,

what do you have? Oh i forgot Superpower status?
UNION????.................you guys know what will happen..................after 2050 the world will become multipolar with many superpowers......................each superpower hostile to the other and there will be a threat of war.....NUCLEAR WAR!!!..............so smaller less powerful non nuclear countries will start making unions to protect their people and their interests..............i know this sounds like the cold war but this actually is.......................COLD WAR V-2...............and this is cannot be stopped it will come..................i just hope that the cold war does not change into a HOT WAR!!
what do you have? Oh i forgot Superpower status?
we never say that we want to merge with anyone or anything..
unlike you, we dont wishfully think that indias borders will be expanded so that we can get get away and suck at things we dont have. thats what ummah and world order kind of sh1t tells you. first let all afghans free access to pak and you have to be open to pak being ruled by afghans. only then world will take you seroiucly on ummah
UNION????.................you guys know what will happen..................after 2050 the world will become multipolar with many superpowers......................each superpower hostile to the other and there will be a threat of war.....NUCLEAR WAR!!!..............so smaller less powerful non nuclear countries will start making unions to protect their people and their interests..............i know this sounds like the cold war but this actually is.......................COLD WAR V-2...............and this is cannot be stopped it will come..................i just hope that the cold war does not change into a HOT WAR!!

Exactly, that is the whole point of this thread. Glad at least someone got it.

There is a chance of hot war about water and energy, or may be some other resources, but any war will be about access to resources, that is almost guaranteed. Wars in human or even animal/insect history (ants are known to have wars) have always been about resources.

Kalahari San Bushmen and similar primitive hunting gathering societies have higher per capita death rate due to violence and warfare, than modern societies according to Azar Gat:

War in Human Civilization - Azar Gat - Google Books

According to him, societies go to war to ensure propagation of genes and to secure the resources to ensure this propagation, so food and sex essentially drives all other motivations, including war and conflict, which are usually over resources.

So there can be good conflict management to avoid violence, but conflicts cannot be avoided, as it is inbuilt in our nature, as a life-form. The trick would be to avoid using nukes in a total war and stopping conflicts before they get to that stage.

And their will be evolving and changing alliances between these unions in times of war and even in times of peace.

I may not have predicted the exact member states of each union correctly or even the final number of unions or where they form or the time frame, but I think the general idea will be more or less correct.

If this general idea is correct, then there will be implications about foreign policy and international relations of every nation state. Each state should then look for potential partners, figure out the ultimate shape of their future union and start building alliances with partner states. For example, it would be a good idea for Japan and Korea to invest in and develop human resources in their own ASEAN+3 union, rather than investing in threatening entities like China and potential competing entities like India. By the same token, for USA and EU, it would be good to invest in Eastern Europe and Russia, instead of investing in China or India. For Iran and Afghanistan and even non-Maghreb or Asian Arab League, it would mean that for any long term deal or project, they should give Pakistan priority over other competing states such as India.

There is another interesting aspect to these unions, since migration from the South is a problem for USA and EU, they might have to take some active role to ensure the formation and expediting the integration of Latin American Union and African Union, so there can be local jobs and less migration to the North.

To get the ball rolling in any given state or region, most important of all, is to achieve a minimum level of people powered democracy, without which it will be impossible to move forward, as non representative leaders may not work on projects such as these unions, which are in the greater long term interest of the people of a certain state or region.
Historical Continuity hypothesis:

I study history as a hobby and try to understand current affairs from historical context. From this effort a vague understanding came about, its not actually a theory, but more like a hypothesis. The proposition is about human group behavior and tranformation of societies. While there are many aspects to human group behavior and societies, it deals with a certain specific aspect, namely competitive edge. Let me lay out the core points:

