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Judge who sentenced Saddam Hussein to death 'is captured and executed by ISIS'

Desert Fox

Jan 16, 2010
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Iraqi Judge who sentenced Saddam Hussein to death 'is captured and executed by ISIS'
  • Raouf Abdul Rahman sentenced the dictator to death by hanging in 2006
  • He was reportedly captured and killed by militants last week
  • Iraqi government is yet to confirm his death, but have not denied his capture
  • Judge thought to have been killed in retaliation for death of Saddam Hussein
By Lucy Crossley

Published: 17:32 EST, 22 June 2014 | Updated: 09:04 EST, 23 June 2014

The judge who sentenced former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to death has been captured and executed by ISIS militants, it is claimed.
Raouf Abdul Rahman, who sentenced the dictator to death by hanging in 2006, was reportedly killed by rebels in retaliation for the execution of the 69-year-old.

His death has not been confirmed by the Iraqi government, but officials had not denied reports of his capture last week.



Judge: Raouf Abdul Rahman (left) who sentenced former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein (right) to death has reportedly been captured and executed by ISIS militants

He is believed to have been arrested on June 16, and died two days later.
Jordanian MP Khalil Attieh wrote on his Facebook page that Judge Rahman, who had headed the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal during Saddam's trial, had been arrested and sentenced to death.

'Iraqi revolutionaries arrested him and sentenced him to death in retaliation for the death of the martyr Saddam Hussein,' he said, according to Al-Mesyroon.

Attieh also said that Judge Rahman had unsuccessfully attempted to escape from Baghdad disguised in a dancer's costume.

The Facebook page for Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, Saddam's former deputy who has emerged as a key figure among the Sunni militants, also posted that the rebels had been able to arrest Judge Rahman.

Judge Rahmann, who was born in the Kurdish town of Halabja, took over midway through the trial in January 2006 after previous judge Rizgar Amin was criticised for being too lenient in his dealings with Hussein and his co-defendants.

The father of three had graduated from Baghdad University's law school in 1963 and worked as a lawyer before he was appointed as the chief judge of the Kurdistan Appeals Court in 1996.


On trial: The former Iraqi president gives his account to Judge Rahman during his trial in 2006

He oversaw Saddam's trial for crimes against humanity over the killing of 148 people in the town of Dujail following an assassination attempt in 1982, and sentenced him to death by hanging following the guilty verdict.

Judge Rahman had faced claims that he was biased as his home town had been the subject of a poison gas attack in 1988, allegedly ordered by Hussein.

A number of Judge Rahman's relatives were among the 5,000 people killed in the attack, and during the 1980s he was also reportedly detained and tortured by Saddam's security agents.

The judge later criticised the way the execution was carried out in December 2006, saying in 2008 that it should not have been carried out in public and branding it 'uncivilised and backward'.

The hanging had taken place as Sunni Muslims were celebrating the religious festival Eid al-Adha, and a video of the execution showed the former leader being taunted by members of the Shi'ite group.

In March 2007 it was reported that Judge Rahman had applied for asylum in Britain after travelling to the UK with his family on a tourist visa, claiming he feared for his life.

He never commented on the claims, which were denied by the Iraqi High Criminal Court Tribunal which said he had merely been in the UK for a holiday.

Read more: Judge who sentenced Saddam Hussein to death 'captured and executed by ISIS' | Mail Online
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Arabic Source: الثوار العراقيون: إعدام قاضي صدام حسين - المصريون

So ISIS is pro Saddam?? If so, is that why they have distanced themselves from Al-Qaeda which has always viewed Saddam Hussein as its enemy?? Or could there be other reasons?? Do they plan on reestablishing Saddam's Iraqi gov.t but under the guise of a Islamic movement??

Anyone knowledgeable in this topic please comment.

@Hazzy997 @Syrian Lion @Aeronaut @DESERT FIGHTER @flamer84 @Serpentine @JEskandari @haman10 @doritos @Tshering22 @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend @JUBA @BLACKEAGLE
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Judge Rahman had faced claims that he was biased as his home town had been the subject of a poison gas attack in 1988, allegedly ordered by Hussein.
A number of Judge Rahman's relatives were among the 5,000 people killed in the attack, and during the 1980s he was also reportedly detained and tortured by Saddam's security agents.

Anyway,reading this info i realise that the judge was completely objective and the judiciary not a farse at all.Not defending Saddam but still......
Anyway,reading this info i realise that the judge was completely objective and the judiciary not a farse at all.Not defending Saddam but still......

Perhaps if you handpick a few of Saddam's close friends, relatives and army loyalists, almost every other Iraqi has most probably suffered, maimed, lost someone or lost relatives due to chemical attacks or because of his stupid wars and oppressive regime's actions. I don't think it mattered anyway who sentenced him to death and I believe the judge has made him a favor by ruling capital punishment for an animal like him. He should have died in worst ways possible. His actions have perished nearly one million Iraqis, not to forget those who are alive and have suffered even more.
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Perhaps if you handpick a few of Saddam's close friends, relatives and army loyalists, almost every other Iraqi has most probably suffered, maimed, lost someone or lost relatives due to chemical attacks because of his stupid wars and oppressive regime's actions. I don't think it mattered anyway who sentenced him to death and I believe the judge has made him a favor by ruling capital punishment for an animal like him. He should have died in worst ways possible. His actions have perished nearly one million Iraqis, not to forget those who are alive and have suffered even more.

Still,US was saying that they implemented a democratic rule in Irak.That kind of judge was a bad start for democracy and rule of law ,i say.

Not disputing that Saddam had it coming though.It couldn't have happenned to a "nicer" guy.
Still,US was saying that they implemented a democratic rule in Irak.That kind of judge was a bad start for democracy and rule of law ,i say.

Not disputing that Saddam had it coming though.It couldn't have happenned to a "nicer" guy.

Iraq is not a democracy like Norway or Switzerland. That's not how it works over there, however Iraq is still much better than many U.S allies in region in terms of democratic elements.

And btw, you can't bring a world class democracy to a country in few years by invading it, there are much much more elements involved.
Ad btw, you can't bring a world class democracy to a country in few years by invading it, there are much much more elements involved.

On that I agree wholeheartedly.Not everything that's good for the goose is also good for the gander.
i remember when Saddam lambasted the first judge and he went into hiding....there was I THINK a second one (God knows what happen to him) and this guy was the 3rd

he was the same judge who expelled his Lebanese lawyer from the courtroom for interuppting

Iraq is a MESS
So ISIS is pro Saddam?? If so, is that why they have distanced themselves from Al-Qaeda which has always viewed Saddam Hussein as its enemy?? Or could there be other reasons?? Do they plan on reestablishing Saddam's Iraqi gov.t but under the guise of a Islamic movement??
bro , i donno where did u hear that AQ has called saddam as his enemy . but what i know is clear :

saddam's daughter and other iraqi ba'ath elements has voiced support for the ISIS . i doubt that they have any ideological difference but if they do , it will be like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kid of thing .

currently the military officials who allegedly betrayed iraqi govt. were old officials and officers who served in the time of saddam too .

that might give u an idea , doesnt it ?

looks like the shia scum got what was coming to him for not giving justice to Shaheed Saddam Hussain
terrorists can be a member here ? just a question . i'm not accusing u or sth :lo:
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He recited the Kalima before death which according to Sunni Hanafi jurisprudence classifies him as a Shaheed.

what a funny rule ...

Shaheed is a righteous man who die in path of god ...
some words ( no matter how much sacred those words are ) can't turn some .... to Shaheed ...

don't ridicule Islam and martyrs ...
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