The issue is not about Jobs' immigrant status, or not. It is about how much you strain to associate the failures of countries to the successes of the US via their immigrants. It means human talents are everywhere but governments fails to give the people avenues to express those talents. If something came from US, we get the credit, not the countries of the immigrants, that is how the world sees it. We are not perfect, never said so. But we are better and better enough to attract human talents of any kind from anywhere. The one who is truly lame is
YOU and your jealous kind.
By the way, I am a fit 160 lbs American. I am a first generation immigrant. In high school in Hawai'i, I learned how to fly before I got my driver's license, then I joined the USAF F-111 (Cold War) then F-16 (Desert Storm), and currently in the semicon industry. Am credited with a few patents in collaborating with other semicon pros in several projects. Nothing earthshaking but enough to secure my job for a long time. Been working since I was 12 yrs old and never had a welfare check in my life.