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joint collaboration between Pakistan and India.



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Feb 9, 2010
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fellows,if our great nation Pakistan and our old brother India get together and we develop something like a 5 th gen aircraft, an MBT,or a
missile defense system. if we collaborated then lets discuss what will be the thing we would like to jointly produce.it can range from missiles to tanks to a fighter aircraft.i m from Chicago and new to this forum.i m basically from Rawalpindi. Please fellows lets not fight and discuss ..
Why develop 5th gen fighter?...first there are many models in India for corporate and economic development. Before the 26/11 took place there were teams from Pakistan visiting Amul, TATA, and other companies for devising corporate and co-operative models in Pakistan. for milk and steel production. There were even plans to lay down the IPI pipeline. But the extremists who didnt want to have peace on both sides decided to blow apart all those relations and brought the countries to the brink of war. The Pakistani establishment used this for their own political reasons to stay in power. Many of the businessmen in Karachi hated it when 26/11 happened. Pakistani establishment needs to understand that it needs an independent industrial complex that contributes to the development of the country. There must be minimal interference from the government and military quarters into the corporate affairs of Pakistan. The Chinese realized this in the 60s and the Indians in the late 80s hope Pakistan recognizes it ASAP. Making the 5th gen aircraft with India might not be possibile but making a 6th gen UCAV might be in the future. But the west needs to keep Pakistan boiling and its army fighting India as it is the strategic underbelly of the whole of Asia.
fellows,if our great nation Pakistan and our old brother India get together and we develop something like a 5 th gen aircraft, an MBT,or a
missile defense system. if we collaborated then lets discuss what will be the thing we would like to jointly produce.it can range from missiles to tanks to a fighter aircraft.i m from Chicago and new to this forum.i m basically from Rawalpindi. Please fellows lets not fight and discuss ..

Every Indian, and every Pakistani Thinks the same way you do Brother.... I and You are not enemies personally... We are fighting over some thing which the britishers did to us.... We dont feel it good aswell Like you do buddy... But is there anyway to stop it? I dont think so... From child hood we have been Like that.... we fought 4 wars... So you think that we are bad, and we think you are bad... We all would love to put an end to this aswell...

If India and Pakistan Joi together, it will be a hard hit on the face for the west..... If we join and make a product, trust me, Its going to be world class... :smitten:
Frankly speaking India Pakistan Friendship IMPOSSIBLE!

i bet on this.. we have bn of issue main thing is Behind India (Isreal and full zionist lobby + working with Indian govt) secondly i have personally lots of Indian friends they really good even some are superb

Qoute my words "Pakistani and Indian become friends but INDIA AND PAKISTAN never ever..."
I wish for this to happen,but we just have to solve a lot of crisis,then start with improved talks,then increase trading.Even that,only time can tell.
Yup more then half a million?:rofl:
It will solve inshallah even ur constitution calls it a pricely state and disputed.You can say whatever u like.

Just that?..the whole military-industrial complex depends on it. And your army loses credibility. It cant beat the drums of war and increase its salary. Atleast we have China. What do you have to fight with if relations are normalised except for that rag-tag bearded swines who love to blow themselves up at any given chance? Things get too complicated. So Kashmir will always be boiling. well nearly 200 mil people will lose their jobs on both sides. That is disastrous to think of.
think of two brothers one brother changed his faith ( Basic human right) other dont like him and drove him out of his village cut his water capture his land

But they are still brothers

that is the problem between us
think of two brothers one brother changed his faith ( Basic human right) other dont like him and drove him out of his village cut his water capture his land

But they are still brothers

that is the problem between us

Rephrase it to
"think of many brothers two brothers changed his faith ( Basic human right) and one didn't want to live in the same house, wanted a seperate house for himself, and went away breaking the house.

But they are still brothers"
i m from Chicago and i have many friends from India.i lost my 3 distinct family members in bomb blast in Peshawar. but as a Pakistani sometimes i think what if people from both the sides who are in power actually wanted to end any issue or every time it is just a hogwash.tell me my friends we blog here everyday do we never want to meet each other.Islam is a religion of peace but few fanatics have made it a tool for their own advantage.you all will be surprised to know ,i know a retired marine last evening i was talking to him.he said"its really unfortunate ,that people from your country and India share common view but why you guys always blame each other."and he only told me the day you both got together trust me it will be the best coalition to have ever happened in the history.
as a peace loving citizen of Pakistan living here my heart fills with joy imagining a sight when special forces of both these nations will operate with each other.our SSG+PARA commandos=worlds best commando team...we can easily beat the rest of the world.we don't have to go any where to ask help,but every other nation will came and ask for help from us."INSHAALLAH that day will definitely come."
And I would like to share another thing with you guys, My fiance is of Pakistani origin, Her father and Mother were born in Lahore and Peshawar , then they settled here.... She always says to me that she wants to see the place once in her life time, but with the growing tensions between our nation, I doubt If I can fulfill her wish....
Sorry for u loss brother.May ALLAH bless them all and give you and ur family patience.Ameen
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