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Jordan Agrees: Israel Can Use Airspace to Attack Syria

Why is it impossible? Jordan has traditionally helped Israel and the two have always been friends.

"King Hussein flew to Israel and warned Israel before the surprise attack by Egypt/Syria in 1973..............In 1994, Hussein concluded negotiations to end the official state of war with Israel resulting in the Israel–Jordan Treaty of Peace which he had begun negotiating in secret with the Israelis in the 1960s. Between 1963–1994 he had held at least 55 secret meetings with leading Israelis including at least seven prime and foreign ministers.[13]

Due to the close relationship forged with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin during the negotiations of the treaty, Hussein was invited to give a speech during Rabin's funeral."

Of course, there would be public denials, so as not to agitate the palestinian arab refugees who would revolt against the King.

Hashemites are traditionally more moderate of the Arab world. King Faisal I of Iraq was a Zionist. His quote:

"The Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organization to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper."[13]

Thanks for these sources.
The thing is tht Iran should stop supporting Asad and the GCC should stop sending in FSA.... Let the people of syria decide..

You are talking like if FSA was an army or like if it was as strong as SAA. Listen bro, if there wasn't support to FSA, SAA would have committed even more bloody mass massacres of innocents. In 1982, his father killed 40k Syrians in Hamah and destroyed the city, but nobody cared or knew because media weren't allowed at the time. However, this time is different, and Bashar can't do what his father did and get away with it as he thought. Thousands had been killed before Syrians started to pick up arms. FSA members are mainly defectors from SAA who couldn't kill their own people.
Bibi said he does not "rule out" sending weapons or allowing Europe to send them, as long as they go to the recognised opposition and not Al-Nusra and other Salafi types.
Sorry this will never work. They can work out with politics in post Assad but right now at the moment they are together military fighting against the regime. EU will never anyway, if they wanted to they would've done that last year.
Maybe we needed to compete with your beheadings, stoning, acid-throwing, hand-chopping, child-bride-raping, women-beating, mutilations of the dead and homosexual-hanging.

Cousin, you need to differentiate between single acts here or there which are BTW condemned and forbidden, and systematic and inherited acts encouraged in your beliefs and culture.

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Wow, are you serious? all the elections were fraud, no one supports As*-ad except the Shias and Shia population in Syria are only less than 20%. Do you even know how Hafez came to power? Do you think the Syrians would allow him to rule the country if they knew he was an Alawite?

No, no one trust Iran. Right, without GCC help and Iran's help the regime would be over. Why? because 85% of the army are Suuni and the army shrunk from 500,000 to 80,000 in pan two years because of rapid defections and or desertion because the Suuni refused orders from Assad to kill Suuni civilians.

Im shia myself.. but i think iran supporting these proxies aint right... the elections might be fraud.. but the syrian people should rise up instead of sending fsa mercs... arm the syrian people.
I don't see what the joke is, really.

I wasn't joking :astagh:


@Controlled Pair

Tell'em bro about our long lasting alliance:smitten:
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