- Since out of Africa migration, human beings mixed with earlier archaic humanoid species already present in different parts of the planet and then evolved in relative isolation in different climates, resulting in different primitive "races". After the ice age, with increasing temperature and population, pastoral nomadism and sedentary agriculture was developed and this gave rise to surplus and that helped create clans, tribes, nations and eventually empires. Empires started to integrate nations and peoples of far flung areas into a single unit with varying degrees of success. Most empires adopt certain core ideology to unify imperial subjects and most empires start out with a core archetype nation/tribe that subjugate and rule over other subject peoples. Aside from small aboriginal indigenous tribes, world history for the past 6,000-10,000 years, has been essentially the interplay of these large empires and smaller kingdoms. By societies or civilizations, I am refering to the remnants of these empires and kingdoms. Many of todays nation states are successor states of these past empires and kingdoms. The above is just a backgrounder to define societies and civilizations.

- Human societies or civilizations when they reach a certain size constantly adapt and reinvent themselves, due to internal reorganization and external influence. The longer a society is left intact without too much external interference, the more they can achieve a high degree of internal cohesion and as a result are able to adapt to changing circumstances more quickly and efficiently, as compared to a society that has been the victim of external aggression and forced transformation. In other words, relatively untouched societies retain some competitive edge over societies that were victims of invasion and brutal subjugation. There could be many reasons for this, but one of the most important one seems to be that societies take a certain amount of time to heal themselves of the damages from external forces to come to a steady state where the heirarchical pyramid structure of societies become well defined and whole society starts functioning as a organic whole with all parts playing their respective specialized roles. A good analogy is the body of higher animals whose body has organs for specialized functions. Although all cells start out as stem cells, eventually their functions and forms change to become part of a specialized organ, such as the central nervous system, the pancreas, the liver, the heart etc. Just as it takes time to evolve from single celled blue-green algae to complex reptiles, mammals, plants etc., societies also take time to evolve into a more efficient and complex unit, that has a competitive edge over other societies that did not have time or freedom from external influence to evolve.

Now lets apply this hypothesis to historical phenomenons to see if it makes any kind of sense.

European Supremacy or White Racial Supremacy, myth or reality?

Since the start of Inquisition and Reconquista in Spain, this has been an underlying theory for Western Europeans, that as the European race is superior, then they have the obligation as Jesuits and Conquistadors to colonize and civilize the Amerindians in South America and Filipinos in Philippines archipelago. Similarly other maritime European powers also colonized North America and Oceania with some civilizing goal and eventually ended up bringing these lands under "civilization". Africa and Asian populated nations were also colonized to civilize native population. While the early colonizers such as Spanish and Portuguese did mix with native people (probably because a large number, such as the Moriscos were Arabized already), giving rise to the Mestizo's in South and Central America and Filipinos in Philippines, later colonists from North-western Europe made it a point not to intermingle with native peoples, to prevent dilution of "superior racial characteristics". Of course there were exceptions, but a Mestizo nation did not rise in North America, Oceania or South Africa, as it did in South and Central America and the Philippines.

Today the former colonists from Western Europe (not the mixed Mestizo's but the unmixed ones), living in Europe, their homeland and in North and South America, Oceania, Africa and other places, where they were able to establish self sustaining societies and eventually sovereign nation states, as a group has the highest per capita GNP/GDP and continue to have the highest Human Development Index among all other nations of the world. This is still the reality today, with some exceptions, and it was the absolute truth around the end of 19th century, without any exceptions. Before the stunning advent of Japan on the scene, uptil 1880's, "white people" (more correctly Western Europeans) reigned supreme, with no visible opposition.

Japans arrival on the scene did put a big dent in the White supremacist argument, but it did not make it go away entirely. Rise of Nazi Germany was an Aryan twist to the original White supremacy theory, embellished with a bit of linguistic and pseudo historical claptrap. Even today there are followers of this train of thought, although their logical premise is greatly diminished with increasing economic and scientific progress of other non-white races of the world. But I never found a complete historical explanation of the phenomenon of Renaissance and the rise of Western Europe, which even today dominates world affairs to disproportionate degree and makes lesser intellects believe that there must be some-thing to the original theory of some kind of supremacy of a superior race.

