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Joint Anti Terror Operation in Middle East.


Oct 26, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
I had posted this opinnion before. And i am again posting it.
We need to join hand against Terrorism. This cancer is Claiming countless lives and Infrastructure from Egypt to Pakistan.
Egypt Syria Iraq Iran Afghanistan Uzbakistan and Pakistan should make a joint Anti Terrorist Command HQ and lauch a collective joimt operation against Terrorists Through out These countries and break this network once in for all.
Its our collective problem. We cannot take them out individually.

All these Scum Afghan Taliban, Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Al Nusra, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan etc all of them are linked in a web. If they can all join hands to destroy us why not we?

The Joint Anti Terrorist Command can share both Intelligence and military resources and can perform joint operations as well.
And we can also take help from other terrorism affected countries like Turkey China and Russia.
USA have failed miserably to contain this cancer. Its time we clean our own backyard by our own hands.

This is a need of the hour.
OP, the situation in Pakistan is a that different than the situation in the Middle East. You can't draw parallels between the two.

I can go more in depth if you'd like.
OP, the situation in Pakistan is a that different than the situation in the Middle East. You can't draw parallels between the two.

I can go more in depth if you'd like.
How are terrorists of Iraq and Syria different then Terrorists of Pakistan?
These Organisation even share human and training resources. They operate like fiends of hell with no stopping. They are all linked. And they have same objective.
You kill them in Pak they will run into Afghanistan. You take them out in syria they will make stronghold in Iraq.

Terrorists and militants should be destroyed and Formal Army Organisations should be promoted.
How are terrorists of Iraq and Syria different then Terrorists of Pakistan?
These Organisation even share human and training resources. They operate like fiends of hell with no stopping. They are all linked. And they have same objective.
You kill them in Pak they will run into Afghanistan. You take them out in syria they will make stronghold in Iraq.

Terrorists and militants should be destroyed and Formal Army Organisations should be promoted.

As I've told you, Asia is vastly different than the Middle East. For one, we have had decades of corruption and dictatorial rule. Many people choose the militant ideology as an exit path. Syria is has over a hundred thousand rebels, most belonging to newly formed organizations made up of Syrians.

For Iraq, it's a more complicated issue. They don't all have the same beliefs. They don't target their own people. In Iraq the militant group you mentioned doesn't consider Shia Iraqi's as their people.

There are too many splinter groups and few are out there that woke up one day and decided to kill people. It's a product of decades of conflict.
I agree with you, however the west will not allows this to happen, because a clean Middle East, mean no western interference anymore... the west encourages terrorism in the ME, since it benefits from it.....
The takfiri are a blot on the true faith of Islam, they need to be removed from the face of the earth.

The only good takfiri - is a dead one.
Political Islam is the problem.

You nurtured it for decades to fight "infidels and Israel"

Now the chickens have come home to roost.

Pakistan created, funded and armed the Jihadi groups to attack India. Now these same groups want a piece of Pakistan.

You can't create a monster like this and expect to keep full control of it.

A few more decades of this to go, so get used to it.
Political Islam is the problem.

You nurtured it for decades to fight "infidels and Israel"

Now the chickens have come home to roost.

Pakistan created, funded and armed the Jihadi groups to attack India. Now these same groups want a piece of Pakistan.

You can't create a monster like this and expect to keep full control of it.

A few more decades of this to go, so get used to it.

Nobody cares about infidels, Americans and Europeans no longer favor interfering in the Middle East. So they sit back and fund Israel with plenty of military aid. Already halfway through the year the US provided 3.1$ billion and still 6 months left in the year. Political Islam opposes local regimes and Israel. Israel should come to its sense and make peace. Even if they have huge advantages currently. One wonders why they would even support injustice. It seems you guys only understand violence.
We understand you people and your cave mentality. Very few people/countries in the world truly understand Arabs or Muslims.

We in Israel know you like the back of our hand, hence why we will never surrender and always keep on the front foot against your kind. You are habitual liars and deceivers. This is why in english there was a phrase "lying Arab" when someone was thought to be telling a lie.

The Europeans don't understand it. Some of them still have a romantic rose-tinted view of Arabs as free spirits roaming the deserts on camel-back. Which is why many support the bankrupt 'palestinian' entity and their bankrupt, unjustifiable cause.

Islam is ravaging the world. Dozens of countries affected and afflicted by it. The vast majority of victims are Muslims themselves.

Whether it's in Nigeria, Kenya, India, Russia, China, Israel, Somalia or the streets of Europe and the US - Islam in today's political form is a blot on humanity.

I'm sure there's many practitioners of spiritual Islam, but political Islam now dominates.

Once the Kenyan is out the door, relations between America and Israel will be back on track. We are also cultivating good relations with China and Russia.
We understand you people and your cave mentality. Very few people/countries in the world truly understand Arabs or Muslims.

We in Israel know you like the back of our hand, hence why we will never surrender and always keep on the front foot against your kind. You are habitual liars and deceivers. This is why in english there was a phrase "lying Arab" when someone was thought to be telling a lie.

The Europeans don't understand it. Some of them still have a romantic rose-tinted view of Arabs as free spirits roaming the deserts on camel-back. Which is why many support the bankrupt 'palestinian' entity and their bankrupt, unjustifiable cause.

Islam is ravaging the world. Dozens of countries affected and afflicted by it. The vast majority of victims are Muslims themselves.

Whether it's in Nigeria, Kenya, India, Russia, China, Israel, Somalia or the streets of Europe and the US - Islam in today's political form is a blot on humanity.

I'm sure there's many practitioners of spiritual Islam, but political Islam now dominates.

Once the Kenyan is out the door, relations between America and Israel will be back on track. We are also cultivating good relations with China and Russia.
No Complaints. Racism is in your blood :rolleyes:
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