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I have always heard that the Quran has never been changed. Do you have any proof?

Off course Quran has not been changed.

But its interpreation has been messed up thanks to Ayatuallahs of Iran and Mullahs of Saudi.

They add stuff in Quran in the name of hadees and Tafsee
They ignore and hide verses that talk good things about faithful-Jews
They pick and highlight Quranic verses that talk about punishment of "Jews unfaithful to their belief system".

So in some ways Quran has not changed as far its words are concerned.

But it

has been changed when it comes the "meanings and interpretation" by the Ayatuallahs and Mullahs.


No not provocative at all to break into Al-Aqssa mosque and chant "Mohammed is dead" calling for burning Palestinian houses in Quds, calling for slaughtering Arabs and insulting our prophet. Thanx for your honesty.

And an imbecile Muslim comes here to act civilised on our expense and lectures us about civility. Guys just fvck off our backs, if you don't want to help just leave us alone.

you come to a Pakistani forum, and then use 4 letters words,

then you wonder why people do not treat you as a "civil".

How ironic.
I think all that "Jew hiding behind a tree" nonsense is in the Hadiths which Hamas has incorporated into its charter.

But the Saudis altered the Qu'ran slightly and added in that the enemies of Muslims are Jews and Christians.

Original text does not name them.

The Saudi-printed Qu'ran is now the most popular unfortunately.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that being in the Hadiths.

I'm not wrong about the Saudis changing the Qu'ran though, that's a fact.


This "Jews hiding behind a tree" is utter nonsense based on a weak hadis (by a guy named Abu-Huraira - man with many cats).

However Quaran has not changed.

you come to a Pakistani forum, and then use 4 letters words,

then you wonder why people do not treat you as a "civil".

How ironic.

This is an International forum, and even being in a Pakistani forum doesn't give you the right to call others backward and primitive which you have mastered. And furthermore, give us lessons about Islam and civility. I am talking about non-Arab Muslims, if you don't want to help which you have never done BTW, at least don't back stab us. You rushed into defending Israel from the very moment of posting this thread. This is just pathetic to be honest with you.
This is an International forum, and even being in a Pakistani forum doesn't give you the right to call others backward and primitive which you have mastered. And furthermore, give us lessons about Islam and civility. I am talking about non-Arab Muslims, if you don't want to help which you have never done BTW, at least don't back stab us. You rushed into defending Israel from the very moment of posting this thread. This is just pathetic to be honest with you.

I agree with you on the highlighted part.... coming to defending Israel... it is his view... even i do support Israel....
This is an International forum, and even being in a Pakistani forum doesn't give you the right to call others backward and primitive which you have mastered. And furthermore, give us lessons about Islam and civility. I am talking about non-Arab Muslims, if you don't want to help which you have never done BTW, at least don't back stab us. You rushed into defending Israel from the very moment of posting this thread. This is just pathetic to be honest with you.

I point out fallacies in the posts. you are free to do the same. The heading of this thread was intentionally false, and OP never corrected it. What do you say?

Anyone burning a flag is seen as primitive tribal.
Anyone supporting such primitive behavior should be called as such.

Islam is not Arabism. It is faith, and thus anyone professing this beautiful faith can share his views and interpretation.


p.s. let's not make it personal. Stick to the topic. Will you?
I agree with you on the highlighted part.... coming to defending Israel... it is his view... even i do support Israel....

Every time they lecture others about civility, I get like:

I point out fallacies in the posts. you are free to do the same. The heading of this thread was intentionally false, and OP never corrected it. What do you say?

Anyone burning a flag is seen as primitive tribal.
Anyone supporting such primitive behavior should be called as such.

Islam is not Arabism. It is faith, and thus anyone professing this beautiful faith can share his views and interpretation.


p.s. let's not make it personal. Stick to the topic. Will you?

Oh Mr, Civil, you ignored this and turned all against us because burning a flag and yet you would like me to take you seriously?

No not provocative at all to break into Al-Aqssa mosque and chant "Mohammed is dead" calling for burning Palestinian houses in Quds, calling for slaughtering Arabs and insulting our prophet. Thanx for your honesty.

And an imbecile Muslim comes here to act civilised on our expense and lectures us about civility. Guys just fvck off our backs, if you don't want to help just leave us alone.

Man, if you want to change world perspective of you people don't achieve it on our expense.
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I see BlackIslamist, the supporter of child killers is telling others not to support Israel.

Who gave you this authority bro? you're just a pipsqueak from Amman.

You're going around this forum like you own the place.

FaujHistorian is 100 times the person you are on here. He's pleasant to everyone too.

Show some respect.
Both Israeli regime and Alawite Regime in Syria will pay price for their crimes.
Oh Mr, Civil, you ignored this and turned all against us because burning a flag and yet you would like me to take you seriously?

No not provocative at all to break into Al-Aqssa mosque and chant "Mohammed is dead" calling for burning Palestinian houses in Quds, calling for slaughtering Arabs and insulting our prophet. Thanx for your honesty.

Posting old videos shows your desperation.

Aqsa is still standing nay flourishing under Israeli rule since this video was posted.

That clearly shows, Jewish-Israelis are truly protecting the mosque even when few extremists try to create hatred.

No not provocative at all to break into Al-Aqssa mosque and chant "Mohammed is dead" calling for burning Palestinian houses in Quds, calling for slaughtering Arabs and insulting our prophet. Thanx for your honesty.

I'll compile this into a list to keep it simple:

1. The video is not shot in Al Aqssa but in Jerusalem, some of it outside of the old city. There is no break in into Al Aqssa. that would be lie number one. The gate they are shot running toward is of Jerusalem.

2. They are not calling for burning Arab houses in Jerusalem. They are singing "we wish your village gets burned", that's passive not active. Something like "we wish you were gone" as opposed to "we are going to make you leave". That's lie number 2.

3. There is just one time one idiot shouts "Itbach el Arab" and he is quickly silenced. Yeah we don't have mind control, so we couldn't stop it.

Let me get this straight, when it's Arabs shouting insulting things to Israel and Jews then it's a democratic demonstration, but when Israelis do so it's an unlawful provocation in an attempt to hurt the peace posses? How am I supposed to take you seriously?

Another thing, those guys are a fringe in the Israeli political map, most people here won't support them and they get criticized constantly by the Israeli media. There is no way the government can stop those demonstrations since we have freedom of speech and they are not doing anything illegal (except that one lone call to kill Arabs).

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