Now, I will apply Historical Continuity theory to explain one of the most important reasons (in my humble opinion of course) behind the rise of Western Europe and Japan.

Lets turn back the clock and look at the world scenario back in around 1200 AD. The Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Byzantine Empire are both in decline. Western Europe has been through the dark ages. Spain was lost to the Muslims. Much of North Africa and Middle East was lost to the Muslim powers. Byzantine Empire is slowly loosing its steam. Crusades did not put much of a dent to the rise of Islam and Muslims, the Crusades were by and large failures, but they did bring exposure for Europeans to the world of Muslims and their civilization. In this hopeless situation, out of nowhere (well, actually todays Mongolia and around lake Baikal) came the Mongol horsemen. Within decades Russia, Eastern Europe, Muslim Central Asia and Middle East were devastated. The establishment of Pax Mongolica over much of Asian land mass took all societies through demographic and other forms of extreme make over transformation. In India they could not beat Turkic horsemen of Alauddin Khilji of Delhi Sultanate, although troops were sent 5-6 times. At Ain Jalut, also Turkic Mamlukes defeated Mongol forces, but this was not a full contingent of Hulagu Khan's army.

The most important event took place in the twin city of Buda and Pest (todays Budapest). Subutai and Batu Khan's army had just finished off Polish army and Hungarian Teutonic Knights. A large part of the Hungarian population were decimated, except for the ones who were lucky enough to hide inside forts. So General Subutai and the Khan camps out with their army of 200,000-300,000 horsemen, with 2-3 times number of horses. Finding grassland to graze these huge number of horses were a major tactical concern, so Mongols are sending out scouts to all parts of Western Europe to come up with a plan of attack to subjugate all of remaining Europe. It takes a lot of planning and almost a year has past in Buda-Pest and preparations are almost complete to initiate the attack. At this fateful moment in 1241, comes the news that the great Khan Ogedei have passed away. All leaders of some consequence, must now go back to Kharakhorum, the seat of the great Khan and the capital of the unified Mongol empire for a Khurultai (meeting or conference) to choose the new great Khan, according to the Mongol custom/code Yasak, established by Chingis Khan. So the army marches back, never to return with the same momentum and force to complete the job they had to abandon, the job of making the borders of Mongol empire from Pacific coast in Siberia and China to the Atlantic coast of Western Europe.

Similar is the story of Japan, it was attacked 2 times by Yuan Mongol forces with Chinese and Korean maritime armada, but every time there was bad luck of typhoons that diminished their chances of victory. These divine winds are called Kamikaze (it does not mean suicide fighter pilots, although the word was used to mean that these suicide pilots in WW II would also save Japan, just as the divine Typhoons did) in Japanese, that saved Japan from Mongol subjugation.

According to the Historical Continuity hypothesis, since the established powers of the time were crushed under the Mongol hammer and only Western Europe and Japan was spared and remained standing, it is no surprise then that West Europeans soon were ascendant with Renaissance, Maritime supremacy and eventual colonization of the planet. Japan was isolationist through out this period. It was opened up by force by Admiral Perry around 1860's. It adapted Western technology in a few decades and became a world power. Soon it had the honour to beat Tzarist Russia, the first White nation ever to be beaten by non-whites and went on to colonize Korea, Manchuria and parts of Asia.

This is just one example, the theory can be applied to other historical situations, current world affairs and future projections and planning.
Thoughts on Racism:

Is there something called races and what are they? Are some races superior in some abilities to others?

It is already an established scientific fact from Archaeogenetics that human beings evolved in Africa and probably the earliest ancestors looked either like Kalahari Bushmen or the Sentinelese in the Andaman/Nicobor islands who are descended from the early migrants. Different groups migrated to different parts of the world around 60,000 years ago. But there were Arachaic hominids (different Home Erectus groups, like Neanderthal in Europe) has already been present in these areas, who have moved out of Africa, about 200,000 to 2 million years ago. The newly arrived modern human, that came out of Africa, probably mixed with these older populations in different regions of the world and probably gave rise to the genetic variations among different Archaic races or racial archetypes. Climate variations and adaptions to different environments in isolation, also may have contributed to the genetic variation between racial archetypes.

