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Jinnah's grandson Nusli Wadia shocked by BJP's take

What does the decision of a granddaughter or grandson have to do with Pakistan and Jinnah?

The father, Jinnah, had his vision and drive, the daughter her own.

To each their own.

As Jana rightly said, for Pakistanis the central figure is Jinnah, not his chacha, mama, bhatija, beti, bahoo, saas whatever.

I do agree that Jinnah would not have wanted the current hostile relationship that we see between India and Pakistan.
What does the decision of a granddaughter or grandson have to do with Pakistan and Jinnah?

The father, Jinnah, had his vision and drive, the daughter her own.

To each their own.

As Jana rightly said, for Pakistanis the central figure is Jinnah, not his chacha, mama, bhatija, beti, bahoo, saas whatever.

I do agree that Jinnah would not have wanted the current hostile relationship that we see between India and Pakistan.

Agree completely, actually the way issue is projected emphasizes another common problem of the subcontinent - Dynsticism.

People have idolized families and always believed as if by some magical power these scions have an unwritten claim to the legacy of elder statesmen. We have Gandhi / Nehru Family, Bhuttos in Pakistan and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman / Hasina in BD. We have to start looking beyond a few families who literally inherit governments. Even in AP after death of YSR his son is in line to become CM.

We have to stop putting blind faith in dynastic politics. If we look at leaders who caused some positive changes, they'd be Narsimha Rao / Manmohan for India, Musharraf for Pakistan. Nothing wrong with electing people from a family, but not before they have proven themselves. zardari is a prime example of a non-deserving candidate and in my opinion so is Sonia.
These two can not even claim genetics as a reason, though i am not sure if there are leadership genes.
Its rather irrelevant you Indians are trying to score a propaganda point. The facts are that millions of people moved both ways. Families were split up Pakistanis still have relatives in India and vica versa. All the leaders acted in the best interest of their communities. It was in the interest of Nehru and Patel to divide India contry to Mr jinnahs wishes because if they had not the Congress would have been unable to rule with a majority. India would mostly have had hung Parliaments for most of Post 1947 had it remained united. The last chance for unity was the cabinet mission plan which was agreed to by Nehru and Patel but when they realised they might not achieve total hegemonic power they rejected the cabinet mission plan to the dismay of Jinnah. Jinnah wanted a united India with protection for the minorities. Had it remained united there would have been around 500 million Muslims in united India. This would have meant no clear majority for any party in power. So the Hindu leaders although professing to be secular were in fact closet Hindus with some minority leaders tagging along and these leaders acted in the interest of their own community.
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Just because a few people remained behind it does not any way negate the concept of jinnah's Pakistan. You think you have Gandi's India. No you dont because if you did your country (India) would be bankrupt now. As Gandi's beliefs can not be carried out in practice.
Its rather irrelevant you Indians are trying to score a propaganda point. The facts are that millions of people moved both ways. Families were split up Pakistanis still have relatives in India and vica versa. All the leaders acted in the best interest of their communities. It was in the interest of Nehru and Patel to divide India contry to Mr jinnahs wishes because if they had not the Congress would have been unable to rule with a majority. India would mostly have had hung Parliaments for most of Post 1947 had it remained united. The last chance for unity was the cabinet mission plan which was agreed to by Nehru and Patel but when they realised they might not achieve total hegemonic power they rejected the cabinet mission plan to the dismay of Jinnah. Jinnah wanted a united India with protection for the minorities. Had it remained united there would have been around 500 million Muslims in united India. This would have meant no clear majority for any party in power. So the Hindu leaders although professing to be secular were in fact closet Hindus with some minority leaders tagging along and these leaders acted in the interest of their own community.

Thank you for trying to score a propaganda point yourself for your team. The topic is about Jinnah and his grandson, and from there by natural consequence, his daughter.

It is indeed sad that the first rejection of the Two-Nation Theory came from the great man's own child.

They say blood is thicker than water ..... well in this case Indian water proved that it was thicker than blood ..... Indian blood no more, but Pakistani blood.

Nusli is proud of his grandfather ..... thats blood talking. But Nusli is still a proud Indian and will remain so regardless of if Pakistan makes him an offer of honorary citizenship ...... thats Indian water.

