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Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami

Pakistan needs to stabilize first, and exponentially increase it's overall power militarily, technological, and economically. Kashmir will be liberated. It's a matter of time, not if. It may take years, decades, or may take a hundred years or more, nonetheless it will be liberated. The aggression and offense one day will be put to an end.
Pakistan needs to stabilize first, and exponentially increase it's overall power militarily, technological, and economically. Kashmir will be liberated. It's a matter of time, not if. It may take years, decades, or may take a hundred years or more, nonetheless it will be liberated. The aggression and offense one day will be put to an end.

Good Luck for that :tup:

My best wishes are with you......:pop:

HA HA..Give Azad to Azad Kashmir first..

For you information Jammu Kashmir includes, Jammu, Kashmir vally, Ladakh, 'azad kashmir' & northern areas, which Pakistan made as one of their province. Anyway, a welcome move as Pakistan started realising the realities since we are not looking for Azad areas as well as northern areas.

hahaha....i dont give damn to indian claims, world knows reality....!
Pakistan needs to stabilize first, and exponentially increase it's overall power militarily, technological, and economically. Kashmir will be liberated. It's a matter of time, not if. It may take years, decades, or may take a hundred years or more, nonetheless it will be liberated. The aggression and offense one day will be put to an end.

You will never be stronger against India than what you are today, just like ten year ago..gap between India and Pakistan was even less.
As the time passes, this gap will only increase..todays India 8 times bigger than Pakistan(in economic terms) ..in another 5yrs it is predicted to be ten times bigger.
Pakistan needs to stabilize first, and exponentially increase it's overall power militarily, technological, and economically. Kashmir will be liberated. It's a matter of time, not if. It may take years, decades, or may take a hundred years or more, nonetheless it will be liberated. The aggression and offense one day will be put to an end.

Yeah .
Pakistan will develop in coming years and India will sit laying eggs .
U have a point. :rofl:
Yep . Just returned few days back .
But I am still a citizen of India .

India has a very good Space program indeed

why you come back..you should stay there...and yes indeed , India is very good in fireworks ... !
In that case Indians must be engaged in juhud not jihaad. Jihaad is one way, without an opposing force.

They began it not in 1989 but prior to 14.08.1947 when they lobbied for the local king/despot to accede to India..........

........when the Pakistani tribals invaded a then indepenent princely state of Jammu and Kashmir - ofcourse,looting and pillaging on the way - forcing the Ruler to accede to India.

Now the sentence is complete. :)
It seems a lot of people here misunderstand the meaning of Jihad. In fact Jihad is an approach to push people into achieving something that is beyond their capabilities. And Jihad does not specifically mean violence. If violence is a factor to take into consideration, then it will be there for sure. But not an integral part of Jihad.

In fact, people of other religions can also benefit from Jihad, mainly by applying Jihad-e-Akbar (greater Jihad), that precisely means making our lives more disciplined.

I would request Indian members not to take the word Jihad in a wrong manner simply because some people are using it serve their not so angelic personal agendas.

And no, I do not agree with/appreciate Niazmi's views, that seem to endorse violence as part of the Jihad in Kashmir.
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