The isolation ended after the most recent ice-age, since the invention of agriculture (sedentary plant farming and nomadic pastoral farming of domesticated animals), development of city states, civilizations, cultures and the age of the empires around 5,000-7,000 years ago as people started moving around more and interacting with their near and far neighbors. By now, pretty much all races are mixed with nearby neighbors and with some exotic far away invader genes.

Even so, differences do exist. There are a pure "white", "african", "north east asian" and "south east asian" looking people, where there are the rest who look in between.

It is possible that some natural adaptations will give certain advantage to a group, but these will be very specific and may not apply to all individuals of a certain group, since abilities vary so widely even within a certain group. So it is very difficult to generalize, I think that is the consensus and also the politically correct view.

The other interesting thing to point out is that endogamy is not so good for future generations, exogamy on the other hand, can produce superior physique and intelligence.

There is however prejudices that has developed in people's mind that Europeans are inherently more creative, Asians are copy cats with not so much creativity, Indians are good in math, Africans are incapable of self-rule etc. My observation is that these stereotypes have developed because the human beings in those regions did not have a good system available where they had the opportunity to prove their abilities, perhaps because of historical reasons where equal mega structures such as states and empires did not arise naturally in the vicinity because of the terrain and its ability to support agriculture and large populations. While role models like Obama and Kofi Annan is very good and helpful, to really raise the dignity of different racial groups, what is needed are indigenous large systems where people of various groups have the opportunity to perform and prove their abilities to themselves and to the rest of the world. It is my firm belief that if so called "races" and other sorts of groups such as religous groups are to feel proud about themselves, they must create systems, where they can prove their abilities of creativity, innovation and problem solving.

A good example is the Japanese or the German, since all Japanese and German have a minimum level of income and Human Development, then automatically people are forced to assume a minimum level (lowest common denominator) for them, so when they are visiting any strange and far-away land, they receive good treatment. On the other hand, there are many poor Indians and Africans, so an Indian looking or African looking billionaire wearing tattered clothes will not receive good treatment, because people have a negative perception about those regions and its people. So racial discrimination and stereotypes will be very difficult to remove from people's mind just by preaching that it is morally wrong, instead real changes must take place in these regions, and the best people to lead these changes are the developed part of the population or diaspora community of these regions living in more developed part of the world, such US, EU and Oceania. I will describe next the importance of indigenous large systems.
It said to be the clock in every church tower in every village in Europe.
I have no way to back that up i just remember i heard it somewhere as one of the reasons why middle age Europe skyrocketed after rennaissance. A possible explanation would be it raised productivity maybe but thats just speculation.

O yeah and...the death of the khan and the 2 typhoons-thats fate man!!!! lol
Large Systems hypothesis:

If we consider biological entities as systems then human beings and societies which are a collection of humans working together for a common goal, somewhat similar to an ant colony in an ant-hill, then human societies can also be described as some kind of organic systems. As described in the Historical Continuity hypothesis, these entities (human societies) evolve with time, get damaged and wounded by external forces, heal over time etc.

From earliest hunting gathering times, human societies consisted of small inter connected clans. With the rise of agriculture, we start seeing larger nations forming in fertile areas, such as Nile delta, Tigris Euphrates, Syr and Amu Daria, Yellow Yangtze, Indus Ganges etc. Empires also started emerging in these areas that could support a large population and standing army who could invade other neighboring areas. So sedentary agrarian societies initially gave rise to empires such as the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indian, Chinese, Roman etc. These empires are first example of large systems in human societies that integrated many tribes, clans and nations into a unifying whole, sometimes permanently if the integration was complete, but sometimes only temporarily.

