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Jihadists seek to open new front in Burma

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Hindus hate for Islam is unexpected??


If there was some unity among Muslims, these monks would be tasting cluster bombs being dropped by "Moozlum" air forces and they would be fighting "Moozlum" special forces. They need to be helped either by the international community, muslim world or the UN. If they don't step in, these groups are going to do it anyway.
according to u then christian world should also drop bombs on muslim nation like ur self who are killing christians ,stop whining about killing other nonmuslims and start to end this in peacefull way..as they say in bible and kuran sound of clap comes when two hands clash each other
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There are millions of Muslims living in non Muslim countries with absolute peace and equal opportunities and no one is pulling gun to their face and asking them to convert to their religion. Muslims are living a better life in non Muslim countries where they can realize their talent far better than their own Muslim countries.

Please stop seeing everything from the prism of Religion.

what is the cause of our creation??
according to Quran. then we can talk further.
Burma, which might end up facing Islamic terror. Not the monks who need to be collared.

If the Burmese Govt, International community, SAARC, China,India, Muslim world, UN is deciding to to let the Monks kill people at will, they are all inviting these groups to come into play no?

according to u then christian world should also drop bombs on muslim nation like ur self who are killing christians ,stop whining about killing other nonmuslims and start to end this in peacefull way..as they say in bible and kuran sound of clap comes when two hands clash each other

They are not?... Which part of world do you live in?

what is the cause of our creation??
according to Quran. then we can talk further.

To have critical thinking and prove ourselves worthy of our creation. Blowing up innocent people is not involved though.
If the Burmese Govt, International community, SAARC, China,India, Muslim world, UN is deciding to to let the Monks kill people at will, they are all inviting these groups to come into play no?

That doesn't justify terrorism though, does it?

EVERY group in the world has legitimate grievances against some other.

People get killed in the developing world all the time for a variety of different reasons (and usually in greater numbers than this), yet none of that justifies retaliatory attacks on people who are not directly responsible.

Unless they plan to find the specific monks themselves (only the ones who committed murders), and only kill them and no one else.

This action in the OP is just going to make ALL involved parties more miserable, and solve nothing.
not unexpected but they pretend not to hate islam. but islam is not accepted to any non muslim.
they will not accept us until we convert to there religion. be it jews be it christians or hindus.
partly true. Jews or Christians or Hindus don't want you to convert to their religion. they hate to convert to Islam and also wants to preserve their respective country's culture and values. living in a Sunni muslim area, I know the mentality very well. Islamic laws are seen as abberations and are seen as medieval by these "ignorant":-)rolleyes:) non-Musalman.

your thinking is so because extreme Islamic society's values makes you think so.
unless you are at peace with Islam(which means convert to Islam), you are potential candidate for Muslim aggression.

most probably Europe and Rest of the Non-Muslim world will openly come against Islam (not innocent Muslims who are born in Islam following society) in coming decades.

now with internet era, Islam is exposed through ex-muslim movements and others. I know, it is extremely difficult to live a solitary life without involving Islam in your daily lives*(unless you are a non-practicing "murtad" muslim). but we, non-Muslims have the freedom and liberty to do so. it is how humans should live.
If the Burmese Govt, International community, SAARC, China,India, Muslim world, UN is deciding to to let the Monks kill people at will, they are all inviting these groups to come into play no?

Not at all. It is a sovereign state, we have no business in there. BUT IF Pakistan plans to train, support and infiltrate terrorists into our backyard then it becomes our business. Besides read up the history, see who started the Jih@di party to create a separate Muslim state in Burma and which nation was busy trying to help their coreligionists in achieving said goal. If members of a certain religious denomination will attempt to create theocratic breakaway states then they will eat a bullet. No nation would treat secessionists in any other manner. On the other hand the civilians and monks have no business in all of this and need to be collared, this is the job of the Burmese army and authorities. But then so many of you have always thought that it is perfectly fine to try and start secessionist movements on the basis of religion, from the Philippines to Burma to neighborhoods in UK with their sharia zones. Even the pictures (barring the first one) your dear fellow posted were of Christians who were burnt alive by Islamists. Not to mention that your own government is OK with training their (Burma's) armed forces personnel. Ironic doesn't even begin to describe the situation. Maybe you guys should petition China to step in and broker a diplomatic solution, otherwise when these jihadists come back home- well I don't need to paint a picture for you.
those pics were quite disturbing ,,,

In near future as lot more terrorists are being trained,, to kill monks ,,lot more worse pics will be posted on the very same forum ,,,, :frown:
This time bangladesh is also supporting ,,,Bangladesh is going good with the development,,is this really required ??
Wont say anything about pakistan,,,
Things are gonna get worse though..
That doesn't justify terrorism though, does it?