And for all the pakistanis here claiming they dont really care for Jinna's chachas or bhatijas, well I'm sorry but as a nation you do have a hangup and it must still rankle deep inside somewhere.

Remember the Lahore cricket match and your leader literally sweeping the floor before your Quaid's daughter and grandson?

Cheers, Doc
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It is indeed sad that the first rejection of the Two-Nation Theory came from the great man's own child.
...and it is exactly this irony that some people here are choosing not to notice.

The great leader that Mr Jinnah was, he was able to convince a few million strangers, but failed to do the same to his own blood.
Thank you for trying to score a propaganda point yourself for your team. The topic is about Jinnah and his grandson, and from there by natural consequence, his daughter.

It is indeed sad that the first rejection of the Two-Nation Theory came from the great man's own child.

They say blood is thicker than water ..... well in this case Indian water proved that it was thicker than blood ..... Indian blood no more, but Pakistani blood.

Nusli is proud of his grandfather ..... thats blood talking. But Nusli is still a proud Indian and will remain so regardless of if Pakistan makes him an offer of honorary citizenship ...... thats Indian water.

And for all the pakistanis here claiming they dont really care for Jinna's chachas or bhatijas, well I'm sorry but as a nation you do have a hangup and it must still rankle deep inside somewhere.

Remember the Lahore cricket match and your leader literally sweeping the floor before your Quaid's daughter and grandson?

Cheers, Doc

How does Dina staying in India reject the two nation theory?
You mean to imply that Dina's falling out with her father was over the two nation theory and not her marriage against her father's wishes?
The decisions of a people and its leader cannot be weighed against one individual and proven wrong...millions of people passionately wanted more autonomy based on their needs and that is what created Pakistan.

History is full of great men whose children towed a different line altogether so even if Dina says that she does not believe in two nation theory...does not change anything for us.

Still i have not heard her saying anything against Pakistan, last time she visited, these were her comments
"This has been very sad and wonderful for me. May his dream for Pakistan come true."

Jinnah did not initially work for a separate homeland however the feeling that Muslims deserve a more secure political future was always on his mind and the eventual falling out with Congress whereby he was shunned by its leadership despite building bridges between the two parties was actually something which turned the tide. The creation of Pakistan was an evolution of a political thought and the final outcome was not decided till certain events took place.

Indian water is thicker than blood?
That is sheer arrogance my friend to try to twist and steer a family feud in such a direction and cite it is an attestation of India's greatness...
How could Dina go to Pakistan when she had a falling out with her Father who disowned her and all this happened prior to Partition?
Still even if they did not have a falling out, she would have stayed with her husband as a wife wherever they would have stayed and not just India, so it is a really pointless argument that is portrayed as Indian water thicker than blood.

Nusli is proud of his grandfather on what account?
In his personal life he never met his grandfather and his mother was disowned by his grandfather so it cannot be based on the wonderful relationship he enjoyed with his grandfather surely?
The basis is the great man's bearing as a leader of millions and the qualities he possessed and that is the same reason we are proud of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Who said we do not care for Jinnah's relatives?
It is just that to us Jinnah is the central figure and towers above the rest and so if any of his relative does not agree with his life's work (which btw i do not think is the case) and criticizes him; does not matter to us at all...

Our leader sweeping the floor before Jinnah's daughter???
You my friend need to stop making such uncalled for and crude remarks...
Being hospitable is certainly not sweeping the floor...with this kind of attitude we shall always have horns locked and despite being a proud Pakistani, i do wish for an era of peace and stability in the region.
You would really do well to remember that all your countrymen got a very good treatment in Lahore and most came back to India with very good memories. All in all the spirit of peace was instilled in the masses and for that i really appreciate Pakistani Leadership!

If such positive moves and efforts are taken like sweeping the floor then i guess it is true that our peaceful co existence is just a dream.

Stop portraying Pakistan as a mistake and accept Jinnah as a great leader and only then you guys can move forward without regret, otherwise how can you have peace with us?
...and it is exactly this irony that some people here are choosing not to notice.

The great leader that Mr Jinnah was, he was able to convince a few million strangers, but failed to do the same to his own blood.

Jinnah and his daughter had a falling out due to her marriage and not over the two nation theory...it was not like one fine morning she publicly announced that she does not agree with her father's political views and he disowned her...get real my friend.

