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JI seeks Presidential pardon for Mumtaz Qadri


May 3, 2009
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JI seeks Presidential pardon for Mumtaz Qadri

By Zahid Gishkori
Published: October 21, 2011

ISLAMABAD: The Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) has asked President Asif Ali Zardari to utilise his special powers to grant amnesty to Mumtaz Qadri, the self-confessed murderer of former Governor Punjab Salmaan Taseer. Qadri had been sentenced to death last month by an Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) in Rawalpindi.

Qadri had confessed to killing Salmaan Taseer in the ATC court which subsequently found him guilty and pronounced the death penalty for killing Taseer and breaching his oath as a policeman. His defense counsel had filed an appeal against the sentence in the Islamabad High Court.

“[JI] urges the President to announce amnesty for Qadri like many other cases especially under the NRO,” said a resolution adopted by JI Shura. “Government should withdraw the case against him for murdering Taseer in the public interest.” :what: The JI referred to the thousands of cases against criminals and politicians which had been withdrawn under the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) whereas Qadri was not given any such concession; The JI leadership observed in a meeting adopted numerous clauses on hot issues. “Qadri gunned down Taseer for criticising the Blasphemy law in line with the sentiments of the masses.”:undecided:

JI quoted Article 45 of the Constitution by which powers of President of the state enable granting pardon to anybody. “The President shall to grant, reprieve and respite and to remit, suspend any sentence pass by any court, tribunal or authority,” the article reads. Generally, a mercy petition is forwarded to the Presidency in such cases like Qadri, said a retired judge of the Supreme Court who did not want to be named. It is pertinent to mention here that Salmaan Taseer had initiated a similar process seeking the pardon of blasphemy law convict Asia bibi whom he believed had been hard done. Qadri, inflamed by this act and other statements of Taseer against the blasphemy law, proceeded to execute Taseer.

(Read: Why not free Qadri?)
“Qadri has been awarded death sentence under section 7 of the Anti Terrorism Act which is non-compoundable, even the legal heirs compound his offence,” he said and added, “It’s also not possible in the law under section 3/2 (kesaf & diat),” The JI Shura noted.

The government, JI leadership demanded, should categorically announce, the Blasphemy law would not be changed. :sick: Europe and the US should also be asked to stop criticising this law because it’s Pakistan’s internal matter, it added.

JI also voiced its disappointment with Zardari saying the President and the co-chairman of Pakistan’s largest political party had shocked people when he termed Taseer, a hero while the trial court also let down the people wishes when it awarded death sentence to Qadri. “Nation stands united on the issue of sanctity of the holy prophet (PBUH),” the JI leadership said.

The JI, in principal, believes the law of the land is supreme and all citizens must be treated equally, said Senator Prof Khurshid. Unfortunately, both Taseer and Qadri took laws in their own hands, said Khurshid. “Qadri case is special and represents nation’s feelings,” he said adding, “Islamic forces demand Article 45 should be invoked in this case.”

To a question whether the JI itself move any pardon plea to the President on behalf of Qadri who himself confessed to the crime, Prof Khurshid said, “JI Shura’s resolution is enough.” Qadri confessed to murder on the grounds that he objected to Salmaan Taseer’s calls to amend the controversial blasphemy law. He also recorded his statement in the ATC that he has no intention to seek pardon from the President. However, he explained that anybody can file mercy plea if the concerned person does not file his/her plea, recalling Nusrat Bhutto’s plea for mercy to General Zia as his husband Zulfikar Ali Bhutto did not move his pardon plea.

“My client’s morale is very high urging us not to go for pardon plea,” Qadri’s Counsel Shujaa-ur-Rehman told The Express Tribune.
I say hang these JI people along with him!!!:hitwall:

WTF is this???
Assalam alaikum

i guess it is a very good move and i hope they succeed in it and zardari and alikes don't hang the real indian agents and send them with flowers to india from kaal khothri and some of them in jail cells after being convicted e.g solat mirza

zardari atleast do a good move by pardoning him

Assalam alaikum

i guess it is a very good move and i hope they succeed in it and zardari and alikes don't hang the real indian agents and send them with flowers to india from kaal khothri and some of them in jail cells after being convicted e.g solat mirza

zardari atleast do a good move by pardoning him


Are you serious???
Assalam alaikum

yes why not if rd can be forgiven and what the name of that indian jasoos from kaal khothri was sent with flowers by insar burni

if they can be given a chance why not qadri?

u tell me why not?

Assalam alaikum

yes why not if rd can be forgiven and what the name of that indian jasoos from kaal khothri was sent with flowers by insar burni

if they can be given a chance why not qadri?

u tell me why not?


Yes , they were wrongly given the way out, but they were not pardoned nor forgiven. Blood money was paid in the case of RD , and I dont know about the indian spy thing.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
well he can be but should he be i am not saying because i resent Qadari hell only and only God knows what is the truth whether he did the right thing or not but we must also know that this thing might turn out to be ugly in encouraging peoplr to take the law into there own hands
The level of intolerance in the Pakistani society. Quaid e Azam would be proud :angry:.
Assalam alaikum

oh yes and who convinced the family of victums to accept blood money they also can make st's family to accept blood money ( in case they need it ) or just pardon him coz governer sahib is not coming back but if this guys is hanged ( which i highly doubt ) would make a lot of problem for them and for others

Khan bhai , u r talking just like in pakistan nobody dare to break the law or taking in their hands st himself didnot respect the law and no one can stop anyone from taking the law in his hand

but this a special case qadri didnot murder st bcoz of some money dispute or worldly matter, though i wish if st was not murdered and brought to court but in our country st and alikes also didnot repsect the laws and court verdicts

But nobody has the right to kill somebody like this, whatever the case, AFAIK, it is not permitted in Islam either. or do you have some material otherwise?

The fact that how was the blood money paid is another matter, but it was paid. If Qadri pays it, and ST's family accepts it, then so be it.
but...but...JI is effectively denying Qadri his heavenly virgins! :lol:

Stupid Jamaat-e-Har@mi
Mazaq hai kiya ?
anyone who kills someone how can he be free so easily ?
dont make the fun of Religion and LAw.... Islam does not allow the murder of innocent and their is no concept of forgiveness by President in Islam..........
these moulvis are shame to the teachings of Islam .... they want to save a killer in the name of Islam ? they are pathetic...
tell me where in Islam is written that a murder of innocent is justified on the name of Islam ?

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