EVERY group in the world has legitimate grievances against some other.

People get killed in the developing world all the time for a variety of different reasons (and usually in greater numbers than this), yet none of that justifies retaliatory attacks on people who are not directly responsible.

Unless they plan to find the specific monks themselves (only the ones who committed murders), and only kill them and no one else.

This action in the OP is just going to make ALL involved parties more miserable, and solve nothing.

Terrorism is created and justified when the "civilized,public representative" authorities as well as state entities refuse to respond to humanitarian crisis. When the international community is not taking notice and not taking measures to stop these killings, it is inviting these groups to go and take things into their own hands.

If Burmese govt takes concrete steps and adopts an inclusive approach towards all its citizens, there will be no people trying to fight the state's authority.
Burma, which might end up facing Islamic terror. Not the monks who need to be collared.

Hey, when Buddhist terrorists murdered rohingas, wasn't that an act of terror? Now if they are going try to save their lives, how come a sane person call it islamic terror? Don't go full retard.
Terrorism is created and justified when the "civilized,public representative" authorities as well as state entities refuse to respond to humanitarian crisis. When the international community is not taking notice and not taking measures to stop these killings, it is inviting these groups to go and take things into their own hands.

If Burmese govt takes concrete steps and adopts an inclusive approach towards all its citizens, there will be no people trying to fight the state's authority.

These so-called "Jihadists" are also fighting against the state authority in Pakistan and in China.

We hate it when it happens to us, right? So why does Burma deserve these "Jihadists" for the crimes of a few monks?

The worst affected countries from terrorism are Muslim countries. Is this because their countries are not "inclusive" enough towards Muslims? No, since they are the majority. It has more to do with extremist ideology.

And more to the point, this kind of violent reaction doesn't help anyone. It doesn't help the victims, it doesn't help the innocent bystanders, it doesn't help the fighters. It doesn't help Muslims in the rest of the world.
Not at all. It is a sovereign state, we have no business in there. BUT IF Pakistan plans to train, support and infiltrate terrorists into our backyard then it becomes our business. Besides read up the history, see who started the Jih@di party to create a separate Muslim state in Burma and which nation was busy trying to help their coreligionists in achieving said goal. If members of a certain religious denomination will attempt to create theocratic breakaway states then they will eat a bullet. No nation would treat secessionists in any other manner. On the other hand the civilians and monks have no business in all of this and need to be collared, this is the job of the Burmese army and authorities. But then so many of you have always thought that it is perfectly fine to try and start secessionist movements on the basis of religion, from the Philippines to Burma to neighborhoods in UK with their sharia zones. Even the pictures (barring the first one) your dear fellow posted were of Christians who were burnt alive by Islamists. Not to mention that your own government is OK with training their (Burma's) armed forces personnel. Ironic doesn't even begin to describe the situation. Maybe you guys should petition China to step in and broker a diplomatic solution, otherwise when these jihadists come back home- well I don't need to paint a picture for you.

Dillinger you have not answered my question. Do you agree or disagree that these groups trying to set up operations in Burma is because the international community and the Burmese govt, is playing spectator to these killings.
These so-called "Jihadists" are also fighting against the state authority in Pakistan and in China.
We hate it when it happens to us, right? So why does Burma deserve these "Jihadists" for the crimes of a few monks?

Well then, lets kill all the rohingas in burma, lets give weapon to PEACE loving monks to kill and fight rohingas and these Jihadists.

Dillinger you have not answered my question. Do you agree or disagree that these groups trying to set up operations in Burma is because the international community and the Burmese govt, is playing spectator to these killings.

Asking a sane question to an indian?? LOL man....
These so-called "Jihadists" are also fighting against the state authority in Pakistan and in China.

Incorrect, the Jihadis fighting in Pakistan are fighting as a result of our policy to support the US in the war, as well as for the drone strikes. For Xinjiang, you don't have classic Jehadis there, even though CIA is trying to build some. Right now Chinese issue with Xingjiang is related to the legit demands of your own citizens. I am convinced that if you carry out the same sort of development you have carried out in other parts of China, these elements will lose whatever ground they have right now. No one has time to go to become an insurgent when they have a job and a family to look after.

We hate it when it happens to us, right? So why does Burma deserve these "Jihadists" for the crimes of a few monks?

I have explained it before, if the international community takes action,if the Burmese govt takes action, this simply won't happen.
But by doing such deeds, TTP will gather support of masses in the tribal belt of Pakistan thus making them stronger, don't know why you guys are so happy about this.

And what makes u so sure its ttp, ttp don't care about Islam or muslims. The author of the article seems to have taken a clue from a retarded indian so called expert who was spewing the same ***** on a bbc interview. These are licals who are niw retaliating to crimes committee against them.
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