Lets look at Europe. During early imperial Rome, Europe was unified and then there was Western Roman empire with heavy German influence and Eastern Byzantine empire under Greek Orthodox church. Nationalism became very powerful in Western Europe and nation states divided up the continent based mainly on linguistic groups and culture. A large part of Byzantine empire got absorbed into Ottoman empire. During European colonization period the nations did very well economically but finally when they lost most colonial holdings after WW II, the economies became smaller and less influential. At this point a strange thing happened, the rising population of mostly European descent in the US, made it larger than any single European country and the US emerged as the most powerful nation on earth, with Soviet Union being a close second. The US also happened to be home to a very integrated population who originated in various parts of Europe, but became true American in one or two generation. So while the sun set for the British empire, the US emerged as the new imperial hegemon in the world stage to protect the continuation of the existing world order. This happened because the US had a higher population and hence a larger internal economy than any country in Europe and of course it was much bigger than contemporary Japan as well. The other reason was that WW II also devastated the European powers and although the US participated in the war, the war was not fought in its own land mass, so the loss was not as colossal as it was in Europe.

The strategic loss of Europe to the US was quickly and keenly felt, as I could imagine. Soon an effort was made to unite Europe and finally after hundreds years of fighting over foreign colonies and on their own soil, today Europe became wise out of necessity. So EU is the new large system on the block, although it has its challenges. There are many nations with proud national heritage, language, culture etc. There are also the Eastern European nations joining in after breaking off from the Soviet block and the Soviet Union. Muslim Turkey also wants to join in. So it has become a real challenge to manage the entry for all these new entrants and would be entrants. Despite the challenges, so far it has been a success story and I have a feeling over time, it will be even more successful. This is the validation for the theory of large system, that a larger human social entity usually will win when in competition with a smaller one, provided that they have similar level of integration and homogeneous population and equal mastery of science and technology. The EU is still no match for the US, as the population and culture is not as homogeneous, but who knows what EU will look like 50 years from now. Speaking of homogeneous population, the US is facing its own challenge, for the first time in US history, the population of purely European descent is becoming less of a majority and is set to become a minority (less than 50%) by 2050. Hence the alarm bells by the likes of Pat Buchanan and Samuel Huntington. The EU also has similar problems of increasing immigrant population from Africa. In later posts, I recommend a solution to these problems of immigration and dilution of local European cultures in EU, North America and Oceania.

The next most powerful large system today in the world stage is rising China. How did todays China become a large system? Han Chinese who are 92% of PRC population (1.2 billion), actually became a nation in an integration process lasting for more than 1800 years, starting from Shang in 1600 BC to the end of Han around 220 AD. Since then it remained intact during Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. During Mongol and Manchu dominated Yuan and Qing dynasties, Tibet, Mongolia and Xinjiang regions were added, although Tang had a hold on Xinjiang area as well. So the Historical Continuity of Han Chinese with its huge population, united as one nation for more than 2000 years and living under a single imperial ruling dynasty (although the dynasties changed) is remarkable. It has however some major weaknesses. For the last eight hundred years it was subjugated twice, once by Mongols and a second time by Jurchens allied with Mongols. Mongol rule was particularly harsh, where the Han were treated as fourth class citizens and under Jurchen (Manchu) Qing, the Han were treated slightly better but still as second class citizens, with no permission of intermarriage with Manchu officials. Saving Han majority from oppressive Manchu rule was one of the rallying cry of Sun Yat Sen, one of the founders of Republic of China. To summarize, I should say that the Han Chinese civilization is one of the largest in number in the world, one of the oldest and as a result a highly integrated group. But at the same time, it was devastated twice and lived under foreign domination under Mongol Yuan and Jurchen/Mongol alliance Manchu Qing. Finally after WWII it was again devastated under a foreign idea imported from Europe called communism, which created further devastation for Han chinese. As of today the Han Chinese are still subjugated and under spell from this strange idea that came out of the head of two unique individuals (Marx and Angels) and modified to Chinese sensibilities and circumstances by Mao as Maoism. Lately China has been moving more towards capitalistic market economy. Sometimes I wonder if communism was a way to defeat the entrenched Manchu land owners, aristocrats and feudal lords and create a new Han elite under communist rule, may be someone more knowledgable can elaborate on this. So we could safely call Han Chinese a wounded civilization, still a little lost, but slowly getting back to its former greatness. The occupation of Tibet, Xinjiang and South (Inner) Mongolia, against the will of these non-Han people, and the ongoing demographic invasion to secure these regions against any potential "splittist" rebellion is a major symptom of a people insecure about its own ability to hold on to these occupied areas whose native inhabitants could not be trusted. In addition an attempt to sinify these three non-Han or non-Chinese people by suppressing their own ancient culture, tradition and religion and replacing their identity with a Han identity is violation of fundamental human rights and goes against UN mandated Universal Human Rights and is a serious international offense.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

