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Judge who sentenced Saddam Hussein to death 'is captured and executed by ISIS'

looks like they can be since iranians are allowed here
so if good ppl are allowed in some place , then terrorists should be invited too ?

u think it makes it fair or sth? easy prey huh ? :lol:
what a funny rule ...

Shaheed is a righteous man who die in path of god ...
some words ( no matter how much sacred those words are ) can't turn some .... to Shaheed ...

don't ridicule Islam and martyrs ...

you have no right to come up with that conclusion since the cult of shiasm has nothing to do with Islam
So if Lucifer recites Kalima before an imaginary death, he is a martyr to you?

their version of imaginary islam lead them to something as evil and corrupted as Jihad Nikkah and ...
don't debate with about religious matters because in the end they will just takfir you ...
what a funny rule ...

Shaheed is a righteous man who die in path of god ...
some words ( no matter how much sacred those words are ) can't turn some .... to Shaheed ...

don't ridicule Islam and martyrs ...
ISIS has their own religion bro . dont make fun of one and only believers on the planet :astagh:

the cult of shiasm
we have our own believes . i know its so strange for ISIS , but shia muslims dont believe in beheading :(

we're a disgrace to humanity , arent we ? :(

He recited the Kalima before death which according to Sunni Hanafi jurisprudence classifies him as a Shaheed.

Well, Saddam killed Kurds by chemical bombs, killed thousands innocent Shia and Sunni Iraqis and made a war against Iran that caused 500,000 Irani and Iraqi die.Wahabis recite kalima too but they kill innocent persons.If everyone who recite kalima will go to heaven so everyone will go to heaven and life has no meaning and God is not just.Mass murders are the worst creatures of God.
Interesting progress. The news was first published in the official page of Izzat Al-Douri the vice-president of the previous Iraqi government and the current head of the Baath party. The man promised to Al-Mailki a similar sentence that of Saddam Hussain ''Saddam's Judge is within our grasp...Prepare your neck Al-Haliki''. He is playing the major role in what is currently happing in Iraq as we speak despite the involvement of the ISIS. Izzat Al-Douri will take the lead in ruling Iraq if gets the support he needs. The GCC, Egypt, Jordan should provide him with whatever he needs for Iraq to get back to the Arab lap again. He further said that he is going after the current sectarian government of Al-Mailki and his Khomaini followers. As for the judge he reaped what he've sown. Hope to see Al-Maliki and Khaminai next.
The GCC, Egypt, Jordan should provide him with whatever he needs for Iraq to get back to the Arab lap again.
lol , look how many terrorist supporters we have in this place :lol:

cheers !! @1000 @Dizer @SALMAN AL-FARSI

Hope to see Al-Maliki and Khaminai next.
inshaallah ta'ala . cheers brother :)

insha'allah we'll crush khomeini and iran and iraq and lebenon and syria all together . ISIS brethren will be the true winners of this battle against shia kaffir .

lets behead them all .

Well, Saddam killed Kurds by chemical bombs, killed thousands innocent Shia and Sunni Iraqis and made a war against Iran that caused 500,000 Irani and Iraqi die.Wahabis recite kalima too but they kill innocent persons.If everyone who recite kalima will go to heaven so everyone will go to heaven and life has no meaning and God is not just.Mass murders are the worst creatures of God.

you missed the point ... only who they are like and agree with them go to heaven not others who saying those kailima ...

as a shia if you say Kalima and Shahadatein 10000000000 , nothing will change for them , they are still going to behead you ....

Farooq , I read all these kalima , are you ok with me !? or you still want to behead me !?
bro , i donno where did u hear that AQ has called saddam as his enemy . but what i know is clear :

saddam's daughter and other iraqi ba'ath elements has voiced support for the ISIS . i doubt that they have any ideological difference but if they do , it will be like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kid of thing .

currently the military officials who allegedly betrayed iraqi govt. were old officials and officers who served in the time of saddam too .

that might give u an idea , doesnt it ?

terrorists can be a member here ? just a question . i'm not accusing u or sth :lo:

I read that Osama once called Saddam a "bad Muslim" and wanted to use his Al-Qaeda to expel Saddam from Kuwait in 1991 but the Saudis turned his offer down and instead allowed American and coalition troops to expel Saddam's army from Kuwait.

Saddam and Al-Qaeda were enemies.
Interesting progress. The news was first published in the official page of Izzat Al-Douri the vice-president of the previous Iraqi government and the current head of the Baath party. The man promised to Al-Mailki a similar sentence that of Saddam Hussain ''Saddam's Judge is within our grasp...Prepare your neck Al-Haliki''. He is playing the major role in what is currently happing in Iraq as we speak despite the involvement of the ISIS. Izzat Al-Douri will take the lead in ruling Iraq if gets the support he needs. The GCC, Egypt, Jordan should provide him with whatever he needs for Iraq to get back to the Arab lap again. He further said that he is going after the current sectarian government of Al-Mailki and his Khomaini followers. As for the judge he reaped what he've sown. Hope to see Al-Maliki and Khaminai next.

Then why did KSA run to uncle USA when the same Saddam Hussein attacked you? If it wasn't for Americans, Saddam's exhausted army would have marched to Riyadh itself.

And as for Izzat al Douri, he is also hiding in a rat hole like Saddam. His son was sent to hell days ago, and he will also eventually meet the inevitable.

And for your support to ISIL, don't talk like there is already no support for the group since your country is providing a large percentage of manpower for the terrorist organization, and that was the case for AQ too during its early days. 9/11, rings any bells?

I remember very well you guys were saying ISIL is Iran's ally months ago when they were butchering Syrian rebels, what happened now? enemy turned to ally? :lol:
I read that Osama once called Saddam a "bad Muslim" and wanted to use his Al-Qaeda to expel Saddam from Kuwait in 1991 but the Saudis turned his offer down and instead allowed American and coalition troops to expel Saddam's army from Kuwait.

Saddam and Al-Qaeda were enemies.

Thats true, hence Al-Qaeda attacks on KSA.
He recited the Kalima before death which according to Sunni Hanafi jurisprudence classifies him as a Shaheed.

so do ISIS guys before exploding themselves, robbing banks and taking over Iraqi refineries

must be easy to win this title amongst jobless losers with no future and no families
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