Coming to the irony, not all children of great men follow in their parent's footsteps...it is common in these days in the subcontinent where we have created dynasties of the Bhuttos and the Gandhis...but all in all it is a foolish notion
We just cannot accept that these things do not pass on in the blood to the offspring but instead want to create a dynasty of torchbearers...
Thank you for trying to score a propaganda point yourself for your team. The topic is about Jinnah and his grandson, and from there by natural consequence, his daughter.

It is indeed sad that the first rejection of the Two-Nation Theory came from the great man's own child.

They say blood is thicker than water ..... well in this case Indian water proved that it was thicker than blood ..... Indian blood no more, but Pakistani blood.

Nusli is proud of his grandfather ..... thats blood talking. But Nusli is still a proud Indian and will remain so regardless of if Pakistan makes him an offer of honorary citizenship ...... thats Indian water.

And for all the pakistanis here claiming they dont really care for Jinna's chachas or bhatijas, well I'm sorry but as a nation you do have a hangup and it must still rankle deep inside somewhere.

Remember the Lahore cricket match and your leader literally sweeping the floor before your Quaid's daughter and grandson?

Cheers, Doc


A father does not have to seek permission from their children to do what they want to do---it is the other way around---almost all of the children disagree with their fathers---sometimes the parents condemn them--sometimes they disown them---at other times parents care less---.

Secondly---there is too much spite in your post---for an educated guy like you---it gets becoming---.
He also married parsi Rattanbai Petit.

and 'insignificant' is very harsh, rude, disrespect. No matter what, Your parents always love you, regardless of how you act.

I always try to not to comment on such unfortunate family issues.

These things sometimes do get settled after few yrs, but Jinnah died soon after.

U forgot to read this -

I can only imagine it was matter of just few yrs.

Qaid-e-Azam did not marry any Parsi. He converted her to Muslim before marrying. Qaid-e-Azam was such a great man that he sacrificed his family matters over Nation. He disowned his daughter and he worked for the Nation.

Qaid-e-Azam sacrificed his family but made a family which consists of majority of sub-Continent Muslims.

Simply a great man!
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Thank you for trying to score a propaganda point yourself for your team. The topic is about Jinnah and his grandson, and from there by natural consequence, his daughter.

It is indeed sad that the first rejection of the Two-Nation Theory came from the great man's own child.

They say blood is thicker than water ..... well in this case Indian water proved that it was thicker than blood ..... Indian blood no more, but Pakistani blood.

Nusli is proud of his grandfather ..... thats blood talking. But Nusli is still a proud Indian and will remain so regardless of if Pakistan makes him an offer of honorary citizenship ...... thats Indian water.

And for all the pakistanis here claiming they dont really care for Jinna's chachas or bhatijas, well I'm sorry but as a nation you do have a hangup and it must still rankle deep inside somewhere.

Remember the Lahore cricket match and your leader literally sweeping the floor before your Quaid's daughter and grandson?

Cheers, Doc

Do you believe in democracy (the foundation of your country) ? If yes than more than 66% Muslims of subcontinent believe on ‘Two Nation theory’ and this is the best answer for you.

Pakistan won’t ever offer citizenship of Pakistan to those who disgraced the nation. That’s the water of the land of followers of ‘Two Nation Theory’.Millions of people left their relatives for Pakistan, this is the water of this land.

Sweeping the floor?

Are you aware of hospitality? I guess it’s not in Indian water.
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...and it is exactly this irony that some people here are choosing not to notice.

The great leader that Mr Jinnah was, he was able to convince a few million strangers, but failed to do the same to his own blood.

Gandhi was killed by his followers. I wonder was he a great leader? :undecided:

Few million? Hahaha, they are more than 300 millions.
If she is adult then she can marry anyone she like to,religon is written by humans not by god.........
Every human has right to live his life the way he want.
There is nothing like religon,there is only one god what we call with different name and different relationship.:angel:

This is your thought, please spare us and do not enforce your thoughts. It shows Indian secularism.
The responses here, from some really senior (and educated) members, shows what Indians in general, and the Parsi community in particular, have always believed ...... that this is still a seriously sore topic for you guys and still rankles deep within.

So be it!

All I can say in response is that what goes around, comes around.

Cheers, Doc
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