As China is going through a spectacular economic rise, its neighbors are getting increasingly nervous. Russia has long term worries about its vast land holding in Eastern Siberia. Mongolia is worried about a hostile and powerful superpower at its door step, who happens to oppress its ethnic brothers in Inner Mongolia. Japan is worried about loosing its dominance in Asia as the prime economic superpower and is also worried about Chinese ambitions in the region and beyond. Taiwan's worries do not need to be mentioned. South East Asia bands together as ASEAN so it can counter some of the influence of the overbearing neighbor in the north. India is worried about future security implications and is in an arms race with China. To India's consternation China is increasing its influence and close cooperation with hostile nations Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. These worries have created impetus for India to join the US in an alliance. The former soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan engage in trade but worry about the future intentions of this giant neighbor who seem to oppress their Uyghur, Kazakh and Kyrgyz ethnic brothers in Xinjiang. Only Asian nations that seem to be in good terms with China are those who do not hold any common borders with it such as Iran and some Gulf Arab nations.

Now lets turn our attention to the next large system in the world stage, India. India is a mysterious and interesting place. The early out of Africa migration went via Indian coast line to South East Asia and eventually to Australia. There were later migration from Africa who established significant communities. These were around 40,000-60,000 years ago. Since the ice age there were probable migration from Elamite areas of Persia and Mesopotamia who mixed with indigenous proto African migrants and gave rise to the Dravidian civilization. This happens to be the main substrate of Indian population. Then came the Indo-Aryan speaking Aryans. This is a huge political issue whether Aryan Invasion Theory is correct or Out of India theory is correct, but most academics agree on a modified Aryan Migration Theory and that is also my personal view. Aryans I believe came from near Caspian region and moved via Central Asia to Northwestern India and later spread to rest of India. I say this because Sanskrit language is closest to Lithuanian and Russian. So the ancient Aryans were probably related to a later group of Scythian nomads in Central Asian steppes and Pontic Steppes some of whose last remnants are Ossetians and Alans. The Russians and Lithuanian language retain a good portion of Proto Indo European words, but ethnically they have mixed with Viking Norsemen, Swedes and Germanic people. If you happen to see the Alans and Ossetians, you will find a lot of similar features from Iran, Afghanistan, Kashmir and Northern Indian Brahmins, although the Brahmins of India has thoroughly mixed with local Dravidians and the Northwestern muslim people have mixed with later Turkic migrants. India existed for thousands of years as city states, but it was united under a single empire under Murya dynasty around 300 BC whose most famous ruler was Asoka, who spread Buddhism. Around 400 AD, the Gupta dynasty in North India tried to revive Hinduism and over centuries Hinduism came back as the main religion, except for outlying areas. Arab Khilafa had a foothold in Sindh and Southern Punjab of India, but could not extend its reach beyond that point. From 1000 AD onwards succesive Muslim Turkic invasions brought India under Muslim Turkic rule, first as Delhi Sultanate and then under Timurid/Chingisid Mughal dynasty. Mughal dynasty officially ended in 1857, when the British crown took over India. During the 800 years of Muslim rule, most areas of India was not included except for just a few centuries, but unlike Mongol Yuan and JUrchen/Mongol Qing rule of China, the Muslim rule had a very different effect on India. A large number of people of India became Muslim, a minority were descended from the immigrant Muslim from other areas such as Afghanistan, Central Asia, Arabia, Iran etc. mixed with local population, but the vast majority were converted from low caste Hindus such