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Just analyse this in a neutra logical way (Lahore Police Trainning Centre) Attack

New Recruit

Mar 25, 2009
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These Terrorist attacked a police training in this country. USA and Nato is willing and maybe bombing civilian area

now what Nato, USA or Israel hiden business is
and what these Terrorist want, if you attack the police to be attacked by Nato or USA army what these Terrorist are looking for


this was the CIA Job


CIA + Zionism + RAW (Back support Musad) is ALq= Terrorism

making cheap war until own every thing


how many people died in 10 years before 2001 and after 2001 and from all those people who died after 2001 wat about there religion ?? all those belongs to Hinduz ??? Christain?? or Muslims ??



Either change the title or think over your analysis better.
i think if we want to analyze neutrally, we should change the title.

lets also ask ourselves this question --- even if the attackers had indian/mossad/etc. links (which they could have) --- we should still ask ourselves why these militants allowed themselves to be bribed/influenced by the enemy.

If we were nationalistic enough --we would never accept these bribes.

Poverty and mis-education are the real enemies.

I trust that we will learn lessons from this attack. We need to divert more resources to emergency preparedness in cities like Lahore. Karachi already is getting CCTV cameras installed on every crevice of the city. Same needs to be done in and around Lahore (and Peshawar also).

We cannot have these heavily armed a-- holes attacking us. God bless the police forces and the Army.

death to all enemies and ill-wishers of Pakistan. May they rot in hell.
LOl Get off your crackpot.Blaming others is not going to solve any problem.

what about is that any problem solve in last 8 years ???? or more n more problems each n every coming day ???

"Blaming others is not going to solve"

When people blaming our ministers/Administration etc (NO RESULT)

My Question is..

I heared lots of time over our media that "RAW" person caught by police/Army etc

But our memory is very short now after these people caught where is NEXT ACTION or any report by these RAW etc ??
One: Why would the CIA allow/carry out such an attack on Pakistan?

Two: Why would RAW carry out an attack like this? This one is more "logical" but unlikely. The politicians are using RAW as a scapegoat because of their failure to stop attacks like these which are carried out under their rule.
The external enemies of Pakistan, real or imagined, cannot possibly improve upon the havoc reaped upon itself by it's own.
While I do not buy this outsider deal all the time, there is some nudging of certain quarters by certain regional powers. This is a well known fact to the security circles in Pakistan. Involving CIA actually helps to further the goals of certain local parties and entities but factually speaking, the US has goals that are quite different from what the other regional powers have.

The biggest problem in Pakistan is that we have a great supply of "tools" (slang wise or literally, both apply). Pakistani crackpots wreak as much or more havoc as others who are interested in hurting Pakistan for whatever reasons.

It is a safe bet to suggest that if were able to tackle our own crackpot tools, at least 50-60% of the problem would be resolved. The rest of the outside threats can be tackled in the usual unconventional ways.
Gentlemen do not quote idiots like that guy because then we have to delete your posts as well.
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