as Shudra and Dalit. Today out of 1.3 billion population of Indian sub-continent, around 40% or 500 million are Muslim and 750 million are Hindu with 4-5% Buddhist and Christians. In 1947 the country was divided in three parts, West Pakistan, India and East Pakistan, which later became Bangladesh after separation from Pakistan. Kashmir was a princely state and the Hindu ruler decided to go with India, although the population was majority Muslim. Pakistan and India both occupied parts of Kashmir and it remains a stalemate between India and Pakistan and is the reason for much hostility. It so far caused 2 wars and countless border skirmishes. Pakistan allegedly supports a popular Kashmir insurgency that cost more than 50,000 lives by a 700,000 strong army and security force stationed in Kashmir. The 800 year long Muslim rule have not only changed the demographics of India through Muslim immigration from other Muslim areas, but it also changed the face of the nation by conversion. The partition of 1947 was another serious blow to the Historical continuity of India that was united for more than 2200 years and have been a cooperative entity of city states since another previous 2000 years. From 1947, India tried a bit of socialist path and were close to Soviet Union, but after the break up of Soviet Union, it followed a market economy and achieved high growth in recent years. There is a rising fundamentalist Hindu movement in India associate with BJP party. India has many insurgency in different parts, some in West Bengal by Maoists, possibly sponsored by China and some in North East, possibly sponsored by Pakistan. India also supports insurgency in Pakistan such as Baloch independence movement and also is close to the Karzai govt. in Afghanistan who routinely criticize Pakistan for not being able to control the Taleban and Islamic fundamentalists. India is in a stable but not in a comfortable situation. In addition to the problem in Kashmir, India is considered to be a bully by almost all of its immediate neighboring states, which are Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. In Myanmar it is in competition with China, and frequently its influence is not as much as China. Poverty and malnutrition is a big problem for India which contains the largest number of poor people in the world. India also has bad record of discrimination against minorities such as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists. The discrimination against low caste Hindu Shudra and Dalit is also a huge social problem.

It said to be the clock in every church tower in every village in Europe.
I have no way to back that up i just remember i heard it somewhere as one of the reasons why middle age Europe skyrocketed after rennaissance. A possible explanation would be it raised productivity maybe but thats just speculation.

O yeah and...the death of the khan and the 2 typhoons-thats fate man!!!! lol

Funny, isn't it, those events actually are known to have macro-historical importance, although there is debate on these issues.
The original purpose of the Arab league was for an Arab union however it is not possible even with the GCC it neither has the resources to build one for a long time.

An African Union is only in name it cannot happen Africa is divided on tribal lines, actual union will take up 100 years.

Russia is already forming a Eurasian Union with Central Asia including so the India of a Central Asian Union is gone.

Pakistan and Afghanistan union is a possibility both religious, cultural and similar also Afghanistan needs a seaport.

South American Union Possibility.

China-Taiwan Yes Mongolia probably becomes including in it.

as for Bangladesh it only shares a few spaces with Myanmar it has a better chance of being in a union with India.

North American Union means destruction of the US constitution and Erasing Borders not going to happen.
:lol:Kalu Miah is hell bent on Bangladesh joing Asean. I myself would love for bangladesh to join Asean, but it is not practical and is a pipe dream and will remain so. There is hardly any movement in Bangladesh for Bangladesh to join Asean. only on pdf led by kalu miah:lol:
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